Eurax (crotamiton) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Eurax (crotamiton)

EURAX (CROTAMITON): This medication is used to treat scabies. Scabies is a skin infection caused by mites that burrow into the skin. Irritation from the mites leads to severe itching and small bumps/blisters filled with fluid/pus. Crotamiton works by killing the mites that cause scabies. It also helps relieve itching related to scabies and other skin conditions. Crotamiton belongs to two classes of drugs: scabicides and antipruritics. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Night sweats, Hot flashes, Chills, Brain fog and memory issues, Weight gain (inability to feel full), Joint Stiffness in morning, Back pain, Fatigue, Vaginal odor (showers don't help), Loss of sex drive, Vaginal discharge

The first day of taking Chantix, my ankles were sore. Over the next 2 weeks (stopped smoking at day 6) it progressed into an inability to move my body(esp. legs) and I could hardly stand up or walk. My body was numb with sporadic shooting pain, mainly in my low back and lower. I went to the doc and stopped Chantix. Doc called it MYALGIA and I have been to one theraputic massage and the therapist couldn't believe the condition of my body. For weeks, I felt like my body was 95 years old. The paranioa/anxiety was wierd too, but not nearly as bad as the physical adverse reaction. I stopped Chantix 6 days ago and have felt VERY IRRITABLE and uptight. I feel no pleasure in anything yet.

Started taking this 2 days ago. Starting to feel better with my vertigo symptoms and some allergy. Having trouble sleeping and stsrted having digestive issues, such as lose stoll. I tend to get loss of appetite when I don't feel good.Hoping the mild issues stay mild and no more accrues

heavy period,endo,ovarian cysts

Pain in sides and back, tingling in hands, feet, legs and arms and nerve pain. Change in bowel movement, going more often, very bad gas. Feel very anxious.and down like.something is seriously wrong with me and I am dying.

Tried taking it in the past same results, no help with anxiety, made worse. Now on serzone, feeling good able to sleep without sleeping pill's,which I had to take with buspar. Also tried zoloft with same result's as buspar.

Helped tremendously in the beginning weeks but then the weight gain, sexual side effects and empty feeling inside started to outweigh the benefits.

Constant nausea, no appetite, blaoting, stomach pain, chills

2 PE episodes in less than a year.

Depression (I was also on prednisone which also has that side effect, and that probably made my depression a lot worse), Yellowing of skin, extreme sensitivity to sunlight, insomnia, fast heartbeat, muscle pain, extreme nausea (I was on a lot of drugs with this side effect; that probably made it worse)