Restoril (temazepam) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Restoril (temazepam)

Long story short, I became tolerant to temazepam/Restoril within a few days. My insomnia is so bad I stupidly started taking more than one 30 mg capsule per night just to get a few hours of sleep out of it. I used up my one-month prescription within 10 days and had to cold turkey off of it. (I live in the US, it's 4 controlled substance here). I now have horrible benzo withdrawal symptoms that feel like I am dying. Sometimes I think that would be better than the torture I'm feeling. Extreme anxiety, haven't slept in 3 days and will probably have more sleepless nights ahead. (See the site "benzo buddies" for more info about benzo withdrawal).

Tolerance can start very quickly- horrible benzo withdrawal when you stop taking it, especially if you have ever taken a benzo before. (I took ambien 15 years ago and had trouble getting off of it).

It is a godsend to me. Almost immediate deep sleep. Waking up without problem.

I rather be woke at night than to take this medication horrible nightmares that I NEVR had ever in my life and literally just made be lout of it and don't fall asleep at all. It made my anxiety worse and kinda traumatized me because of what I seen in my nightmares only tried once will and Wont be trying it again taking it the a plvw where it can be safely disposed of or given back to my doctor

Horrific nightmares. Only slept a couple hours and they were hellish. Major anxiety and grumpiness the entire next day. This is one of the worst medicines I've been on for psychological side effects. Never taking it again.

Awful nightmares. Slept only a few hour and very groggy the next day with anxiety.

Vivid dreams, nightmares, grogginess all day after waking, irritablity,

I was taking ambien but doc didnt want to keep giving it to me because of my addictive personality, although i had no issues of misuse. Gave me temazepam instead. 2 days in and now my somniphobia is coming back because of the horrid vivid dreams i have been experiencing. I havent been able to stay awake the next day and woke up today CONVINCED my dream happened in real life. Its also making me extremely irritated, not sure if thats because im tired and not sleeping well or the medication, either way this is making things worse for me. 2 days into a 10day trial and im not going to be taking it again.

It takes about 2 hours to fall asleep. It doesn't knock me out, I just start getting drowsy. Then I'm in a good rested sleep for about 2-3 hours. Then I either wake up, or I feel as though I wake up in a dream. The dream is so vivid, the hours pass in the dream as if I'm laying in bed. Every day when I wake up in real life, I feel like I've been up all night in my dream life. So the sleep part sucks, but I do feel decently rested through out the day.

It's good for getting to sleep, but the dreams make the sleep unsatisfying. It's too much.

Horrific night terrors, so real they give me very minor trauma. Usually based in my anxiety fears and irrational fears, but they're extremely terrifying and frightening. Accidentally took 2 one night (poor memory due to ADHD), and thought I was dying because of my nightmares. As someone who doesn't normally have dreams, this has been a legitimately traumatic medication to take and I'm currently quitting it cold turkey because benzo withdrawals are more favorable to falling asleep and waking up with trauma.

Do not take this unless it's a last resort. Please try everything else. My experience is not everyone's, but it's been scary enough to throw in my thoughts as a word of caution that this could be an experience for some people.

Sleep was great but on awakening i would have scary disgusting nightmares always involve killings,shootings, or someone chasing me, and when i wake if i fell asleep the dream would resume, then i got where i didn't want to go to bed at night, so off to the burn barrel for tamasapam

No side effects. sometimes I get 4 to 5 hours of sleep. sometimes I get 6 hours. No matter what I still wake up at 3am.

This did not work for me. I stayed awake all night, tossing and turning. Gave me leg cramps. Got up with nausea and dizziness. This was 2 days ago and I still don't feel well.

Don't take this drug. It is a class 4 controlled substance. Terrible side effects-cognitive response, short term memory loss, depression, drains your body strength. Never trust a doctor-do your homework and talk to a pharmacist or you will be an addict.

Only short periods of sleep. Then unable to go back to sleep but lay awake engaged in lucid dreaming. Was considering switching to an SNRI for sleep (Cymbalta) but research indicates it has the same potential side effect (unbelievably horrific nightmares and vivid dreaming).

I get the munchies like crazy, and my libido goes through the roof

One of the best medicines i've taken honestly helps with insomnia and has helped with my eating disorder

Cannot fall asleep for 5-6 hours

No side effects. But it just did not work. Took at 9 pm and am still trying to fall asleep and it's 11:50 pm now. It is like I took nothing at all. I never use any caffeine either.

Very frustrated right now, because last night I never fell asleep all night. Finally got a nap between 8-11 am today and that was it. I hoped this drug would help. I am exhausted!

Night terrors, yelling in sleep

Does help with sleep. I’m having very vivid dreams and I’m told I’m talking in my sleep and twitching A LOT!I feel very groggy in the morning and it does take a while for that feeling to go away. Usually a few cups of coffee help

I also take pain medication for herniated discs. I have to make sure I don’t take any pain medication after lunchtime to ensure they don’t strengthen the effects of the medication

I don't notice any side effects.

I was afraid of addiction so I take a blue sleep gel every other night instead (Unisom) w/1mg of melatonin. At 7:30 I take the Restoril, 25 mg, at 8pm the melatonin and sleep great. I empty out half of one 15mg capsule & take that with the other 15mg capsule. I take an obscene amount of nootropics and D3 so that's probably helping out with any anxiety I might otherwise have. I avoid all caffeine, even chocolate after 4pm also.

Hallucinations, Brain Fog, Depression

First couple of nights i got 6 hrs of sleep from restoril. After that you build up a tolerance and i would only get 4-5 hrs a night usually. Within a couple days i was noticing changes in my visual field- blues and greens seemed muted, shadows of things were more defined and darker. the world felt slightly less real. when i would go to the supermarket all the products on the shelf seemed extremely bright and clean. felt like i was living on the set of Sesame Street or something. i also had pretty bad brain fog and after a few days noticed depression creeping in.

RESTORIL (TEMAZEPAM): This medication is used to treat a certain sleep problem (insomnia). It may help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and lessen how often you wake up during the night, so you can get a better night's rest. Temazepam belongs to a class of drugs called sedative-hypnotics. It acts on your brain to produce a calming effect. Use of this medication is usually limited to short treatment periods of 1 to 2 weeks or less. If your insomnia continues for a longer time, talk to your doctor to see if you need other treatment. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This medication worked instantly! I suffered from so called "IBS-D" for 22 years with no relief from any medications. Luckily I looked into my symptoms on my own in case studies from the U.K.So happy that I did and I have a doctor who was willing to allow me to try this medication.Changed my life! I haven't felt this good since I was a teenager.My life is back and I will never look back... Unfortunately this medical problem is overlooked very often and many people go on in misery while a very simple solution is just waiting for them out there.My life has changed dramatically for the better because if this medication. I am so very grateful 🙏

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Lexapro (10 mg) changed my life. I used to be a maniac and now I'm pretty normal. I still get a little irritable around my time of the month but nothing like it used to be. I still feel tired on a regular basis more than I used to. I definitely gained weight unfortunately. I just joined the gym and am also looking for a weight loss pill to assist me in the 20 lbs I want to lose. It's all been worth it though. I recommend Lexapro to anyone that's struggling with the same things I did. It really works.

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I loved being on the depo and would have continued using it until I saw a gyno who specializes in sexual dysfunction and was told that I have a vagina of an 80yr old women. I have been married for 4yrs and have been unable to have sex due to the extreme pain. She told me about the side effects of the depo and was shocked to find out that the depo has been the cause of all of my medical problems. I am also shocked that my gyno of several years didn't realize that was the cause of my sexual pain.

Daughter was prescribed Albutrol, Advair and Singulair to get her through a nasty cold. She continued to have a barky cough after cold went away and the cough is why the prescription for Singulair was made. Singulair did help the cough go away, but the side effects are terrible. We had our daughter on Singulair when she was three and she started wetting the bed after being on the drug for 2 months. We took her off of Singulair and the bed wetting stopped. Now that she is five we had to use the Singulair again to control the bark-like cough. The side effects are much worse this time and we are taking her off Singulair again. We will keep our fingers crossed that she does not get another bad cold. So, if you are prescribed Singulair for your kid to get them through a cold, don't be afraid to take them off Singulair. Our daughter made it a whole 1 year and 1/2 before she needed Singulair again.