Quviviq (daridorexant) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Quviviq (daridorexant)

Horrible nightmares, nausea, hangover

Quviviq (daridorexant): To treat insomnia (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Any birth control pill is awful anyway. Mircette has LATE side effects but it seems they take a much longer time to go away too even after you stop it.To all the women out there: when you take the pill, don't listen to only your GYN say "no heart beat, clots, ect....", that's not the only side effects the pill can have on your body. It throws you way off, and those side effects have such a bad bad effect on your everyday life you could lose your job, a boyfriend or your husband cos of it.

I set my auto injector on 6 1/2 and it doesn't bruise or leave indent's anymore. After I attended a conference the Rep for Copaxone said all it has to do is get in the fat under the skin and if you're bruising your needle is to deep so I went from 6 to 6 1/2 and it's been GREAT. I only experience a bee sting experience it gets worse before it gets better and I definitely don't mess with the sight because my Nurse said don't touch it for 24 hours after the injection. I was scared to death at first but it's been an easy adjustment I worried to much about.I've only been on it for 5 months I was diagnosed with RRMS in April 2007 and I'm 41. I hope this medicine works. I don't want to have flu like symptom's that the other drugs give you.

Started having a lot of intestinal rumbling and gas.Please don't take this drug! I'm so sorry I did! Withdrawal is horrible! So many issues that I Never had before I took it!

This medication is the devils cocktail. I experienced the following symptoms when taking dexamthasone. Hair growth on face, 75lb weight gain, steroid acne on chest and upper back, moon face, hump in upper neck, loss of bladder control, got sick very easily (immune system is depressed when taking this med), loss of period completely, a certain smell to my sweat, swelling in joints, loss of muscle mass in thighs and calfs. When I had the brain tumor removed and started to taper off, on the last day I experienced pain and was unable to look at light. The following day the pressure in my eyes increased and they started to bulge and I almost went blind. I had to take this med to keep me alive long enough to have surgery. If I ever god forbid get another brain tumor I will not take this medication. Oh I almost forgot, this medication caused osteonectosis aka AVN of my hip, knee, and ankle joints. I have had 2 bone surgeries to date.

I've been on 75mg twice daily for 13 days, with recent body swelling, face, wrists, abdomen, thighs - clothes fit tight. Insomina is much worse. I have forgetfulnes and confussion - really bad - almost dangerous. Have felt "empty stomach" feeling, but not bothersome. Have had more loose stools, but tolerable.

When I began taking wellbutrin it really helped to lift the "fog" and improve my mood/anger. I felt so good mood-wise I really wish I could have stayed on this medication. Mentally, I felt like a new person, but the side effects wreaked havoc on my body so I had to discontinue. I'm 27 and VERY fit---I do triathlons, however, I now have dangerously high blood pressure from taking Wellbutrin for the first time in my life. Normally my blood pressure is in the extremely low range. In addition, the constipation was SEVERE---I was lucky to have a bowel movement once every 6 days. The insomnia I experienced was awful---I could make my body sleep for only about 3 hours a night tops. ****My advice to anyone with preexisting concerns about blood pressure is to NOT take this medication and if you are, then monitor your health closely.****

This is a very dangerous drug and should be taking off the market. turns out I'm allergic to it and have mostly all the side effects including some memory loss that I can't remember certain words that I know and it's very frustrating when you can't remember something that you know. Very hard to focus I find lost of interest in things that I know that I'm interested in. This drug should be removed from the market and never to be used by anyone. I just want the pain to stop they say it could take weeks/months before I start to feel better. Also says can cause more damage in irreversible damage several months after taking the medication I had a 10-day supply once a day I was eight days in I noticed pain in my right hand the second day after taking the medicine didn't know it was caused from the medication when I spoke to my doctor a week later told her my symptoms she looked it up and seen that it was having a allergic reaction and told me to stop taking the medication right away I was already eight days in damages is done.

The first two weeks taking this medication I was on 10 mg's and I felt much better it seemed, now that I am on 20 mgs my depression, anxiety, agoraphobia and feeling of over all depression has increased greatly, very bad medication for me.

Slightly Elevared White Cell count

blood clot in right atrium on port