Zubsolv (buprenorphine hydrochloride; naloxone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zubsolv (buprenorphine hydrochloride; naloxone hydrochloride)

I feel really tired all day and have headaches. Those two things I could handle. It's the intense nausea I feel all day that I can't stand. I'm having trouble keeping any food down. I puke it up shortly after eating. I also feel it doesn't last as long as suboxone. I start feeling withdrawal hours before I'm supposed to take my next dose. The taste is much better though.

I was on suboxone for about a month before switching at my own request. The suboxone worked great for me but was destroying my mouth. It gave me so many mouth sores it got to the point it hurt to eat. Now I have to make the decision of if I want to feel sick and puke every day, or have mouth sores. Cause I have to be on the medication. I would go back to the street drugs without it.

I recently began exercising after a 5 year break and have been experiencing swollen hands & feet (edema). Given that I never experienced this prior to taking Zubsolv & it's a list s/e, I am assuming it is due to Zubsolv. A few weeks prior to starting Zubsolv, I began taking Lyrica (150mg-2X/day) for two severe disc herniations that I've been advised needed surgery. Less than a week into taking Zubsolv, I noticed that I didn't need to take the Lyrica as often as prescribed (same for ibuprofen). I may have started Zubsolv much earlier had I known that it would also provide some pain relief Duh to me!! as it does contain an opioid, afterall. For people concerned with or thinking that they simply cannot live w/o opioids due to their physical pain levels, Zubsolv may help some (not all) people more than they realize. The 2-3 week physical w/d symptoms from opioids is NOTHING compared to the mental anguish that doesn't resolve itself after 3 weeks. Zubsolv may be the answer to that; It was for me. For me, Zubsolv gave me back the "feeling normal" that, if you're reading this, you understand exactly what I mean. It's "feeling normal" w/o the "high/euphoria". I plan to continue taking Zubsolv until I have gotten a strong & firm grasp onto a strong, healthy and productive lifestyle that I can continue having as I taper down.

Zubsolv is the only opioid disorder med I've ever had. I began looking at suboxone several months before actually making an apptwith an addiction doc. After hearing my history, my truthful history, the doc I went to suggested Zubsolv stating that the patients he has served have had greater success with Zubsolv than with suboxone -- also saying it was a bit easier tapering and eventually stopping than suboxone. I have been able to stop taking opioids and going through and getting over the nasty physical w/ds and have even gone 14 months w/o slipping. I wasn't very productive during those months. In fact, I was miserable, absolutely miserable. Which led me back into the cycle again. I've tried without Zubsolv, and it's been a 100 times better with it. I have the mental "normalcy" that was ALWAYS missing. If your contemplating taking it, I fully recommend you go for it. If you tried in the past to live, I mean really LIVE after your physical w/d symptoms have stopped, but you were also depressed and in despair, I think zubsolv may be your answer. Once my family did their own research and saw how it helped me, they got on board -- initially, they thought it was just another chemical I was "using".FYI, Most doctors who prescribe this will initially only prescribe it one week at a time for the first 4 weeks to see how you do on it & to make sure you're actually committed to getting sober. Then, they'll do 2 weeks for another month, and then more

I feel so suppressed on this medication. Fatigue, stomache pain, full muscle aches, sweats at night so bad it soaks through my clothes and bed sheets blankets pillow litterally everything is drenched, I feel dizzy sometimes and just out of it, I feel sick after 6 hours of taking it and it has been a nightmare.

I have been sober for 14 months because of it on the good side but also my dr has not believed me that the medication is causing it.

Same as suboxone, just follow directions.

Equally effective. Better taste

Won't stay under tongue. Not as strong as strips. Can't ween yourself down.

The medication in it needs to be better regulated to really match 8mgs. Better absorption for people with dental issues.

Worked great, but when it was time to stop horrible w/d for 2 weeks

ZUBSOLV (BUPRENORPHINE HYDROCHLORIDE; NALOXONE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication contains 2 medicines: buprenorphine and naloxone. It is used to treat opioid (narcotic) dependence/addiction. Buprenorphine belongs to a class of drugs called mixed opioid agonist-antagonists. Buprenorphine helps prevent withdrawal symptoms caused by stopping other opioids. Naloxone is an opioid antagonist that blocks the effect of opioids and can cause severe opioid withdrawal when injected. It has little effect when taken by mouth or dissolved under the tongue. It is combined with buprenorphine to prevent abuse and misuse (injection) of this medication. This combination medication is used as part of a complete treatment program for drug abuse (such as compliance monitoring, counseling, behavioral contract, lifestyle changes). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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completely exhausted zero motivationignoring family and children

I totaly despise this product !!!!!!!!!! I just had a baby 3 months ago I had started to lose the baby weight immediatly I felt great all smooth sailing. Started taking this about two months now, I stopped losing weight immediatly and have gained 7 lbs already all on the abdomen area. I also started to take this as a acne prevention thanks to estrostep you can now play connect the dots on my face due to the acne breakout I also experienced really bad leg cramps and arm cramps as if poor circulation. I really would not recommend anyone to use this product worse thing that I have ever tried. Thanks to this I feel and look horrible.

The initial symptoms are just as bad as the side effects. Whenever you get a doctor that immediately diagnoses and assigns you with a mediation, watch out. I've had abdominal wall pain for almost a year, and I've seen a number of doctors who all believed that I had something different, and each time I was assigned a different medication. They all thought I was misdiagnosed by the previous doctor, yet none of them tested me for anything. "Take this and let's wait and see." People are not lab experiments. Most doctors should realize that they are playing with people's lives, and after so long it gets to be pretty irritating to keep trying new medications that in many ways make the situation worse.

Great product! It has kept the extraction site perfectly healthy and it's healing quickly. No side effects at all.none!

Started slow, built up to 50mg 2x a day. At first I was drowsy and had occasional dizziness adjusting to topamax. In conversations, it's frustrating to not be able to find the right word and to feel like I can't always keep up on the outside but I know in my head I'm NOT DUMB! But I know it's the drug and at worst I had 17 migraines a month, now I have maybe 3? And Imitrex does the trick. Voila. DEFINITELY worth it. Tried the whole bag of tricks before, including trials. I thought I was doomed to a life of near constant pain.

This drug is terrible for elderly people with dimentia and should not be given to them for any length of time. My mother was thrown in a psych ward after less than 1 week in a memory care unit. They didn't want to be bothered with altering her medicine or dealing with her minor outbursts from being in a new place. After 3 months I removed her and placed her somewhere else but she is a completely different person now.

tendinitis L. heel, plantar fascii