Ovide (malathion) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ovide (malathion)

Stinging a little when initially applied.

OVIDE (MALATHION): This medication is used to treat head lice, tiny insects that infest and irritate your scalp. Malathion belongs to a class of drugs known as organophosphates. It works by paralyzing and killing lice and their eggs (nits). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Wildly vivid dreams, hair loss, dry mouth, headaches if I miss a dose or take it at a much later than normal time.

Extreme weakness in arms legs wrists

dizziness, nausea, incredible fatigue,headaches, dry eyes & skin, emotional, depression

paralyzed legs, neck stuck in position as if looking at ceiling, loss of speech and loss of ability to swallow, limited use of arms, fever, sweating

Please do not use this drug, the consequences are to severe, and my guess some could have been fatal. Also please advise how long it took to get back to normal? and did going cold turkey give you any side effects?

My three year old son takes Pulmicort with Albuterol every time he develops a chesty cough with his Asthma. We have noticed he's become very moody, with violent behavior which leads to biting. One minute he's happily playing by himself, and the next minute he's crying or extremely angry. This isn't normal behavior, and we've been punishing him because we didn't know what else to do.

Side effects did not begin until day two but that is when they hit hard. The first symptom was my upper gums became red, throbbed constantly and became so inflamed and sore it hurt to eat. It actually felt like the teeth on the upper rows were seperating and I could feel gaps between them. The second night I did not sleep despite that fact that it was all I could do to keep my eyes open I felt so fatigued. The few minutes I did actually drift off I had strange dreams like I was on an acid trip.Day 2 I developed these itchy red bumps all over my chest and spots on my face. My eyes looked like I had been drunk for two weeks and I have this constant headache. Every joint in my body hurts and my muscles feel like they are on fire.My heart feels like its going to beat out of my chest and I developed this anger last night where I could not be around anybody because I had no patience for anything.I've stopped taking this med because the side effects were too many and too severe. I'll just deal with the infection until I get the tooth pulled next week.I'm sure that for every negative experience like mine this med has helped thousands of people. My problem is I called my doctor and explained these symptoms I was told "those are not side effects of erythromycin." When I told her that I did not have these issues prior to taking this med she got mad at me. Oh well...looks like its time to find a new dentist.

My endo reduced my Levoxyl from 200 mcg mon-sat to 200 mcg mon-fri and 100 mcg on sat because my TSH was below normal. TSH checked three months later and it dropped lower but I was not having signs of hyperthyroid. My endo suspects my cancer may have returned so she wants me to have another thryoid scan. I was supposed to have only blood test with thyrogen since last three scans were "clean". She wants me to go through hormone withdrawel and has me taking cytomel 25 mcg 1/2 a pill every 12 hours for 30 days and no Levoxyl, then nothing for two weeks, then scan. I expected to start feeling hypothyroid but instead am feeling great - normal again. I didn't know if this is normal or not. Cytomel is not a common drug used in my area because the pharmacist had to retrieve it from another store (their branch). I've only been using it for 9 days and I don't want this great feeling to go away. I also don't feel the urge to eat all the time and I have energy that I havn't felt in year

drowsiness, extremely dry mouth

All my friends agree. They hate it!