Abrysvo (respiratory syncytial virus vaccine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Abrysvo (respiratory syncytial virus vaccine)

Side Effects forabrysvo (respiratory syncytial virus vaccine) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Dizziness, serious bloating, pain after eating, exhaustion, felt like i has a hangover.

worked great for preventing asthma symptoms, but caused anxiety and depression, that increased with continuing use

Pepcid made me tired with no energy and extreme fatigue. Also made me real depressed. Couldn't understand why this was happening to me and upon doing research found out it was this drug. It helped the Gerd but the benefits did not out weigh the negative side effects. I would not recommend this drug.

Regulated my period, and had PMS and cramps.

amnesia at first, then a need to increase the dose. Seems addictive, but it does make you sleep.

I started feeling better almost immediately after starting the Pristiq.

skin changes, thinning of the skin, darkened areas

Used this 3 X: (i) in jan/feb 2011 used it for 2 wks/q.i.d followed by 2wks/b.i.d. Did not feel much improvement; (ii) in may 2013 used it for 2 wks/b.i.d followed by 2wks/q.d. I was also using Restasis. The side effects from both medications were fierce. But I persevered and my eyes felt great at the end of 4 weeks; (iii) in July 2013, I used it for four days/b.i.d but could no longer stand the side effects. I tapered off using it another 3 days/q.d. This is when my problems began. Trying to understand why all the burning, stinging and watering wouldn't stop even after discontinuing treatment, I re-read the package insert several times and my attention was caught by: "The dosing of FML® suspension may be reduced, but care should be taken not to discontinue therapy prematurely." The injunction "not to discontinue therapy prematurely" is repeated several times in the package insert and also on the package itself. I had not be warned that this medication can cause terrible side effects if you stop treatment prematurely. I wish I had. I am very sorry I never got this useful information before beginning this treatment. It has ruined my life. Please be warned: care should be taken not to discontinue therapy prematurely.

The first day I took this, I stepped on a small rock and completely fell flat to the ground. Very rare for me as hiker. Also, metallic taste. Over reacted to my husband causing a blowup. On day 4, my eyes are stinging and bloodshot. I've been wide awake since 2 am and can't seem to go back to sleep. Got night sweats. Feel bloated with less appetite. I don't feel like I'm getting better.

Up until this point, over a year later, I had no side effects! However, it has taken me 2 months to realize and admit to myself that I have been dealing with depression for at least 4 months. I hadn't truly realized it until 2 weeks ago. I have had so many terrible things happen in my life, but have dealt with them and came out strong and happy. This is different...until this point I thought I was just having trouble dealing with the idea of having this disease for the rest of my life. But there are so many ups and downs in random moments. Memories of everything terrible flooding back like I only stored them away just to deal with them all now. I feel so alone too, like I'm just a broken detail in everyone's life. I'm embarrassed and ashamed to be me, especially in front of those who know of my disease. The depression slowly arrived and now that I'm aware of it, I'm afraid to find out it will worsen.