Klor-con (potassium chloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Klor-con (potassium chloride)

My potassium was extremely low, causing very high blood pressure and some irregularity in heartbeat. Within a week, all arrythmias were gone and blood pressure fell from 190/120 to 104/62

trying to balance sodium issues

Makes me extremely dizzy and lightheaded and disoriented.....even when I reduce the dosage amount. Also causes me terrible tinnitus - ringing in my ears. I can no longer tolerate it so I'm going to stop.

None yet, but after reading them, I don't think I want to stay on this drug because I have had a bleeding stomach ulcer in the past few months and this seems like it would only add to my problem

KLOR-CON (POTASSIUM CHLORIDE): This medication is a mineral supplement used to treat or prevent low amounts of potassium in the blood. A normal level of potassium in the blood is important. Potassium helps your cells, kidneys, heart, muscles, and nerves work properly. Most people get enough potassium by eating a well-balanced diet. Some conditions that can lower your body's potassium level include severe prolonged diarrhea and vomiting, hormone problems such as hyperaldosteronism, or treatment with "water pills"/diuretics. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I had a blocked nose for over a year and I found it difficult to smell, taste, swallow and breath properly. This was due to allergies, hay fever and asthma, my skin was constantly itchy and I was always breaking out in rashes or hives due to allegens. I am very weary of any forms of drugs and used this medication carefully. I didnt take the higher dosage my doctor advised. I started off with one spray per nostral before bed. My nose cleared up within 3 days and I could finaly use it again. I then slowed my dosage to once a night every second or third day for the next 2 months and now I only use it if I feel my nose blocking up again or if my allergies start playing up this can be weeks or even months between each dosage. It has worked very well and not only cleared my nose but dramaticly reduced my hayfever and allergies they are almost non existant which has given me back a productive life, I have so much more energy now and I dont feel run down any more. I think what may help some is to taylor the dosage to your own needs (you dont need overkill) and when you spray into your nose *dont* breath in at the same time as this will draw it into your throat and lungs. I also noticed if I aimed it wrong and sprayed the inside side of my nose I tended to increase my chances of a nose bleed now i make a conscious effort to aim it up the middle and have not had any bleeding since. Not all medications are for everyone but I hope this may help some.

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i am so grateful to have found all these comments. i have been suffering from increasingly intense anxiety and mood swings in the past two years, and i am entirely sure now that the ortho evra is causing it. i took it for more reliable protection and mood stabilization and i'm going to quit now. thank you for making me feel less crazy!

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