Potassium chloride 10meq in dextrose 5% and sodium chloride 0.3% in plastic container (dextrose; potassium chloride; sodium chloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Potassium chloride 10meq in dextrose 5% and sodium chloride 0.3% in plastic container (dextrose; potassium chloride; sodium chloride)

Helps my potassium stay in normal range 4.6.

Side Effects forpotassium chloride 10meq in dextrose 5% and sodium chloride 0.3% in plastic container (dextrose; potassium chloride; sodium chloride) - User Comments


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Palpitations at night, severe anxiety throughout the night on waking, numbness in hands and arm, tinitus, panic attacks. Tingling in parts of body, RLS

acne, nausea, horrible headaches, asthma attacks, dizziness, irritability, blurry vision, numbness and tingling, swollen hands and feet, shortness of breath, pain in calves, period so bad I needed LOTS of vicodin

I will NEVER, recommend this drug! It's terrible, and it should be taken off the market! I feel that additional medical research will not improve this drug! I got my first shot in January 14, 2010. An hour later, I was forgetful, paranoid, anxious & confused. I skipped my menses that month. In February, I started to spot, this then increased, bleeding more throughout the months. There were times when I passed very large dark red blood clots. I visited my doctor and explained my symptoms, as well as my altered state of mind. I asked him if there was something that he could prescribed to stop the bleeding and to counter act the drug to get it out of my system. He replied I would need a "D"- for some reason, he didn't complete the last part of his sentence, he was going to say a D & C. He changed direction and said that I would need to take another shot. I told him there was no way that I would take another shot and how in the hell could he have the audacity to recommend that I take the shot again even after I've told him what I'm been going through. He called me later on that night (feeling guilty) to check on me, he said "I don't blame you for not wanting to take another shot." I feel extreme anger, I have a drug in my system that has to wear out. April 15 - 25th I had a very heavy menstral with large dark clots. From April 26th - 29 nothing, now today, the 30th I went to the restroom and noiticed that I'm starting to spot. Well, I thought all

I don'take 7/7/7-21 take 7/7/7-28 and in the first 3 months I had nausea & lost 17 lbs.

My respiratory system can be likened to my achilles heel. When my body comes down with a chest cold the liklihood of developing bronchitis is very high regardless of what I do to curb the sickness. My body seems to produce an uncommonly high amount of mucus making my lungs feel as though they are heavy filled with glue. I've taken Biaxin XL twice for bronchitis and experienced positive results with no side effects. On a side note the doctor also prescribed 'liquid expectorant' to help clear my stubborn mucus.

Facial nerve pain, Lt side "shock"

It helped my allergies, but caused a lot of othe rproblems. Allergist said to stop using it and use an inhaler

I've decided to stop taking this Med.