Repatha (evolocumab) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Repatha (evolocumab)

Developed horrible smelling diarrhea 6 hrs after first injection that continued for 5 days. Developed ne muscle pain in both hips, knees, feet and elbows high I still have 14 days later. Have had about 5 headaches needing Tylenol. Blood pressure increased. Will not take again, even though it might reduce my cholesterol.

Repatha worked well for first six months. Then I started getting ear infections, vertigo, scarring from injection site reaction. Cardiologist refused to prescribe something else so I found a new cardiologist. Still experiencing some ear problems 10 months after I stopped but finally seeing improvement. Plus my cholesterol is in good shape.

Started Rapha approximately two years ago due to an inability to tolerate statins due to severe back pain. Gradually noticed increasing back pain if I took the shot every two weeks. I weaned down to every six weeks and then developed pain in my left hip groin thigh and buttocks region. Extreme difficulty raising my leg. Activity seems to make it worse. Did an MRI of my hip it was normal. Did an MRI of my back and it was normal. I work out seven days a week and typically play tennis three days per week started limping by the 3rd set of Tennis because of severe pain in my hip. Did some physical therapy she said did not make any sense on the areas that I was having pain. I can pull my leg up and have severe pain and five minutes later that pain doesn’t exist. It really bothered me. I have trouble getting up from a sitting position or sitting down without having horrible pain in my hip. I have been off this medicine now for nine weeks praying that it’ll be out of my system by 90 days.. taking Motrin and Tylenol around the clock slight help, Tried medrol as well.

I got Plantar Fasciitis after about 2 months. I went off Repatha to see if it improved slightly. I tried 2 more time to go back on, and now I am done forever. My foot has definitely worsened this last time and I am done for sure!

Doctors tout it as having no side effects (mine did), but how wrong he was!

Experienced nausea joint pains muscle weakness and back pain. Exacerbated issues with carpal tunnel neuropathy and plantar fasciitis.

Will not be taking this drug ever again.

Statins alone not reducing cholesterol

Initially just runny nose ,tiredness and mild flu like symptoms but after 6months.Joint and muscle pains which Limited mobility.Neck and shoulder pains also causing g severe headaches.Itching and spots on back and trunk/legs.General fatigue and breathlessness.Quite a hefty amount of side effects which disappeared a month after I decided to discontinue it.However,4 weeks ago I attempted to recommence it and within 2 weeks began developing breathlessness and flu like aches and severe knee hi and back pain.I will not be using it again despite that it has lowered my cholesterol.I want to have some quality of life.

Repatha undoubtedly reduces cholesterol but living from. Day to day feeling tired and unwell with decreased mobility isn't worth it.

Stomach issues, insomnia, back pain

I'm no longer taking this medication.

Took repatha as couldn't tolerate s

Burning sensation running through my whole body the suddenly goes cold. Runny nose back ache dry throat mouth all of the above blurry eyes

I have stopped taking this 7 weeks now but have now been referred to neurologist. Was told this can take months to leave your body I feel so ill

I'm no longer taking this medication.

Severe pain in upper left leg constantly. Trouble walking and sleeping because of pain. Also back pain constantly.

High triglycerides and statin intol

I'm no longer taking this medication. I have switched to Praluent within the past 6 months. So far my HDL and LDL are great and my total cholesterol is 65. My triglycerides are around 160 and I really have not experienced any side effects from praluent. I believe my south distress combined with pains were related to the Repatha. But I can not totally confirm that was the culprit. But once stopped. And having an urgent care visit and some tests. The symptoms went away a few short weeks after stopping Repatha and have not returned.

I'm no longer taking this medication. I no longer use this or any cholesterol lowering medication. I manage my health with a whole food plant base diet and doing fine with that.

Whole food plant based 5 years now. No issues and no need for cholesterol lowering drugs

Leg Pain, Dizziness, Leg Tingling

I got put on Repatha because of my intolerance to statins. I took my first shot of Repatha 20 days ago. Within the first two days after taking the shot, I began to notice my calves and feet tingling and slightly burning. Then the muscles cramp and pain in my legs started. I am a teacher and coach so I have to move around a lot and by the end of the week my legs have been SORE the past two weeks. Talked to my Cardiologist who said this isn't normal. I couldn't belive it after going through these replies! Please email me if anyone had somethings similar... I am praying these side effects go away in the 2-3 months it is in my system. This may work for some people but there needs to be WAY more warnings about the side effects. Not even close to a trade off with the side effects in my opinion.


Always healthy - this medicine has made me sicker than I've ever been. I can barely leave my house. Apparently it is going to take months to leave my system. This is abysmal

Horrific!!! I feel like I have been poisoned! Extreme pain everywhere. Mental health issues that I've never had. Extreme fatigue, depression, crying, joint, muscle and body pain, stomach ache, chest pressure and pain, high blood sugar, sore throat, headache, feeling like I am in a dream. Just awful! I only took one shot and will never take again! Please do your research before you take this poison. I wish I had!

Fatigue, muscle weakness, flu like symptoms, low mood, lethargy.

Symptoms have gradually got worse the longer I have taken Repatha. I persevered, but have finally decided to stop taking the drug. I hope I get my energy and mojo back!

I'm no longer taking this medication. This drug ruined my life.

Terrible. I no longer trust the pharmaceutical industry.

I'm no longer taking this medication. No side effects at all. Just need a new Rx from Cardiologist. Repath ad lowered my Cholesterol significantly from 230 to 100 or lower can not recall, but she wants me back on it,because I cannot take statins, and nothing else worked.

I'm no longer taking this medication. Stopped taking Repatha after 2 doses because of the muscle pain, etc.

I've now been off for about 2 months and still have muscle and joint pain. The leg pain is somewhat improved, arm muscle still aches and knees are still achy. I will not go back on this med.

REPATHA (EVOLOCUMAB): Treatment of certain patients with high cholesterol (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Extreme and quick weight gain of approximately 5lbs per month until I gained 60 lbs plus I had vivid dreams and nightmares. After about 3 years, it effected my knees, made me anxious, caused heart problems culminating in a silent heart attack. I went off of Lexapro, lost about 25 lbs, knees got back in shape. However, I became very depressed and had obsessive thoughts of suicide (but did not want to kill myself). After being off for a year, I decided to go back on. The depression and suicidal thoughts went away. However, I quickly starting gaining weight again, my knees hurt, and I feel like I'm having some heart problems.

At first, I experienced no side effects. However, on the third day, I began to feel a tender spot on my thoracic spine which gradually developed into generalized shoulder and neck stiffness. This was compounded by increasing anxiety and nervousness, and an inability to sleep at night. These side effects constantly increased day-by-day until I decided to quit Celebrex.

Soreness in arm gave way to severe fatigue and body aches, fever, chills, restlessness. Not sure I'm going to take the second dose!

I crave sugar and chocolate. I have never felt better though. My depression is gone and I feel like I can handle life. the dark cloud has lifted and I feel hopeful all day long. Life is good again with no mania.

Paradoxical reaction to estrogen

I was always suspicious of new tablets but I only have 5 days worth to take then have to go back to the doctor's to see if I'm cured....If I last the weekend without bursting into tears it'll be a miracle. I am using Corsodyl mouthwash as well as the ice cubes.