Ditropan xl (oxybutynin chloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ditropan xl (oxybutynin chloride)

DITROPAN XL (OXYBUTYNIN CHLORIDE): This is a long-acting form of oxybutynin that is used to treat overactive bladder and urinary conditions. It relaxes the muscles in the bladder to help decrease problems of urgency and frequent urination. Oxybutynin belongs to a class of drugs known as antispasmodics. This medication is also used to treat children 6 years of age and older who have an overactive bladder due to certain nerve disorders (e.g., spina bifida). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Horrid gas, extreme bloating, sleep disburbance, severe shoulder/neck pain. Weight gain 12 lbs.

Dr. had given this to me for my bipolar depression. I am highly sensitive to medications like Seroquel and I took 12.5mg at night for sleep. I also suffered very adverse reactions to Depakote and I feel that this medication produced very similar effects. When I got up for the 5th time and stayed up my body felt jittery, my eyes were burning, red and my eyeballs felt like they were "jiggling" on their own, I was desperately thirsty and starving but nauseous. Like I said before, my mouth stayed numb for about 18 hours. I will never take this medication again. I am currently on lamictal, lithium, campral, spiriva, symbacort, nasonex, ProAir and albuterol p.r.n.

Anxiety,Brain fog,Palpitations,Depression,Bloating,Heat intolerance.

Horrible worse than cancer treatment

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headache, sugar cravings, nightmares, elevated blood pressure, dry mouth, nausea at the beginning and at every dosage increase - 2 or 3 days of vomitting.

Essential to control my organic anxiety. Wellbutrin replaced 13 years of SSRI's, which got me out of the black depression, but also made me feel exhausted and useless. I barely kept my job, and couldn't function much at all at home. I didn't do my taxes for 5 years because the idea of getting the paperwork together overwhelmed me. Wellbutrin was a miracle for me, I got motivation and energy back. I'm much stronger now physically, I can finally exercise some - I was too tired on the SSRI's.

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After six courses of allergy shots, and dozens of other prescription and over the counter medications throughout my life, Zyrtec was a Godsend for me. For the first time, it gave me a life free of itching, eczema, sneezing, asthma and recurring sinus infections, and all this with few if any noticeable side effects. However, over the past couple of years, I've experienced more and more nighttime heart palpitations, heavy heart thumping, as well as persistent tachycardia -- sometimes so much so as to keep me awake. I did not suspect it was Zyrtec until in desperation I stopped taking it. The heart symptoms completely stopped the first night. For two nights I slept like a baby. Beginning the third night after giving up Zyrtec, my allergy symptoms returned with a vengeance. I had forgotten how miserable I was before Zyrtec. I decided to take half a tablet around noon instead of before bedtime. It is better, but I am still, not sure what I'm going to do in the long run. I don't want to conk

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