Tracleer (bosentan) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tracleer (bosentan)

I am able to breath more easily and it's helped my SOB so much. I used to get SOB while talking, now I don't even have to think about it. I get my blood tested for liver every month and CBC every third month. This is a miracle drug and I am very thankful for it..............

TRACLEER (BOSENTAN): Bosentan is used to treat high blood pressure in the lungs (pulmonary arterial hypertension). This condition is thought to be caused by increased levels of a certain natural substance (endothelin-1). This medication blocks the effects of endothelin-1, thereby helping to decrease the blood pressure in the lungs, slow the worsening of symptoms from the disease, and improve your ability to exercise. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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need to increase doses to get same affect,still suffer from insomnia, can fall asleep for about four hours, concerned about addiction.

i wish i could get off of it but i can't breathe without it

This drug is the worse drug I have ever been prescribed. Awful experience.

It's terrible. I'm suffering from side effects such as severe anxiety/depression.Just don't take it.

I thought I was going NUTS! I went to my Dr. because of my symptoms and he thought my hormones must be out of wack. After exams and blood work, everthing came back fine. It NEVER occured to me that this medicine could cause all of my problems. I'm glad to have found this site... maybe I can try to get back a year of my life!!!!! I would rather have bronchitis than continue feeling like this!

I experienced significant side effects of nausea and after a few days, I started to have a type of allergic reaction - my body was tingling, itchy and burning.

dry mouth heart burn sleepness increased appetite

My depression was eleviated but I still wasn't myself, even when I went up to 200 mg. The side effects got to be too much (headaches everyday, problems sleeping, gained 10 pounds, would lose a handful of hair everyday) and I weaned myself off of it, only to experience strange seizure-like zaps in my brain that would last for just a second but were very distressing.

noticed two smallest toes on left foot became stressed over a few months then by Jan 2007 after what seemed normal activity of moving about and stepping hard I was told that I had a serious tendon injury. I have been treated for almost a year, surgery now probable unless physical therapy and brace heal the tendon..

The drug worked well for my pain & gave me energy, but the withdrawal caused increased pain, sweating, restless legs & insomnia.