Praluent (alirocumab) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Praluent (alirocumab)

Horrible flu like symptoms, blurred vision, muscle spasms.

Swelling of face. Head. Face. Tongue Legs. Arms stomach. Rash. Hives. Discoloration of skin Brown splotches everywhere. Urinary tract infection. Headaches. Feeling unwell. Legs heavy. Eyes nearly swollen shut 7 weeks later on all symptoms

This drug has been poisonous to me with no antedote. Treat symptoms It's continuing now 7 weeks after last injection

I'm no longer taking this medication. Muscle spasms, muscle cramps, severe fatigue, internal tremors. Blurred vision and sinus

Had to stop because of side effects to see if they would resolve. Some did and other continue

I'm still taking this medication. Side effects - None

I'm no longer taking this medication.

03/21/24 Pain has greatly reduced. I still have pain in right leg, but greatly reduced. I am now able to sit, stand, sleep. I find that riding the bike helps keep muscle spasms at bay. Walking any distance is still an issue, but again, pain is much reduced.

I have noticed pain in my hips and feet.Hot flashes, chills, concentration, appetite and dizziness are a few things that I am now dealing with.Dr. says to stop taking for two weeks to see if symptoms go away or not. The medication stay in your system way over 2 weeks so don't think that will show anything.Going to stop now before things get out of control.

Severe hematoma's. These were constantly occuring in one eye alternating to the other. Doctors took me off after I forwarded a photo to them. Went back to Repatha. Initially switched due to joint and muscle pain. Have lowered my atorvastatin to 10mg from 40mg. This has helped. Repatha has been way more favorable to my numbers.

backache, foggy head, increased high blood pressure, muscle and joint pain flu and covid like symptoms

Loss of feeling in legs and toes! Pain in both feet. Digestive problems. Dizziness and vision problems

Tingling in legs sore back muscles. Very tired and mentally out of it.

Dizziness, weakness to both legs with trouble walking without a cane, fatigue, tingling to both feet, blurred vision, palpitations, acid reflux, worsening pain in preexisting pain to neck and knee. I'm 44 and was walking 2-3 miles a day previously, cardio twice a week, weights twice a week. Now can barely walk.

Last injection 3 weeks ago, had 2 "good days" with decrease in dizziness and leg weakness, yesterday and 2 days ago. Today was very dizzy with leg weakness and significant trouble walking all morning. Pending Neurology but I highly suspect it is the Praluent. Frustrated that PCP and Specialists will dismiss this medication as the cause.

Had many of the side effects mentioned by others including headaches, fast heartbeat, pain and weakness in lower body, runny nose. At month 6, only the lower body weakness is a daily issue.The other side effects taper off after monthly injection in about a week or so.

Currently using 75mg injection 1x per month instead of 2x. Last year, tried 6 mos at 75mg 2x per month and felt ill by month 6 couldn't get up in the morning. Took a few months break and then started 1x a month at 75mg. Side effects are less and the only lingering one is the lower body muscle pain and weakness. I'm going to try 6 more months at 1x per month to see if side effects level out or if side effects get worse.Although my doctor didn't encourage the 1x per month for 75mg it is working to reduce my high LDL.He liked the numbers on my bloodwork after the 6 mo 1x per month trial period.

gas, diarrhea, constipation, hoarseness, runny nose, hoarseness, muscle cramps, dizzy spells

I went on Praluent 75 mg. because I had bad side effects with some statins. My LDL cholesterol went from 112 to 37, so it worked for that really well. Unfortunately, it completely messed up my digestive system. I was in agony for months. I had explosive gas and diarrhea all night, and constipation during the day. I could not digest anything with fiber in it, such as hummus or peanuts. I was unable to go out in public, except to work, where I spent a lot of time in the bathroom. I am now taking a break from it. It has been just a month, and I'm beginning to return to normal. There are still some lingering effects, though, but I was able to challenge myself with peanuts, lentils, and hummus last night, and didn't get sick. I'm going to start back on a low dose of statins now, and see if that works. I have asymptomatic cardiovascular disease, so must take something. I also had painful muscle cramps and dizziness. I am a professional singer, and lost the upper register of my voice, due to hoarseness.

Suddenly started to check my meds as I've progressively been feeling so unwell, had bloods done liver enzymes are very high and have been for years now cholesterol has risen to so something is a miss! I also suffer from dreadful pain in hips knees and shoulders didnt have this pain before praluent! I've recently felt so unwell i thought i must be dieing extreamly tired flue like symptoms all the time sweats tummy troubles....Think I'm going to have to take a few months off see if liver recovers and energy returns while having gall bladder checked over mri ectBut the more i read other reviews the more I'm thinking praluent is my problem! Wouldn't it be wonderful if stopping it made me feel well again!!!!

Worked ok to reduce cholesterol then it didnt dose was doubled, worked ok for a few months cholesterol has recently raised

Back aches for a few days after biweekly injection. Manageable

Wonderful results. I have been on 75 mg for 2 months and my LDL has decreased from 153 to 75

Insomnia, kidney pain, diarrhoea, fatigue, muscle weakness

The insomnia is debilitating. Cannot tolerate statins need something? Running out of options

On day 2 after first pen, side effects started. Wake up very woozy and foggy headed. Feel unsteady and out of sorts. Would not feel safe driving. Usually I wake up chipper and ready to go. Slight headache and stuffy nose. If this continues daily probly won't continue. I don't want to feel crappy every day. I think Drs are overly obsessed with cholesterol. Mine is 205 overall, LDL 130.

Three or four days after first injection in stomach I started feeling nauseous and cramping in my stomach and being tired, flu like symptoms. It got worse where I thought I had Covid or something else. I went and got swabbed for Covid and Flu both tests came back negative. Told to go to ER because of stomach pain did a Cat Scan came back negative. Doctor said it could be Praluent but no way of proving it. It's now four weeks since my injection and my symptoms are still lingering. Another trip to outpatient clinic missed a day of work this time vomiting with body aches again Covid and Flu test came back negative. My pharmacologist says it can't be the Praluent being it's almost 4 weeks since my one and only injection. I regret taking Praluent !

After 7 days of injection having dizziness, weak with fatigue, sore knees and shoulders feel like flu symptoms.

Doctor said only side effect would be runny nose, let her use it.

Loss of balance, horrible sinus could not breath at night, loosing muscle it really scares me

Sores in my nose, and on my feet that want heal

PRALUENT (ALIROCUMAB): Treatment of certain patients with high cholesterol (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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i probably didn't even need to be on this Rx after all, b/c it was more than likely, a viral infection or bronchitis. please ask lot's of Q's before you go to the MD and use garlic. it is one of nature's natural antibiotics. i wished that i had taken it like i had before in the past!!

Great for rheumatiod arthritis but try to tapper and pain came back right away.

I've had IMPLANON when I was 16-19. I never had a problem. I had my son after I turned 21. I decided to get the birth control again. Biggest mistake. I've been bleeding for 23 days straight now. It's not old blood its new. It acts like its going to stop then starts up the same day back to bright red. I've got headaches,body aches, severe cramping, bloating....the list goes on. I would much rather be pregnant at this point. It's definitely doing its baby and practicing abstinence...its so frustrating. I would not advise anyone to get this birth control. I'm trying to get my OB to take it out of my arm. Tired of cramping and bleeding. I just want to go back to normal.

muscle pain,problems useing my muscles,loss of range and motion in my arms,strange sensations in my neck,felt like my eyebrows were pulling down,muscle spams,slow mentally and physically,clenching of my teeth,shooting, burning pains all over my body,feel like something is crawling on the inside of my skin,mouth watering,constant toe movement that was voluntary movement,the feeling of needing to move all the time(akathesia),when this happens and i am in a setting position i have to get up and move. i have tried to see what happens if i dont get up, at that time my legs will begin to jump and then my hips will start to jump and the inner feeling of fight or flight begins.if i was standing and the akathesia begins, i will tap my feet or do what looks like a little dance.i am feeling suttle mouth movements in my bottom jaw,tremors in my hands and fingers if i try to use them (example) when i try to write for a period of time, if i try to grip any thing for a short period of time. the feeli

I would love to hear from anyone about adverse reactions you've experienced.

only 5 MG of Abilify can kill you in 4 Hs

I found imipramine to be one of the many tried anti-depressants that worked. I was once on 300mg a day through some bad times but have been on 150mg since 2003 and now for the last month am on 125mg. Found i developed speech problems and would say the wrong words and clutter my speech. This has improved now i am on 125mg. Having headaches tho and some down moments but determined to not increase dose again. Trying to get past the withdrawral symptons.

I use between min and max dose on any given day based on overall feeling. Fibro flare ups can be extremely debilitating. Used with Tylenol makes it Ultracet - slight added benefit. Using this for over 6 years. This is a non narcotic drug. If I'm hooked, I don't care. Tons of support from pain clinic and personal doctor. Take in conjunction with Cymbalta = amazing results.

Overall I think it is helping cut the headaches back. I'm having a hard time tolerating the tingling and I swear it's making me stupid. I was told to stick it out a while longer and it should improve. I lost 5lbs in just over a week. I am not overweight but did want to lose a few pounds anyway so that part was nice.

Biaxin has been the anti-biotic of choice for my Doctor. I usually experience mild diarrhea which is tolerable. Within 4 hours of taking the med, I developed rashes in 6 different locations on my face and neck and experienced an itchy scalp. I never had difficulty breathing or anything swollen. I discontinued after the 1 dose.