Lunesta (eszopiclone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lunesta (eszopiclone)

I'm still taking this medication.

PTSD autism stress related insomnia

I'm still taking this medication. Just a metallic taste after.

Started at 1mg...worked well for 1 night then by night 3 it was ineffective as if I weren't taking anything. Up'd dosage to 2 mg...same pattern. Increased to 3 mg...same thing. Worked for one night then by third night completely ineffective.

Works great however about 10 minutes after taking it causes the worst taste in your mouth. Takes like I have chewed up aspirin and no matter what I do nothing makes it better. Even when I breath through my mouth I taste it. It hangs around for a little while the next morning and then tends to go away for me.

The bad Taste is totally worth it for sleep

Worst and longest lasting taste I've ever had in my life. Also barely made me sleepy at all and the taste would wake me up throughout the night. Took it too late one night and was almost too impaired to drive to work despite feeling totally normal all night. Found that being woken up repeatedly from the taste made me significantly tired throughout the day

To anyone in general but ESPECIALLY to people with sensitive stomachs or recurring nausea, spare yourself from this. Worst taste I’ve ever had from a medication (fish oil pills don’t even remotely bother me for comparison) and it lasted most of the next day. The duration of the taste increased every night I took it. I found myself getting up to eat sugar free frozen yogurt or ice cubes in the middle of the night because freezing my mouth was the only way to lessen it (and it would be back within 15 minutes). The final straw was when I was on antibiotics my second week taking it. I had to stand over the toilet multiple times a day at work, would start to gag during meetings, and had to drive to work with a plastic bag in my lap. One day I got sent home early because everyone was so scared I’d puke on them, and before I left I took an antacid (since the taste was so acidic). I threw up several times into a bag on my lap while I was on the highway. Even months after I stopped taking it I would get this phantom horrible taste when I thought about going to sleep. I can taste it now just thinking about it and I’ll probably never forget it, sadly.

Slept great. But I'd never take this again. There was a terrible metallic taste in my mouth at first and even breathing had me tasting the metallic flavor. Water tasted like bug spray if you've ever sprayed yourself with OFF! And accidentally got some in your mouth imagine that but it'll take a day for the taste to go away.

If you're an athlete stay far away, the taste doesn't subside for longer then 24 hours and if you drink a lot of water expect to go without for a while.

Crushing sadness and depression the next day. Most intense until around 2pm. Absolutely crippling.

I don't know what chemical in Lunesta (I'm taking the generic) does this to me but I'm stopping for good. Better to be tired than near tears for no reason. Absolute poison.

No side effects, but the OCCASIONAL and MINOR aftertaste.

Since there is a benzodiazepine phobia in the country, Z-Drugs (eszopiclone/L Lunesta is one of the best medicines a patient can get. Do not eat for at least 2 hours prior to talking it for best effect. Taking with food at all can render it ineffective to a degree.

Left an awful taste in my mouth like metal and could not fall asleep at all back to ambien

Other than Halcion there has been no better drug for me.

I would strongly advise against taking Lunesta

I took 2 of my 3mg Eszopiclone (Generic Lunesta) because 1 of the 3mg, didn't make me tired at all! I ended up having HORRIBLE hallucinations! Every thing in my house was literally moving.

Do not take Eszopiclone or Lunesta.

The bitter taste isn't fun, I have horrible insomnia and this works short term if you want to nap - I think I'll ask my doctor about upping my dosage and it's let you sleeep through the nigh fyi and no rest sleep so have fun.

Horrible taste in mouth that lasted for a day

Works much better for me than Ambien and yes when I wake up in the mornings my water tastes like a**!! That will last for a good 3 or so hours as soon as I wake up in the morning then the nasty taste will subside. But it just sucks it has to be like this day after day after day!! Whoever makes this medication FIX IT!! Get rid of the nasty aftertaste PLEASE?!!

Lunesta has been a godsend to me after over 8-9 years of chronic insomnia. Still kept waking up while on Ambien.

Horrific side effect outweigh any benefit

Loved that I fell asleep almost instantly, however, within an hour or so each night, I was woken up by the aftertaste and discomfort I was having in my mouth. Absolutely nothing made it better and water exacerbated it. I tried everything to mask the taste and feeling… I'm not talking about the taste of the pill melting on your tongue. It's metabolized and excreted in the saliva. I was hoping that this would go away, but I haven't had any in more than 48 hrs and it seems to be getting worse. The agony is not worth any amount of sleep.

Absolutely horrible. Glad it works for some, but it did not work AT ALL for me. Not even remotely drowsy from it. I made sure not to let it touch my mouth when taking it (I gulped it down with some water/let it basically drop straight down my throat), but about an hour after taking it, the taste hit me like a ton of bricks. I honestly wish it tasted metallic for me; instead, it tastes EXACTLY like acetone nail polish remover, but as if I drank an entire bottle of it and am continuously huffing it. The taste will not go away, no matter what I do/eat/drink. This sucks. Even just taking a shallow breath through my nose, the taste is overwhelming. Without sleep medication, I can usually get at least a couple of hours of broken sleep a night, but with Lunesta I got zero. Back to ambien for me.

It is making me really hungry. I cant believe the amount of food i want to eAt after taking it.And the bitter taste in mu mouth is revolting. I through out all my food cause everything tastes spoiledIt may be causing my weight pronlems gaining

The generic cost me $62 aMonth ridiculous.Might go back off it

The morning after I took the 1st pill, I woke up with severe anxiety and couldn't function. It came out of nowhere. 2nd night I woke up same way the next morning. Did NOT take it the 3rd night, still feeling depression, anxiety, nausea/vomiting. It all started after that 1st pill.

The worst thing about Lunesta is the taste that never seems to go away. It's awful. After a couple days of shudders and wretching, I figured out a trick. Just wrap the Lunesta In a small piece of food like you would if you were giving a pill to a dog. Bread works alright, but swells when you drink, peanut butter works but is very messy. Sliced cheese is the best thing I've found so far.

LUNESTA (ESZOPICLONE): This medication is used to treat a certain sleep problem (insomnia). It may help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and lessen how often you wake up during the night, so you can get a better night's rest. Eszopiclone belongs to a class of drugs called sedative-hypnotics. It acts on your brain to produce a calming effect. Use of this medication is usually limited to short treatment periods of 1 to 2 weeks or less. If your insomnia continues for a longer time, talk to your doctor to see if you need other treatment. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Vioxx was pulled and how is Celebrex different? *Beside who owns them) Both of drugs are co2 inhibitors cause blood platelets to get sticky, resulting in greatly inflated heart attacks and strokes. Try other options.

I can definitely say, LUNESTA has ruined my life!

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I took Zyban years ago to quit smoking and had some problems with it initially. I thought things were good this time around with the XL after the first few days however the ringing in my ears is constant, I am having occasional memory lapses in the things I do daily and I tend to feel a little 'high' or 'fogged' out around midday. My GP wants me to go to 300mg from 150mg in a week or so. Should be interesting.

When walking outdoors, I feel a mild, cannabis-induced like euphoria. Sunlight's brightness is enhanced. Sleepiness only when reading, watching TV or movies, listening to music. No problem driving, something I don't do very often anyway (I'm retired). It really reduces anxiety and anger, but on the other hand it takes away motivation -- grass-like, once again. As for appetite, I can even skip meals, but when I have one I gobble everything and could eat more. However, I know when to stop.

I have had migraines since I was a young teenagers. I missed many days of work and school and first tried Imitrex which didn't work. I am so thankful for Amerge as I have been successful with it. I live in Canada and for 6 pills it is about $100 which is expensive but thankfully I have coverage and don't have to pay. Although, even if I did, I would because it's worth it being able to function and lead a normal life. I don't know what I would do if this stopped working.

Pit. Tumour, Empty Sella Syndrome

slight eurphoric feeling, some constipation

Will discontinue use of this product and use only XClear and NeilMed for sinus issues.

I had the brown leopard spots, the pinpoint rash the extreme muscle cramps and some sort of numbness in my extremities and on my face. I removed myself from the medicine after 4 years because my doctor WOULD NOT listen to me. I have been off of it for 6 months and just found out I have stage four gum disease which my dentist stated was from the medication. This is a horrible horrible medicine and it should be banned!!!!!