Pitocin (oxytocin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pitocin (oxytocin)

Pitocin is an anti-diuretic. I was not able to urinate out excess fluids from naturally declining blood volume post-partum. This resulted in *extreme* engorgement (couldn't raise arms 60* from sides) which harmed breastfeeding.

Side Effects forpitocin (oxytocin) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

I hate it!!!!!! I'm switching today!!!!!!!! this is the worst pill ever. I was put on it after the birth of my son and I was already experiencing mild post-partom depression and it just made it worse. Plus I can't seem to lose any weight whatsoever and I'm a maniac all the time. I have zero energy to even play with my son when I get home. I HATE IT!!!!!

All painful symptoms are gone no side affects only pleasing results working for me thankgoodness

I started taking this because I don't have the memory to be able to remember to take the pill everyday. I've been taking it for about a year now and I can tell every month that the symptoms are getting worse and worse. My periods have become heavier and have been getting cramps worse then I ever have before. Also, the mood swings have been getting worse and worse. I feel bad for my boyfriend because I'll get extremely, crazy kind of angry and then cry for no reason I'll just feel so angry and sad... I wouldn't recommend this for anyone!! Try finding something else that's what I'm going to do!

Slight and occasional tingling in my arms/fingers but no otherside-effects.

This pill has been a complete nightmare!! I cannot believe that I just figured it out. I have these things inserted into the ducts of my eyes because I have dry eye so bad. I have diarihaa at least 3 times a week. I havent even been able to eat a nice pizzia in years cuz I would be in the bathroom for hours. My anxiety and panic attacks are at there worst and I cant wait till they go away! The only good thing is I didnt get pregnant! Good Bye YASMIN!

Clostridium difficile infection

Bipolar NOS & Self Injury Addiction

ok, my doc is pressuring me really hard about taking this injection, almost angry bc I say no (bc of side effects I've read & heard!) he refuses to give me anything for pain nor help with sleep not my anxiety, so right now it is what it is (diagnosed 8 yrs ago-so yea you could imagine) not on anything but IBprofen 800, so is it or is it not worth it! I mean the side effects are not just headaches & lil something here & there... that I have anyhow, but are very severe IN MOST CASES I've read & heard(personally) so he wants me worse, he is a quack doc right? iDK I'm so tired of living!!!!!

intense headaches,nausea,joint/muscle pain,fatique,vertigo,flulike symptoms,fever,etc.

while taking, I did not gain weight or see any other side effects besides very low sex drive.