Subutex (buprenorphine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Subutex (buprenorphine hydrochloride)

I'm still taking this medication. I haven't experienced any side effects from Subutex. My pain is well controlled without the ups and downs I experienced with Oxycodone.

Though I had to increase the 2 mg dose from twice a day to 6 times a day over the last year and a half, it has been stable for at least a year. Other than some mild hip pain, I'm essentially pain free for the first time in years. I have a complicated medical history and am in a power chair other than for transfers to the bathroom. Being pain free is an unbelievable blessing!!

Addicted to Stadol nasal spray via

I was unfortunately addicted to Stadol a nasal spray given to me via Neurologist in 2012 that I never used until 2015. It was prescribed as the 3rd medication to be used after the first med which was Tylenol 3, and the second med was Maxalt did not work. Never had to use it until the last week in August 2015 when the other 2 did not work. THIS entire situation has nearly ruined my life and created such barriers to having t o live.. either in withdrawal forever or on Subutex to live with out the hanks of addiction and withdrawal..

I have been on Subutex now for 9 years. I haven't had a period /menstruation ever since not realizing I really wasn't really going in to menopause @ 38 yrs of age. Now that I have finally came off of Subutex yet living every single day in the throws of withdrawal I have started my period/menstruation 9 years later... and much older too now. Heads up to all who have to use Subutex that are women. THIS medication STOPS our periods. SO this is the downfall and it foils with our hormones as it does this. For any one who happens to be addicted to opioids and wants children this is a downfall. Clearly the medication works yet it definitely does STOP your period for as long as you take it.

Suppressed emotions. Slight paranoia. Sleep paralysis once in awhile. Lack of energy.

I absolutely love this drug as it literally saved my life. It allowed me the time to not feel withdrawal and finally get off of opiates. I have tried to stop a couple of times but have relapsed twice so I am scared of trying to stop again. I have been sober from opiates for over 10 years. I want to stop but I have spent a decade rebuilding my life and I don't want to lose all that I have worked so hard to amend. Overall I would say the benefits of this drug outweigh the negatives.

I am having sudden weight loss like 10 pounds since starting the meds 22 days ago also night sweats?

Fatigue, Reduced sex drive (almost to a halt), Sometimes it feels like my emotions are just numb.

I've been on Subutex for almost 2 years & as for the medication, it has helped me stay clean & I can't be more grateful for that. My addiction had a deep hold on me for 17 years & nothing helped until I got on Subutex. I started on 16mg & I have tapered down to 4mg. The side affects, especially the lose of libido has been horrible seeing as I am married & every time I taper it is not fun to say the least. My goal is to be off of the medication completely in 6 months as I am tapering right now to 2mg. If used correctly, Subutex can be life changing!

Migraines from direct sunlight. I'm sensitive to them though. So, could just be me.

This drug save my life. I am able to live a normal life now without any opioid cravings. When I first took it, For a short period of time, or I had symptoms of euphoria and sedation. The symptoms went away quickly, to the point where I don’t even realize I am on the medication. Occasionally I will experience constipation, However this can be remedied quickly with and over the counter medication like MiraLAX.Last but not least, for the first 4 to 6 hours after taking it it does give significant pain relief. So if my back is in pain, instead of taking 8 mg twice a day, I take 4 mg four times a day. Either way it adds up to 16mg. Also this medication seems to have a ceiling when it comes to pain relief and opioid craving relief. As doses titrated from 16 to 32 mg, the benefits gained diminishes as you approach 32 mg. There is really no benefit to going over 32 mg per day.One other note, is if you’ve been on this medication for over three months, and you need to come off of it, this must be done slowly as the medication has a very long half life. It is not Uncommon for patients on 8 mg To take up to three months to eventually get off the medication. The taper down schedule would look something like this:6mg for 14 days4mg for 14 days3mg for 7 days2mg for 7 days1.5mg for 7 days1mg for 7 days.75 mg for 10 days.5 mg for 10 days.25mg for 10 days.125 mg for 10 days.1mg for 10 daysFor the very small doses you can give the patient suboxone st

Horrendous withdrawal symptoms lasting years

It worked well at the beginning but over the years caused Anxiety, weight gain, major adrenal and hormonal issues, very difficult to taper off.

I took this drug because I was in too much pain to work. It kept me going to work for over 6 years but eventually the side effects were too much. The taper was very difficult and time consuming (3 years - unable to work the last two). I was at a very high dose for pain but I believe if I was at a lower dose I might not have had so many side effects.

This drug was the first drug I have ever discovered, that my brain had no want to abuse. I have been taking 1/4 of a pill a day for two years now. I never thought it possible to be happy on just a quarter a day!! I thought I found my miracle drug.After two years however I have been finding my self depressed randomly and I cry for no particular reason. So with turning 30 looming around the corner l made a drastic change. I quit my job, was honest with everyone why! You know why honesty is hard. It's like we are hidden, no body knows the true me and the struggles an addict deals with, so we hide from everyone. I am glad too report I am 5 days into my detox and although it is not even close to as easy as I thought it would be for the first time in awhile I am feeling like my self again. When we are hi 24/7 everything seems like a dream and that is no longer sufficient for me! I want real memories and I want to connect with people on an honest level. I have walked every walk of life there is from being a bum on the street to a general manager of a 2million dollar business. From drug addict to construction chief. From inmate to head chef!! I have never let drugs stand in the way of my dreams. I smoke a pack a day and still jog 2 miles everyday. every walk of life I have endured has only shown me that everyone deals with issues. It has to be about you!! You have to want it and be willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want out of life! I was willing to tell a judge lock me

Loss of libido entirely, my relationship has suffered greatly from this libido issue.Psychological upset when treatment ceased. Subutex (buprenorphine) saved my life. Methadone left me feeling like a junkie with sweats and aches daily but subutex is like being clean, I tapered my dose from 8mg to my current 1mg over 6 months and will be drug free within this month. Feel fantastic. I know from previous withdrawal however that once I'm off the subutex I will start craving heroin again. The circle will repeat.

Opioid addiction maintenance & pain

As a recovering addict, this medication does *NOT* get me high whatsoever and despite being a partial opioid agonist, it helps relieve some pain but is only moderately effective. It was a very uncomfortable transition from large doses of Methadone to Buprenorphine but the discomfort lasted around 3-5 days. This medication has given me my life back however and because it bonds so strongly to the opiate receptors in your brain, it will block other opiates while it's still in your system so you won't get high from them which is a great tool to prevent lapse-in-judgment relapses. There is a generic out now that is much less expensive.

Tingling arms and hands sec nod wen sitting for 5 minutes

What my side effects on it were: Decreased sex drive (almost to a halt), insomnia & sleep paralysis, anxiety, memory issues, difficulty concentrating, palpitations, hair is falling out & springs then snaps, teeth ache & chipping, & nails fold & are ridged all down beds- (read that subutex inhibits absorption of calcium), chronically fatigued, my husband says I don't show emotion & my friends say my "joy is gone". I was put on every opiate I can think of in 2001post car accident. After liking them way to much & dosages being upped & upped I was switched to methadone. That was upped eventually to 335mg per day. Bad things came about from the methadone & I thought subutex was the answer. I began at 8mg suboxone- was eventually switched to subutex & worked up to 32mg subQ. The side effects did not come on at once. Insomnia & low sex drive were the beginning. I am at home detoxing now- jumped off at .33mg per day. I have made it into day 18.. maybe that's because I had taken it for 8 yrs & methadone 2 prior to that. My neurotransmitters have alot of self correcting to do. Symptoms of detox are coming and going now & the worst is over. The 1st 7 days were physically tough for me. The next 7 days the emotional detox started & physical symptoms were lighter. Now I'm trying to regain strength & say goodbye to the off & on physical symptoms & I'm starting to see a bit more sleep. Did it help my pain? -yes.

ZERO sex drive, some constipation, some drowsiness

I began taking Subutex after experiencing nasty side effects while on Suboxone. I've heard that for some people, the Naloxone/Buprenorphine mix is bad; guess I was one of them. Subutex does the job in curbing opiate cravings. I do notice, however, that I get more of a temporary "high" feeling from Subutex than I did from Suboxone. This is why some addiction specialists will only prescribe Subutex to those who have demonstrated responsibility; apparently Subutex is much easier to abuse due to the lack of Naloxone as a deterrent. Because the name brand is so expensive, I go with generics but have learned a few things from the different formulas. There are some crappy generics, one of which is called Hi-tech (or something like that) and it is carried at Walgreens. This formula dissolves incredibly fast which renders the levels of the drug in the bloodstream erratic. This could lead to the need to take the drug more often. I found that Teva brand was excellent (operative word being "was" since their patent expired) so the next best is Roxane brand. I found that some days I need even less of my usual dose because Roxane brand works so well since it dissolves slowly. In all, Subutex has helped although the lack of libido is slowly killing my once happy marriage. I am in the process of tapering my dose (went from an initial 16mg a day down to my current 5mg) so I hope to get my libido back.

chronic physical scoliosis pain

Insomnia, being treated like a drug addict after decades of terrible chronic physical pain, banned from any hope of future pain treatment. no matter what happens to me, because of the "addict" label, fear of errors in hospitals because MDs can't remember the endlessly proliferating opiate brand names.

I was told by a pain mgmt MD that Suboxone was a pain med. It is not. I switched to Subutex after the horrors of the Naloxone (Narcan) added to Subutex which = Suboxone. Now I am in as much pain as before Suboxone but must live with the constant fear of accident or illness that will cause more pain because both are incompatible with opiates. Sellers of these drugs claim tolerance can't happen, but this is not true if you are in pain; they're no different from opiates in this way.

Constipation, headaches, nasal issues, tiredness, low energy levels.

Constipation, Urinary Retention (difficulty voiding), headaches, nausea, episodes of panic, decreased sex drive, joint aches

This medication does very well at controlling the cravings for opiates but the side effects have been a nightmare. I've only been on this medication one month so far- and it is doing it's job but I feel terrible. My body maybe unable to handle the medication therefore my options are to switch to another medication or taper off the Subutex "for good."

Addiction to Prescription Pain Meds

Constipation, Itchy, No Sex Drive, Depression at Doses under 1MG, Sometimes feeling skin discomfort, Nausea (Occasional), Insomnia, Food Cravings, Thirsty, Drowsy

I started using Suboxone first before Subutex I was addicted to Pain Killers. I never shot up, snorted my meds. Simple addiction traded for something I believe is worse. It keeps my withdrawal symptoms at Bay and keeps me from wanting other Opiates. The side effects are horrible. I started at 4mg comfortably and have made my way down to .25mg. I tried going off the medication entirely and couldn't do so momentarily. You have to have no other obligations or anything going on because detox is rough. Looking back I should have detoxed from previous meds and by now I would be feeling alot better instead I am still at square one. On a positive note. I am more productive on the meds. I didn't keep up on things while abusing pain meds. I have made alot of life changes since the transition. I actually was able to see the changes I needed to make. I just think it's harder because this stuff is so much stronger. So please make a informed decision before starting subutex, suboxone or buprenorphone treatment. Remember withdrawal is inevitable. Coming from someone who actually takes their meds like they are suppose to and not a dr. writing a script.

Side Effects forsubutex (buprenorphine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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no firm erections, difficulty ejaculating, intense orgasms (nice!), dizziness, night sweats

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HALDOL is HORRIBLE!!!!! My 17-year-old brother was brought into the ER for being disorientated and uncontrollable at the time. The ER doctor gave him an injection of Haldol saying that it would calm him down. We were in and out of the hospital for the next 3 days because my brother was having such a horrible reaction from the side effects of Haldol. The following day after thinking he was getting better my brothers neck twisted to the right side and he was gazing up to the ceiling- his arms and legs were bent in weird positions and he was not responding to us at all. It was a nightmare. He could not talk to us his heart beat was out of control, he was sweating profusely and shaking uncontrollably. This drug should not be used on anyone let alone a 17-year-old kid. He is still having to take benadryl around the clock to make sure he doesn’t have yet another dystonic reaction like that-not to mention he is paranoid its going to happen again. He was given it on a Tuesday and suffere

aggitation, crying for no reason, moodiness, road rage, lack of interest, anger. I feel like I might hurt someone who loves me.

greatly improved my blood work. colesterol and trigliceridesI love this drug. No side effects. ( A little expensive)

nightmares, difficulty sleeping, depression (when she is normally a very happy girl), anxiety, lots of crying (not able to explain why)

Horrible sweating day and night, trouble breathing, abdominal pain, leg cramps, fatigue.

I felt paralyzed, drugged and so lethargic I could not function.I also had a terrible metallic taste in my mouth.

I have taken 3 weekly doses of fosamax and have experienced pain in my joints, headaches, stomach pains and horrible heartburn and chestpains. After reading all the other comments on this website, I am going to stop it immediately. Like others have said, I think I'll try vitamins and caltrate.

i took one pill at 7:45am following instructions. That evening at 5:30p I felt extremely tired. I woke up at 3:45a with severe stomach pains, severe headache, fever 101.8 that went up to 102.7, every joint in my body hurt, chest pains, the bottom of my feet hurt when walking, legs cramping, throat sore, nausea, hurts to lay on hips, dizziness, & heartburn. All of this after one dose. I will not take Boniva ever again!