Placidyl (ethchlorvynol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Placidyl (ethchlorvynol)

Didn't have anxiety or panic attacks

Was not hungover and no withdrawal when stopped

Only side effect was feeling great. No adverse side effects.

Took loads of this in Houston in the 80's along with mandrax (manufactured in Mexico). Like another stated, we would poke a hole in end of pill and swallow. These were some of the best feeling drugs aside from E that I've ever taken.

I never felt any different. A friend of mine always got wasted when he took them. Also resistant to quaaludes. Tried them 3 times and never got a buzz.

Very heavy drug I drink a couple of tequila sunrises and I slid underneath the table after leaving the bar I ended up overdosing and had to have my stomach pumped

NoneA little grogie next day😴

Bad taste in mouth, dry mouth, floppy limbs, euphoria, homosexual thoughts, blackouts, early ejaculation, other sexual problems, irritability, somnolence, diarrhea, constipation, muscle spasms, lethargy

This was the greatest drug that I have ever used for sleeplessness.

Our entire crew would have house party n take them we would poke hole in end n throw to back of throat...tbe gel burnt like tell lol it made the buzz more intense. It was an amazing time

Headache….bad taste in mouth

Most effective medication for sleep. Taken properly with a glass of water and lying in bed you will sleep in 15 min. Shame for people who used responsibly that so many others abused it. I worked rotating shifts 8/4 4/12 or 12/8. when I needed sleep fast and for less than 8 hours this was very effective,

Though used to treat insomnia etc. I managed to have the opposite effect. Everyone around me would be wiped out and I was climbing the walls,ready to go out and have fun.

A very good drug if used properly. If used to catch a "buzz", rated by me as one of the best drugs ever.

Took them in my early 20's in the 80's and remember just a wave of calming feeling coming over me and we always add alcohol with it stuporous, blacking out,slurred speech- When a bunch of us took it we just stumbled around and laughed and fell asleep.between 1975 And 1985 I went to some parties and saw substances used to excess in ways that I've never seen since and never will again the experiences in that time of my life between 16 and 25 were some of the most intense memories that Im ever going to have bought a 70 Plymouth Roadrunner with the big block and a pistol grip4 speed for $650 - the girls were gorgeous the cars were fast the drugs were everywhere and we did it all - I'm not going to lie and tell you that I hate all those times I loved every minute of it but I could never go back to it but what a hell of a time to remember for those of you that came later I can't put into words it's one of those things where if you have to ask I can't explain you had to have been there and in a way I'm glad I was - may the 70's live on - 0 and oh yeah - Mopars forever!!!

Some gait disturbances if did not retire immediately.

Very smooth drug. Unable to get in US now.

This is not a sneaky pill. Placidyl makes your brain spin, and your head hangs forward as your neck muscles get weak. Your extremities feel half paralyzed. Your speech slurs. It is not a euphoric effect, but you KNOW your're going to sleep. No worries about no effect. I like this kind of emphatic medication; slow-acting and subtle sleep aids help me not at all.

Slurred speech, loss of muscle coordination, strange dreams, blackouts, bad aftertaste

This drug got rid of my headaches, but had some very weird and dangerous physical side effects for me. I was not cautioned to take it ONLY before going to bed, or in a situation where I could immediately lie down somewhere. I took the drug when I got a migraine at work once, and experienced side effects that made me look like I was drunk! I had to be driven home, and nearly got fired. I had to get a doctor's permission to return to work, was ordered to take a drug test, and had to get all kinds of documentation from my physician stating why I was taking Placidyl. Plus, there were rumors that I was an alcoholic or a drug addict! It was horrible.

the effects did not last too long ,more than 6 hours

Wooo!! And sex. I saw unicorns and rainbows and they were yummy. my fishy talked to me too. It was AWESOME!!

Side Effects forplacidyl (ethchlorvynol) - User Comments


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Light headedness, irregular bowel movements, frequent urination

Have a 10 day prescription, at day 1. Mentally feels a bit like a reaction to hallucinatory drugs like:anxiety, nervousness, disconnected. Also feels like a depressant, feel chilled/cold and jittery, relaxing feeling, slowed respiratory rate, it's noticable. If you can calm down your mind/anxiety about these effects it helps. Did have several vivid dreams last night. Also noticed my sense of smell seems improved. Glad to read many other people on this board having similar experiences.

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I cannot believe how angry I got on this drug. I really, really wanted to take it long enough to see if it would help prevent my migraines, but I was only on it for 2 weeks before I HAD to get off. The normal everyday things in life that make you mad were making me SEVERELY AGNRY. I was lashing out at myself, at my husband, and at my poor 3 year old twins. I HATED everyone. I HATED everything. I became anti-social and dreaded everything in life that normally makes me happy (and this included being around my kids!). Not cool. I went cold turkey off this stuff (and I was only on 25mg a day!). I am on day 4 of no Topamax and I feel SO much better! I wish I could have seen if this worked, but there was no way I was going to continue on this medication. My Neurologist said that everyone is different, so if you're about to start taking Topamax, you may not experience what I did. However, if you find yourself more angry than usual or full of rage as the days go on, get off this stuff! I had no other side effects.

I am only in the first week, but needed to speak of the progress I have made. At just 5 mgs. I notice a substantial reduction in the chatter in my brain and I am better able to perceive and respond appropriately to social scenes, leaving me less sacred of people. Paranoia is under control. i have been on several meds in my 20 year struggle with bipolar 1/schizo. disorder. i am just coming off a psychotic break that lasted very long on and off. I am what they call a quick responder when a med works for me. So far wellbutrin (which i still take) Lamictal (which was like a god-send and then pooped-out, and now Abilify has improved drasticaly the picture in just 5 days. Last night I could concentrate long enough to put a desk from Ikea together and I even cleaned my room. Now i still have the memories of some terrible behavior and the knowlege of such negative poop-out tendencies of meds. But for today I am grateful. More later. John. R.B. CA.

I was prescribed avelox by my ENT doctor after removal of a cyst behind my ear. Three hours after this evening's dose I became very restless and felt my heart palpitating. I tried to get into bed to sleep but the palpitations persisted and seemed to get worse. I was almost ready to wake my husband up to bring me to the hospital but decided to wait it out a little. It took almost 2 hours before the palpitations subsided. It is now 3am and I feel better but I'm afraid to go to bed in case the palpitations come back and I wake up unable to breathe.

I went on this medicine for my pregnancy. I was told by my neurologist this was a "safer" med to take during pregnancy. I have had 2 kids who are normal with no side effects from the medicine. They are 2 and 4 now. I did have 1 seizure with each pregnancy @ five months pregnant. I am trying other seizure meds, they all seem pretty bad. Anyone suggest any ???

gave a general flat feeling and this increased overeating behavior. gained lots of water weight upon stopping.

After several months of being off I tried taking just 10 mg once a day. And abdominal pain started again after one week, loss of appetite, and mood swings.

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