Vivitrol (naltrexone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Vivitrol (naltrexone)

Not exactly sure on dosage but once a month went in for injection every month. White milky thick substance injected. I voluntarily admitted myself to outpatient services in IHC Dayspring in Utah. Therapy helped but was given choice of this or daily Naltrexone pills. This worked very well for 22-23 days of the month. Helped with the mental and emotional fortitude to not want to drink. Relapsed once and all benefits of alcohol was gone. Felt the sweatiness, nasty drink flavors, and increased heartbeat instead of positive side effects. This drug seemed to work super well. Side effects were non existent for me.

One of the few good drugs out there.

Positive results regarding craving reduction. Also, limits the euphoric effects of alcohol.

VIVITROL (NALTREXONE): This medication is used to treat alcohol abuse. It is used only in people who have been able to stop drinking for some time before starting treatment with naltrexone. You should not be drinking when you start naltrexone. It can help people drink less alcohol or stop drinking altogether. Naltrexone works in the brain to decrease the desire to drink. It does not work like some other treatments for alcohol abuse (e.g., disulfiram). It will not make you sick when taken with alcohol. This medication is also used to prevent relapse to opioid abuse, after opioid detoxification. It works by blocking the action of opioids. This medication must not be used in people currently taking opiates, including methadone. Doing so can cause sudden withdrawal symptoms. Naltrexone belongs to a class of drugs known as opiate antagonists. It is used as part of a complete treatment program for alcohol or opioid abuse (e.g., counseling, 12-step program, lifestyle changes). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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My periods were light to begin with, but the pill has made them lighter and my PMS symptoms have decreased noticeably. I don't have problem skin but the pill has made the occasional breakout a lot less frequent.

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A friend of mine was given this years ago for nausea caused by drug reactions, and wound up with tardive dyskinesia (uncontrollable movements of limbs.) More recently, he was given this drug again when he developed life-threatening nausea due to pancreatitis. THIS WAS IN SPITE OF CLEAR WARNINGS IN PHARMACEUTICAL TEXTBOOKS AGAINST RE-ADMINISTRATION OF THE DRUG. He developed muscle rigidity, dementia, high white blood cell count, weakness, heart problems and disorientation. He is only 56 years old, and now has the memory of someone with moderately advanced Alzheimer's.

I've taken several statins with similar intolerable side effects. The cure is worse than the disease in this case of many of us.

Suppressive therapy for cold sores

In the first two weeks this seemed to work pretty well, however, later in the first month I was extremely lethargic, almost zombie like, was unable to sleep most nights, when I did sleep it was at most 3-4 hours and had very vivid nightmares. I was gaining weight very quickly, I literally could not stop myself from thinking about food, and shoving it in my mouth, especially high carb and sugary foods. If that wasn't bad enough, I had constant excessive sweating. I could barely get dressed after a shower because I would start dripping with sweat. After three months we called it quits and are trying a different type of bp med. Just didn't work for me at all. If you are sensitive to side effects of meds I would not recommend taking this med.

Been taking for 7 years. Symptoms appeared first last yr - early 06 - stopped taking for two months, restarted and symptoms came back summer of 07. Dosage for past 2 yrs has been 40 mg once a day.