Fiorinal w codeine no 3 (aspirin; butalbital; caffeine; codeine phosphate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Fiorinal w codeine no 3 (aspirin; butalbital; caffeine; codeine phosphate)

This is the only thing that worked. I was not functioning in my normal daily life of being a single working mom of three. At the same time though I feel that the headache should be gone by now buy as soon as it wears off it's back with a vengeance.

This is the only thing that worked. I was not functioning in my normal daily life of being a single working mom of three. At the same time though I feel that the headache should be gone by now buy as soon as it wears off it's back with a vengeance.


Works well but very addictive have talked to alot of people who have been through this with them

chronic migraines and tension ha's

constipation-not bad,tiredness and or energy

have had migraines over 40 years been on a lot stronger meds but this is only med that doesnt cause rebound headaches. works great! Strongly reccomend!!

I do not recall any side effects other than almost always being hungry after about 1 hour after taking. That to me is a positive side effect.

My headaches started 10 days after I was rear ended in a bad car accident. never had notable head aches before that. But I was familiar with hang overs. over the years when asked how bad my migraines were my response was times your worst hang over by 6 that's what its like. after several different prescriptions, doctor visits (2)MRIs,3Xrays,and a cat scan. Fiorinal #3 was prescribed. IT WORKS. I take it only when needed starting with I cap if not gone in 1-2 hours will take 1 more.I have never had an addiction problem like some have described.20 capsules last 6 months.

Dry mouth. Drowsy, but occasionally energetic. Makes me a bit euphoric, but that could just be my happiness at finally relieving the pain!

ONLY med that works and allows me to function as a single mom. I've been taking this for 20 years, and I don't worry about addiction. I worry about pain. I take as prescribed with no problems. Starting this year, my ins co won't even cover the cost of the generic, and the pharmacy charges $100-$200 per script. I paid $7 last year..same ins! Ugh. I highly recommend.

headache/migraines and back pain

As previously stated, some constipation, but that can be handled eith diet.

I started having severe headaches aftrr the birth of my daughter, that would last for 3 days. Over the counter meds would only take a small amount of the pain away. I finally went to the Dr. I felt silly going to the Dr. for a headache, but the pain was so so so, bad. The Dr prescribed Fiorinal w/codeine, and that is a God Sent period.

Constipation but not bad,, after spinal fussion lower back and herniated disc in neck, it gives me the relief I need to live a almost pain free life!

During a migraine I received enough relief to take care of my family and not hide in a dark room!

It is the perfect companion to my 30 mg Morphine Sulfate to clear up the last bit of pain that the MS won't touch. I've had severe injuries in the past that have left me with chronic and crippling lower back, middle back, neck and other pains.

Constipation and rebound headaches. Your tolerance goes up the longer you take it, but if you really monitor the usage it is a God send!. I have taken this medication for the past 12 years and it is the only thing that works for the severe pain. Without this medication I can barely get up to take care of my children. Worry over the addictive qualities! A life of severe pain in not a good life so I am willing to risk it. I just wish the insurance would cover the brand name because it really does work so much better than the generic!

Tension and hormonal headaches

I have tried other meds and they all had side affects. This is the only medication with no side affects; just relief. It clears up my head so I can go about daily business. Lately, they are on back order from the manufacturer. Is anyone having trouble getting them?

Sporadically over past 5 years

Slight drowsiness, not a huge appetite, other than that really nothing unpleasent, bothersome, or even worth mentioning.

This medication is a Godsend for my sporadic tension headaches. I've tried numerous things: Fioricet, regular Fiorinal, Ultram, Vicodin Voltaren, Imitrex, Treximet, Zanaflex, Relpax, Keppra, and Bystolic, and the only 2 that really seemed to help to a worthy degree were Fiorinal/Fioricet (which are basically the same drug, except Fiorinal has aspirin where Fioricet has Tylenol instead), however these drugs lasted barely 4 hours and the comedown/crash was HORRIBLE. F.w/codeine seems to last much longer, almost 8 hours, helps take away the pain and tension much better, and oddly enough doesn't make me near as loopy/drowsy as Fioricet/Fiorinal...actually it kinda jolted me up. I can function at work when I take this med, unlike the previous two when I'd get loopy, start slurring my speech, and was quite dizzy and appeared buzzed to my coworkers. Plus, when I took Fioricet/Fiorinal at night and then fell asleep, I'd wake up the next morning usually earlier than normal, my heart pounding and on the very of feeling like I was gonna have a panic attack. When I take F.w/codeine at night then goto bed, I wake up the next morning completely fine, granted a tad groggy, but that passes. I recently started taking it again, after about 5 years of not, and I'm working on getting the medical records from the previous doctor who oversaw me on this med. I've just noticed it's difficult to talk to any doctor about it, because when they hear the word "Codeine" it's like you can

I never got drowsy when I took it, I felt really hyper, and had alot of energy. This drug helped me so much with my migraines, I have had migraines for 30 yrs. When I was a kid I would get frequent headaches, as I got older severe migraines, I always end up vomiting, sometimes I cannot stop. I would get heartburn once in a while from the aspirin, I couldn't sleep when I took it usually but it really did stop the migraine pain.

I do not take this medication anymore. I started abusing it, and Ativan 2mg. I was taking up to 10 or 12 Fiorinal a day and about 20mg or more of ativan. I would go through the script so quickly, and then the severe withdrawal would start. I started having seizures after abusing benzodiazepines for a lot of years, and then running out. I do not blame the drug(s) I blame me, because otherwise these drugs are generally safe and very effective. If you have any addiction issues, or you think you could start abusing the Fiorinal, please do not take it. I haven't had a seizure since 2007, but I lost my drivers license (of course), and I scared so many people who witnessed the seizures.

Side Effects forfiorinal w codeine no 3 (aspirin; butalbital; caffeine; codeine phosphate) - User Comments


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Anxiety, insomnia, increased sex drive, decreased appetite, shortness of breath, heart palpitations.These side effects are mild and for the first time in 6 years I finally have the motivation and energy I need to get through the day. I'm happier and the increased sex drive was a wonderful side effect.

I am 1 year and 290 days past my last dose. As a result of this medicine, I cannot eat raw fruits or vegetables, grains, dairy, or fatty food. I still cannot leave the house as I do not know when I will have the need to use the bathroom. My ALT was elevated for a year. I have consulted with doctor after doctor and dieticians and no one knows what to do with my gut. I am sorry I ever took this medicine and would NOT recommend it to anyone. It should be taken off the market.

really helped stop the itching and burning while I was taking diflucan

Was forced into this med due to the CFC ban. This medication is worthless. It does not work for me at all and is like living with no treatment. I have allergen and exercise induced asthma which was controllable with the old Albuterol. Now I have attacks and cannot ease the suffocation and my running/cycling activities are totally hampered.

Anxiety, insomnia, dark thoughts, crying, sweats and shaking.

After 8 weeks of being on this med, I began to feel foggy and felt like i was "walking funny" as though I was walking a little to the left and couldn't stop myself, so I stopped taking the pills. 3 days later I was in the ER with a panic attack. I had unexplained chest pains and within 2 weeks had 2 chext xrays and EKGs done. I had blood work done to check my thyroid function, all appeared normal. I began having very irrational fears, and thoughts that were embarrassing in their idiocy. I was unable to make them stop. I had panic attacks in the past, but had not had one since I was 5 months pregnant. These were not normal panic attacks that lasted 20 to 30 minutes and went away, these were long drawn out full day events of being in a constant state of panic. IT IS HORRIBLE. I began to seek treatment after the 3rd event of random panic. Every day as i would leave my house to go to work in the morning, I would have debilitating fearful thoughts that would usually result in a panic attack at my desk. I began to be afraid to leave the house alone, I was afraid to spend time with or hold my baby. i was afraid of changing her diaper. I went to a therapist who referred me to my OB for Postpartum Depression. OB stated this was NOT NORMAL and referred me to a psychiatrist believing I need to be medicated. My psychiatrist has never HEARD of Reglan, and therefore does not believe me when I tell him I believe this is what's causing the problem as i was FINE for 3

I put it in and I was fine for about an hour and a half. Then I had to pee and as soon as I did that it started burning and itching insanely. I definitely won't use this again. Hopefully it gets rid of the YI at least.

I feel it has somehwat helped but I still hae my mood swings as all women do, It has made me regain focus on other things in life such as my children when I felt I used to somewhat neglect them and felt they were in my way alot when I was so focused and concentrated on one thing due to finanacial stress my physcia had me on zolfot, paxil, prozac,trlipital then 30mgcymbalta then upped to 60mg cybalta they were trying to treat me for depression which all those medications indueced my anxiety when they are not suppose to they then tried me on xanax which seemed to do OK I went to a psyciatrist which said I was not depressed just have an overwhelming amount of stress he then put me1MG XR xanax taken every morning and 0.5 mg 2x daily which he up to 0.5mg 3x daily them seem todo just OK on my das I coulduse more but just take them as perscribed. I don't feel drowsy or anything just able to focus on mor than one thing in my life rather than my main problems! I no longer feel my kids are a

I think Lamictal is worth a try. It helped stabilize my moods enough so that I could process therapy sessions. After one year on Lamictal my dr. put me on depakote to offset the anxiety. The depakote boosted my mood and lessened the anxiety. Currently, I have had to make a med change. I am increasing the depakote and tapering off of Lamictal. Depakote makes me very tired but at least I can think clearly. I want to work and enjoy life without living with post-it's all over the house. I am ready to try something new (although I HATE med changes).

I absolutely hate prednisone and wouldn't care if I never saw it again. Unfortunately, it is the least of several evils for treating my condition, which is an autoimmune disorder that affects the kidneys. I've been on and off prednisone for over 21 years now, and I know firsthand what it can do. Do your homework; don't take this drug unless there is absolutely no other better alternative.