Rozerem (ramelteon) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Rozerem (ramelteon)

Groggy feeling in the morning. Slight headache

I took the medicine for two nights. Both nights I feel asleep but only for two-three hours. Could not fall back asleep. Was very restless all night and anxious (probably because I was worries about being able to work the next day). When I got out of bed in the morning it took me a bit to walk without feeling wobbly. I also felt groggy and kind of out of it for the first hour I was awake. Tried coffee to snap me out of it but no luck. I don't think I will take this medicine again.

Racing thoughts and wakefulness

I've woken up hours after taking Rozerem two nights in a row now. I was curious if the first night was a fluke, but it's the same thing now the 2nd time. It's worse than if I didn't take anything. I'm looking forward to connecting with my doctor about how ineffective this prescription is and how it is causing new problems.

This is pretty technical, but I'm a retired ICU nurse and prefer to rely on science!I used Ramelteon 8mg to wean off Ambien/Zolpidem 10mg after 6 months of nightly use. (adapting protocol from 2006-2007 NIH study) I weaned off within 2 weeks and continued to use Ramelteon as recommended. Number of hours I slept decreased after each Ambien/Zolpidem dosage reduction. Frustrated, I finally researched the study by Rozerom manufacturer (verified by subsequent NIH study). Dosages used ranged from 8 to 64 mg. Most successful groups used 8 and 16 mg. Less success reported with higher doses. Clearly 8mg was not enough for me. I've suffered from chronic insomnia, difficulty falling/staying asleep, my entire life. I increased my Ramelteon dose to 2 tablets (16 mg) and slept normally. It takes a few days to build up in your system, so each night, the number of hours and quality of sleep improves.IF YOU ARE COMPLAINING ROZEROM/RAMELTEON 8MG DOES NOT WORK, YOU ARE, IN ALL LIKELIHOOD, NOT TAKING A HIGH ENOUGH DOSE.The manufacturer needs to consult the data from their own study and update the dosage to include 8 AND 16mg.

Hallucinations, paranoia and anxiety.

This stuff is worthless. It's 12:30 am and I'm still trying to fall asleep but instead I'm on my phone looking up reviews. My new doctor decided not to give me Ambien any longer, he said it's addictive, so he wants me to try this. Well, I can see why this is not addictive because it doesn't work. Who's going to keep taking it!

I've had insomnia since I was 10. Even when I'm tired my mind won't shut down. Ambien can't even take me down. I took 1 of these & slept for about a day and a half and then woke up feeling rested. So it definitely does work, just don't plan on being successful for the next day or so because it wipes you out. It left me feeling groggy & unable to open my eyes so I had to cancel plans and just sleep it off. I recommend starting it on a weekend with no plans to get you back on a sleep cycle. Not sure I'll take it unless emergency though, it's pretty strong for nightly use.

I'm happy that I read these reviews before taking this medication, I just got this medication today, I'm not sure if I'm going to take it now

Sleep paralysis. My mind was still going while my body was shut down. I took it at 1 am and was up until 6am which is when I took my regular Advil pm & neurontin and finally fell asleep after taking my regular sleep meds.

My boyfriend started taking it for bad nightmares but he doesn’t have insomnia because he falls asleep fast and he is having a good experience with it. He doesn’t have his nightmares and wakes up fully rested and feeling great. He’s 50 yrs.

Trouble falling and staying asleep

It didn't help me fall asleep at all. When I finally slept, I had vivid dreams, then woke with nausea, severe headache, and grogginess the first day. Every night after that, it didn't work at all and left me with a nauseating headache the next day.

Despite sleepwalking, sleep eating, and amnesia from Ambien, at least I fall asleep and don't feel terribly ill upon waking. Rozerem is the worst sleeping medicine I've ever tried, and it is about $11 a pill!

Didn work. I have a very bad headaches. Use to take lunesta 3 mg. But my insurance stop paying for. I hope I get a better medication next time.

this a terrible medication all i have is a headache. and im up writing a review. so expensive and it was a waste. im better off taking Ambien

its terrible. i wish i would read all this before spending my money im already poor.

Horrific nightmares & hallucinations after only taking a few days, continued for 1 week without positive results of any kind. Much worse than the negative side effects of Ambien's induced amnesia.

Would not recommend whatsoever.

None, doesn't work for me. Will go back to Ambien.

I don't have any, but feeling like I'm still not sleeping enough at night, I have been suffering with insomnia for over six years now. From not weaning off Depakote 1000. M.g.s

What can I take along with Rozerem 8m.g.s tablets. Don't eat before taking the medications and I am on trazodone 50m.g.s once a night along with the Rozerem 8m.g..

I don't have any, but feeling like I'm still not sleeping enough at night, I have been suffering with insomnia for over six years now. From not weaning off Depakote 1000. M.g.s

What can I take along with Rozerem 8m.g.s tablets. Don't eat before taking the medications and I am on trazodone 50m.g.s once a night along with the Rozerem 8m.g..

I never review medications after taking them 1x -you need to take something for awhile to know how it affects you ( unless you are allergic /have adverse reaction ), but I have tried Rozerem a few times in the past and had the same experience. It helps me sleep soundly w/o vivid dreams like I have on Melatonin. I was woken up once in the night by my dog and found it was a little hard to walk at first-like being drunk-but after a minute or two it was ok. I went back to sleep easily -never happens for me. I was tired the next day. I do remember now that when I used this med in the past I often cut it in half and I wasn't tired the next day that way. I know it is not Melatonin, but I am very sensitive to Melatonin and it has a similar reaction on the brain, so if you are too,you might want to ask your Dr for a lower dose or if you can cut it in half.

Insomnia, hallucinations, vivid dreams, droggy feeling, tiredness nausea..

It's terrible, made my problem even worse,u feel b exhausted didn't sleep at all....

Severe headache and horrible nightmares.

Anxiety, restless legs, upset stomach, fatigue

ROZEREM (RAMELTEON): This medication is used to treat sleeplessness (insomnia). It helps you fall asleep faster so you can get a full night's rest. Sleep is important for your ability to function, think clearly, and remain alert. Lack of sleep can cause problems such as depression, heart disease and accidents. Getting enough sleep allows your mind and body to repair itself and increases your energy throughout the day. Ramelteon works like a natural substance called melatonin that is produced by your body. It helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle (circadian rhythm). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I've been taking 2 (20 mg) tablets a day. After the first week and a half, the additional chest pain and anxiety - that i think are from the medication - subsided. I felt it was worth going through because the burning, aching, chest pains (pain under my sternum) that I was having on a daily basis were so bad i could barely focus at work. I've taken Aciphex before and I recognized what was the acid reflux pains and what were caused by the medication. This works better for me than Prevacid or Protonix (which seem to do nothing at all).I've been on aciphex on and off since I was 26. I would also urge you to change your diet - eating smaller meals more frequently rather than 3 a day can help more than you would realize. I also seem to get reflux isues when my estrogen levels are low - if anyone has the same issue - please email me. Thank you.

I tried several durgs such as HZTZ, Atenol, Lisinopril etc. All had side effects. This helped me. Now I had changed my insurance (to Kaiser) and it seems they don't allow this, so I shall have to switch to naother cheaper medicine such as cozaar. I wish my insurance supports it.

nasal congestion every night at bedtime, hair loss, weight gain

IMPORTANT MSG to F 44 email adr withheld taking Cymbalta 5 days with ongoing GI problem: I feel your pain !! PLEASE TRY ORAL ALOE VERA (Herbalife) 1 tsp in glass of juice once per day.. should clear your problem within days but continue treatment for 2 weeks.

None at all what so ever for the first 5 years,then my agitation got bad and I seem to be more negative than I used to be,but boy it does give you bouts of energy here and there! So I will sacrifice the mood swings sometimes since it totally blocks my panic attacks. The only other thing,my memory short term is not as good,but tried years ago to taper down to 30 mg and my anxiety was back,and believe me I have tried every anti depressant there is,this is the only one that would totally block panic without weight gain!

Constant headache, tiredness, anxiety/mood swings, constantly feel bloated, sore all over, sleep half the day away, foggy thinking, cannot stay focused or think, no appetite, neck ache, eyes ache. Can't accomplish anything. Feel horrible.

My doctor prescribed this to me because of the low dosage, but I think I'm going to have to switch to something higher. I have experienced a lot of breakthrough bleeding in the past two months (I have been taking Levlite for 6 months now), to the point where I am bleeding 2 out of the four weeks each month. I like the fact that there are basically no other side effects that I've experienced, but I can't deal with the seemingly constant bleeding.

So far I'm very happy. It's not an easy drug to get started on. But I stuck with it through the first week and it has been very tolerable the second week. My blood sugars have dropped significantly. Back in to the 90-110 range 2 hours after eating. I am on 2,000 mg of metformin and 5mg of glipizide twice a day. But I suspect that as I continue to lose weight and eat better, those will be able to be eliminated. So far I've lot 10 lbs in two weeks. My appetite is very mild, bordering on not interested in eating. Without even trying, I am eating 1/4 of the amount of food I usually eat in a day. And I'm feel full all day long!!!! It took a week to get my energy back. I realized right away that if I'm eating a small amount of food it is more important to eat nutrient-dense food and my energy has rebounded. My only hurdle now is to figure out how to stop diarrhea. I am going to start with greek yogurt in the mornings and some probiotics as people have suggested here. It is tough to get started but I believe I'm past the worst of the bad symptoms and it's been very tolerable this last week.

Thick, white gel-like discharge.

No side effects if I take it early in the day. If I forget and wait until late in the day I experience "brain zaps" and an irritating but interesting increase in volume in my hearing, accompanied with a slight echo. Very annoying but goes away quickly after I take my dose. Also I get weepy if I wait too long to take it.