Ambien (zolpidem tartrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ambien (zolpidem tartrate)

No side effects. Not tired in the mornings.

My nurse practitioner put me on Ambien generic 5mgs at the end of May 2023 was on trazodone 25mgs for years and wore off she prescribed me Ambien generic and I have had the best sleep ever with this drug and wake up feeling refreshed! It's a wonderful sleep aid!

Was on for years b4 a new dr insisted I come off. Finally psychiatric nurse re-prescribed. Even w/Benedryl and trazodone (100mg), I don't sleep well at all w/o zolpidem. Very drowsy, very quick acting for me.

Usually works w/n 20 minutes, depending on when I last ate and how much. A little slow start day after but I've always been that way. Gets brain to shut off so can go to sleep easily, and *stay* asleep. It's truly a life-saver for me.

I really wanted this to work. I tried it and I felt like one feels after a terrible hangover. Nausea, deep depressed feeling, tired even though I slept better than without it. I kept trying hoping the bad effects would not continue but they did. I switched back to taking Ativan for sleep. Much, much better

Like taking poison, but we are all genetically different so what works for some won’t work for others

It does give me a better night's sleep, I try to take it just once or twice a week. No side effects for me.

I have lost my sense of alternes after taking for 9 years. then gradually get rid of in 2018. now I have developed memory issue while only 53 years old. I can drive anymore and memory is terrible. no neurologist has any idea what to do while going for multiple MRIs in 4 years. now I have lost my job and really scared about my future since memory is not normal upto the level it used to be.

I have suffered from severe sleep problems for many years.My experience with zolpidem is positive.

Thanks to, I can now sleep easy at night. They provide secure payment, discreet delivery, and excellent customer service. Thoroughly recommended!

Memory loss, lethargic midday, night eating, driving, sexual activity

I desperately want off ambien! I started taking it after I gave birth to my son. My adrenaline was so spiked that I didn't sleep for 72hours when coming home from the hosptial.I was 26 and now 41. Never gone without it. My memory loss started several years ago to the point I blank on my words mid sentence. Ive blacked out and had a threesome with my husband after a night of drinking. Felt so much shame (divorced now but I look back and think about my ex husband, who is a Dr, knowing the side effects while drinking and allowing that to happen) About 4yrs into taking ambien, I drove to a 24hr grocery store and purchased milk. When I left my driveway, I backed into my neighbors sons car that was parked on the street. When arriving home, there was a knock on my door from the police. Thank god I wasn't arrested. Apparently, I played it off. None of this occurred to me until I found the receipt for the milk the following day and everything that occurred started coming back to me. (Memory). I'm addicted to this medicine and want more than anything to get off! My attempts to stop are unsuccessful as I will lay in bed until 3am, doze in and out a few minutes until my alarm goes off at 7am. I'm now at a place where I have no memory at night, even before I take it. It's like my brain is wired to shut off when the sun goes down. I'm only 41 and I donâ̈́

Sleep problems associated with CPAP

Never had history of depression. Suddenly lapsed into severe depression, joint pain, other... 61 year old male. Depression started at ~59.

I never had issues with ambien driving, cooking dinners, etc. It always helped me sleep. I got to the point I could not sleep w/o it. Only recently researching depression did I discover the link between ambien and depression

Well I have driven on this drug and caused an accident. I took the pill and for got and drove

It's dangerous because it changes your idea of what responsible is while on your t

Insomnia due to anxiety disorder

Best drug ever for me. Gets me to sleep within 20 minutes or so...sleep 7-8 hours and never groggy! Usually only need to take half (5mg) too. Never had any side effects either thank goodness.

No side effects. Also no sleep.

I don't know what they've done to generic Ambien, but it no longer works. At all. I've been an insomniac all of my adult life and have taken generic Ambien as needed since 2000. It was always a miracle drug for me. I'd take a quarter of a pill and 15 minutes later it'd be lights out. Zero side effects. That is no longer the case. Around 2018 I noticed generic Ambien was no longer working at all, even at much higher doses. I tried different makers and each one would make me feel different, but never tired. Eventually I Google'd "Generic Ambien doesn't work" and found tons of others complaining of the same thing. Name brand Ambien is WAY overpriced ($800 for 30 pills!) so clearly that's out of the question. What have they done to this drug!? After two decades I'm now having to try and find another sleep aid because I'm certainly not going to keep taking pills that don't work.

No side effects. It doesn't work.for me. the basics for me. Benadryl works like a charm. Bye Ambien.

It was prescribed to me because My mind races at night.

Severe hairloss, thinning, no new growth.Very Itchy scalp

I started crying daily not knowing why my hair was falling out. I'd find it everywhere. I probably lost half my hair within a few months. I saw so many dermatologists & they all thought it was due to Seb. Dermatitis or Psoriases. My scalp started itching so much to the point it felt like something was crawling on my head or moving through my hair. It was becoming unbearable. I finally realized Ambiem/Zolpidem was the cause when I came across the following website: “”

Don't!!! This is The Most Dangerous mind-warping Drug I've ever taken including whiskey beer wine and others. It causes severe psychological changes which can destroy your life completely. I would much rather take valium if I had to fall asleep or muscle relaxants.

For god sakes do not touch this drug or you will be sorry

calm feeling and sometimes night time eating

This medication is very good at helping with sleep. I am a female and have noticed the 10mg does work better than the 5 mg if they will prescribe it to you but I will warn you that it loses it's effectiveness after a couple of months. Sometimes 5mg will not help me sleep. The drowsy feeling for me in the morning or (afternoon in my case) wears off very quickly when I wake up. This seems like a much cleaner medication than seroquel for sure and quicker to act than lunesta. Lunesta tends to help you stay asleep a little bit longer better. I haven't tried the ambien XL yet though. Lunesta hasn't ever lost it's effectiveness when I take it. I usually switch between ambien and lunesta. I feel like the ambien is more calming and doesn't give the weird metal taste that the lunesta can give. They are both really good medications. (I do not ever recommend seroquel.)

Been taking Ambien for little over a year now and it has really helped me with my anxiety and insomnia issues. I get the munchies sometimes once it settles in my body but after that I go to sleep. Ive heard of the crazy stories people sleep eating and driving. I never dealt with any of those issues and the medication affects everyone different but once you take it you should lay down to give the drug time to settle in your body then you'll be off to dreamland!!! Overall good sleep aid!!!

side effects a lil euphoria if i dont sleep, get thirsty, get emotional, its strange like a hallucinagen very emotional

its supposed to sleep but it makes me dizzy like a drug

I gained 30 pounds in 6 months. My appetite was crazy. And i run and walk 13 miles a day. As soon as i stopped it my appetite returned tp normal and now im losing the weight..and it only made me sleep 4 hours...

AMBIEN (ZOLPIDEM TARTRATE): Zolpidem is used to treat a certain sleep problem (insomnia) in adults. If you have trouble falling asleep, it helps you fall asleep faster, so you can get a better night's rest. Zolpidem belongs to a class of drugs called sedative-hypnotics. It acts on your brain to produce a calming effect. This medication is usually limited to short treatment periods of 1 to 2 weeks or less. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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my girlfriend's pussy chewed off my penis after taking this

The only problem with a web site such as this is that people are far more likely to respond if they have a bad experience. This doesn't reflect a random sampling of people using these products. If I went strictly by these ratings I would have been scared to even try any of these drugs.

While it has helped somewhat with my depression, I am starting to doubt that I will be able to continue on the medication. It has worked better for me than Zoloft did, but I feel so ill most of the time that my quality of life has gone down, though my depression has leveled out. My doc added Wellbutrin, 300 mg to see if that would help more. I do feel that my mood swings have also leveled out, but I just dont know that I can handle much more of the Cymbalta side effects. Started out on 30 mg, am now on 60 and doc wants to up it to 90. Dont think I will do that.

Occasional low BP, but nothing dangerous. Occasional headache. Occasional Dizziness.

I only experienced diarrhea the first day. The stomach cramps are almost daily and occur whenever I eat more than just crackers and take the medication. They last for a few hours and are pretty intense. I am taking 250mg 4xday so that makes it hard to eat 3 balanced meals a day when you can't even eat on this stuff! The WORST side effect has been the deppression. It has gradually gotten worse and is just awful. Feelings of wanting to die and that is just not me at all!!! Will never take this medicine again!!!

i want to try another brand or the bc shot but my doctor said no when i talked to him...i want a new doc. who will listen to my problems :(

Loose stools, more frequent and more urgent visits to the bathroom.

Plantar Fascitis and Back Pain

EXCELLENT! So far, so good! I have more energy and motivation than I have ever had. I also have little to NO obsessive thoughts, practically NO racing thoughts, and my mood has been greatly improved. I can't say enought about how great this medication has been for me. I actually feel normal!!

I want the money back I had to pay for my co-pay!!! I can't believe the FDA approved this????