Urocit-k (potassium citrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Urocit-k (potassium citrate)

After 3 years taking the med, last X-ray showed no stones.

Intense abdominal and esophagus pain, taken after meals with lots of water as recommended. Intense pain every time I took it.

Potassium replacement/hyperuricalcu

Large pill and hard to swallow

UROCIT-K (POTASSIUM CITRATE): This medication is used to make the urine less acidic. This effect helps the kidneys get rid of uric acid, thereby helping to prevent gout and kidney stones. This medication can also prevent and treat certain metabolic problems (acidosis) caused by kidney disease. Citric acid and citrate salts (which contain potassium and sodium) belong to a class of drugs known as urinary alkalinizers. If you have a condition that requires you to limit your intake of potassium and sodium, your doctor may direct you to take a product that is lower in potassium and sodium. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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