Halcion (triazolam) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Halcion (triazolam)

I am typically fully sedated for any dental work, without my BP sky rockets and I full on panic with no way to calm down. For this procedure today they asked me to try this med, I took the first 1 2hrs before my procedure and felt cognitively nothing, made my balance a little off but nothing to write home about. I told them it wasn't working so they had me take the 2nd pill....it still didn't work. They ended up having to bring my husband into the room to help keep me calm. I was able to finish the procedure but while my body ended up eventually relaxing my mind absolutely did not. I felt absolutely trapped in my own head and found the experience incredibly traumatic. I will not be attempting this med again. Use of the gas is also not an option for me as it has zero effect on me, I will be looking for IV sedation from here on out.

Dentist offered prescription of Halcion for the removal of 4 wisdom teeth to help with my anxiety. I was told take 1 pill an hour before procedure, have someone drop me off and give second to dentist for them to administer. It made me feel like half asleep half awake.So yes, I was aware of the extractions, however my eyes were closed the entire time and I was at peace with the teeth being pulled. Without this prescription, I'd prolly have been crying or have a massive heart rate spike ... I thought the whole thing was an hour ... but it was 4 and a half, so time itself got weird but I'm happy as hell now

Like many others this was prescribed to me before a dental procedure- triple wisdom tooth extraction. It was an emergency and the only other option was waiting one month to do the procedure under anesthesia which was basically not possible since an infection was spreading in my mouth. I have major anxiety disorder and have been prescribed benzodiazepines before so I knew what to expect, but took the pill a little before bed to see if I could be prepared for what I would feel like. I felt totally lucid and conscious and aware, just trapped in an off-balance body. I called the office and told them I was afraid of being too conscious during the procedure and asked for gas as well. They refused and told me the second pill would do twice as much as the first. Not the case AT ALL. I shook violently, cried, and panicked during the procedure and had to work very hard to calm myself down with absolutely no help from the medication. the office told me it would "feel like I had had a few drinks" and it most certainly did not- it didn't feel like anything and I was aware the whole time and could feel what was happening. If you're extremely anxious MAKE SURE they have gas to give you as well as this placebo pill or get your own prescription for something lol. I wouldn't wish this experience on anyone, it was absolutely horrifying.

Was wide awake and shaky the entire procedure

Dizziness, drowsiness, head ache, memory loss

I was supposed to take halcion for major dental anxiety. I have emetephobia and suffer from panic attacks. I took a pill night before and 1 hour before procedure. It did not help one bit. I still suffered several panic attacks at the dental office and was extremely anxious and aware. I couldn't finish all of the procedure because My panic attacks wouldn't stop. After going home, the side effects made me sleep for several hours. Also the memory loss side effect did not work at all for the appointment as I remember everything to the detail. I experienced memory loss for everything AFTER the procedure.

Halcion was prescribed the me for dental anxiety. Took as prescribed, .25mg the night before and .25mg one hour before. It never "kicked in". I felt every minute and was aware the entire time. Dentist had to stop and we are going to try IV sedation next. Do NOT recommend halcion.

Didn't resolve any of my anxiety, was lucid the entire time. After the procedure it made me very sleepy, but did not help at all during.

Sleepiness, amnesia, stumbling

This paired with nitrous oxide at the dentist was a miracle. I have extreme dental fear, and am a nervous wreck walking into the office. I think I slept through the whole thing because I only remember arriving to the office, taking the drugs and leaving. Which was exactly what I wanted. I got home and slept it off. Worth it!

Full dental extraction of all teeth

1 pill 1 hour before appointment, never felt any different than normal. Dentist put 1/2 pill under my tongue still did nothing. It started kicking in 2 hours later as I got home. Waste of time!

I use a sleeping aid 2-3 times per week.Ambien (zolipidem) 10mg works fine but feels like a drug and leaves me grumpy next day.Xanax (alprazolam) 1mg left me with a slight hangoverHalcion (triazolam) 0.25mg is awesome. Just like falling asleep normally. No hangover, no nothing.

my legs were weak after, hands were shaking (due to nerves or due to halcion i have no clue), a bit of tiredness

I remember every moment of the dentist appointment and i think it only started to kick in after my appointment? I still remember absolutely everything that has happened today. only after when getting medicine did i realize my legs were weak ( which also might be due to them shaking during the procedure?) who knows

Truthfully taking this drug is a huge health risk... it was designed for anesthesia pre-operative. If you are taking this at home and come to abuse it... well, there is your answer. I am always looking for safe sleep aids. This is not one of them

dental, 3 teeth pulled and 1 tooth

I am scared to death of dentists but this is the way to go. I felt nothing, knew nothing, till 4 hours after I had left the dentist office. And it was a very good experience only way to go. Thanks Halcyon for being there for me.

for dental procedure...3 crowns at

I had difficulty walking and amnesia for the rest of the day.

I was given an extra 25 mg at the start of the dental work so a total of (3) 25 mg. I was able to hold conversations that made sense but don't remember anything although I told them I knew where I was and what I was doing. I don't remember the rest of the day. I am very very anxious about dental work and difficult to deaden my mouth enough. They had no problem with me and I had no pain with Halcion and injections.

It does not put me to sleep. I wish it did, I need to sleep.

couldn't sleep after my mother's death

I took halcion to stop nightmares/anxiety after my mom's death.i quickly started abusing them to cope.i was taking them all day long and losing huge chunks of time.i was taking 6-8 (0.25) tablets at a time and would be standing talking one minute and keel over out cold the next.im shocked I didn't die.i hit my head on the bathroom counter passing out once.i got pregnant with my daughter (and when I found out there can be missing digits and limbs from this medication...I quit cold turkey.i didn't sleep for 2 weeks.But I never took them again.and my daughter was perfect because I did the right thing.I think this medication has a huge abuse risk and everyone should be really careful with it.

Severe nightmares, continued insomnia, amnesia and depression.

Didn't help for my insomnia at all, I slept for maybe 1-2hhrs on it, and that was if had been up for a couple days already. So I got a total of 4-6hrs of sleep every week.

Took one tablet the night before surgery and it helped me sleep. Took two tablets an hour before surgery and it worked great. I was relaxed and groggy during surgery. Don't drive. Someone needs to take you to and from appointment.

Tooth extraction and uncovering

Felt like really hard core drowsy medicine, but I puked about 15 minutes after taking it. Luckily, I didn't puke up the meds. It did make me a big goofball. I was laughing at everything. I enjoyed my experience over all. I basically knocked the heck out and don't remember much. I had that plus Nitrus oxide plus novacaine for my procedure. If you feel nauseous, tell your doctor! Mine gave me some Zofran and I was good to go

my ex husband was prescribed halcio

My ex was prescribed halcion Midwest heart institute st Luke's.turned him into a violent scarey patient no big orderlies nor any nurses would treat

That stuff should be taken off the market..caused my divorce ask st Luke's head nurse had to have me take care of my husband cause no nurse would enter his room but I can lie better to him and make him take it for the nurses sake shame on doctors

I was given this drug originally for sleep. I discovered that it improved my mood and calmed me down. I then asked my Dr. for additional doses that I could take during the day and he agreed with the caveat that if called upon would I testify what it has done for me. I would still be taking it for the fact that I lost my job and insurance. Now my health care has been taken over by the V.A. and it's impossible to get from them as they dont listen to patient's who want to be involved in their treatment. Now I am back to square one and suffering while being prescribed drugs that have a minimal effect on my well being.

HALCION (TRIAZOLAM): This medication is used to treat a certain sleep problem (insomnia). It may help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and lessen how often you wake up during the night, so you can get a better night's rest. Triazolam belongs to a class of drugs called sedative-hypnotics. It acts on your brain to produce a calming effect. Use of this medication is usually limited to short treatment periods of 1 to 2 weeks or less. If your insomnia continues for a longer time, talk to your doctor to see if you need other treatment. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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For women who dont know this micronor doesnt regulate your period. Its not for that. You're doctor should have explained that before you started taking it.I take it for having hi blood pressure, I haven't had any problems on it. Nor have I gotten pregnant. I recommend this if you have migraine problems or high blood pressure .