Ativan (lorazepam) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ativan (lorazepam)

ATIVAN (LORAZEPAM): This medication is used to treat anxiety. Lorazepam belongs to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines which act on the brain and nerves (central nervous system) to produce a calming effect. This drug works by enhancing the effects of a certain natural chemical in the body (GABA). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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For me, it seems to be helping my RLS somewhat, but works better as a diet pill.

night terrors, anxiety, depression, lack of energy, light-headed, headaches, bloated abdomen

Chronic myofacial pain; poor sleep


Swollen tongue, red face, change in taste

I noticed a headache about an hour after taking the first pill, not too severe, just kind of sinus-y like a cold coming on... I also felt nauseated for about 3 hours, so be sure and eat first before taking it. The nausea wore off before the second dose was due, so I could eat again. I hope it works and the UTI doesn't come back!

Lack of appetite, insomnia, extreme mood swings, emotional outbrusts.

Sluggishness, vivid nightmares beyond anything I have ever dreamt before, early morning insomnia, i'd wake up at 4 every morning, maybe weight gain?

Bad stomach cramps, loss of appetite and dry nose and throat

This drug needs taken off the market and NEVER prescribed to anyone ever. The seven months that I have been on this medication is the worst seven months of my life and there is no doubt in my mind that it almost killed me.I had an issue going on with my health that caused a sudden raise in my blood pressure and was prescribed Lisinopril. Immediately after starting this I started feeling sick, constant headaches, dizzy, confused, brain fog, memory loss, panic attacks....etc...etc..many, many side effects. Being somewhat naïve and trustworthy and thinking I was given something that would help me....Not ever thinking it would be something that would be so devastating to my health. And without knowing this drug was the reason I was so sick..I thought I was having extreme allergies and become hypersensitive to everything..all smells and fumes made me sick...this is what I have done for seven months trying to diagnose why I was so sick :In and out of ER's numerous times.Numerous Dr. visitsCT scans - head, chestEKG'sMRI's - brainxraysUltrasounds checking arteries of heart and carotid arteriesBlood work/labs - too many times to recallChiropractor/nutritionistAlternative medicineWas getting ready to see a neurologist next...and then planning a trip to Mayo Clinic if we did not get answers or diagnosis....That is prior to my research online about this drug.For seven months my wife and I have went through our entire home, thinking it was something in o