Phoslo (calcium acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Phoslo (calcium acetate)

seems to be doing a good job removing phosphorous from my body which the kidney was not doing

PHOSLO (CALCIUM ACETATE): Calcium acetate is used to prevent high blood phosphate levels in patients who are on dialysis due to severe kidney disease. Dialysis removes some phosphate from your blood, but it is difficult to remove enough to keep your phosphate levels balanced. Decreasing blood phosphate levels can help keep your bones strong, prevent unsafe buildup of minerals in your body, and possibly decrease the risk of heart disease and strokes that can result from high phosphate levels. Calcium acetate is a natural mineral that works by holding onto phosphate from the diet so that it can pass out of your body. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This is the drug for me. I have more energy and less anxiety. I'm more able to deal with problems as they come at me. I'm happier. I work better. I've stopped grinding my teeth at night. I have better sex. I spent two years on SSRI's and quit because they slowed me down and damped down my emotions. Wellbutrin doesn't: it gets me moving and thinking and focusing on what's going on around me. I can't recommend it highly enough.