Suboxone (buprenorphine hydrochloride; naloxone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Suboxone (buprenorphine hydrochloride; naloxone hydrochloride)

I'm no longer taking this medication.

Suboxone should only be used for a short time due to its extreme addictive qualities,sublucade works and is what stopped the addiction.i relapse once because of pain and used Suboxone and got readdicted and sublucade got me off it again

I was unfortunately addicted to Stadol a nasal spray given to me via Neurologist in 2012 that I never used until 2015. It was prescribed as the 3rd medication to be used after the first med which was Tylenol 3, and the second med was Maxalt did not work. Never had to use it until the last week in August 2015 when the other 2 did not work. THIS entire situation has nearly ruined my life and created such barriers to having t o live.. either in withdrawal forever or on Subutex to live with out the hanks of addiction and withdrawal.. deadly constipation fr fr BE CAREFUL on this medication as you wont be able to have or produce a bowel movement. It can be life threatening if you are not careful and ensure that you have at the least an occasional bowel movement.

I have been on Subutex now for 9 years. I haven't had a period /menstruation ever since not realizing I really wasn't really going in to menopause @ 38 yrs of age. Now that I have finally came off of Subutex yet living every single day in the throws of withdrawal I have started my period/menstruation 9 years later... and much older too now. Heads up to all who have to use Subutex that are women. THIS medication STOPS our periods. SO this is the downfall and it foils with our hormones as it does this. For any one who happens to be addicted to opioids and wants children this is a downfall. Clearly the medication works yet it definitely does STOP your period for as long as you take it.

Was using oxy (approx. 60mg/day) for about 6-7 yrs. Took Sub (started 12mg/day never more) w/o too much of an issue. Started cutting down and just kept going until I was down to about 1mg - 3x/day. I kept 1mg pcs on me and one day I realized it had been 3 days without taking and that was it.

Severe constipation if not used with miralax and 100 oz water daily. Dr Reddys strips are worst. Roxanne tablets best.

I had zero side effects w/Suboxone

I had zero side effects w/Suboxone. It will keep you from the cravings & urge to satisfy. Instead, you will become a slave to this medicine, just like your d**g of choice. Withdrawal from this med is the same as opiates - just get it over with & finf your new self!

I started at 2mg twice per day. I felt extremely sleepy and even nodded off at different times of the day. Tomorrow, I increase the dose to 4mg, I wonder how I will be able to work tomorrow night.

I could not take the recommended dosage. I always ran out early and was constantly staring at the clock to see when I could take my next dose. I would wake up add late add possible and go to bed early so wouldn't have to stretch out the time between each dose. Terrible drug for me.

I've been off suboxone for 12 days now and still have stomache cramps, diarrhea, cold chills, head ache, anxiety, and worst of all, no energy. Zero. Do these withdrawal symptoms ever go away? I went to detox and did a 10 day taper. I'm not sure how much longer I can take this.

It helped me for a while but than as any addict does I figured I could sell them. Which was doing the exact opposite and I was still copin and when I ran out of money from the half script I sold I would just go back and forth. It also made me really dehydrated, loss of all drive, sex drive, motivation, had me feeling depressed, some wieght gain and but not like methadone. Now looking back on it I don't think anyone that just got off opiates should he handed a script of subs and be on their merry way for 30 days. Especially right away that's when you are at your lowest in life and decisions with prescriptions should be made for you.

Also when I was getting off this and switching to methadone I had to wait 5 days before getting the methadone and those were some bad withdrawals. Like with dope by day 3 you starting to feel better. With this day 5 still felt like I just didn't get my dose for 24 hours and if you thought the aches and pains were bad from trying to kick dope multiple it by 3 and its constant no relief.

Sleep disturbances at first, constipation with prolonged use.

I used this to transition off of high doses of Rx narcotics (400mg per day) used for pain control. The narcs just were not working anymore. The suboxone is a miracle drug! Very mild withdrawal symptoms (slight anxiety, restlessness) for a couple days, the 3rd day I felt great. And it’s fantastic for pain control! I’m so happy I tried this and finally got off of the ever-increasing need for narcotics.

Fatigue, depression, constipation, no sex drive, no motivation

Pain pills, no longer able to get prescription

Started on 12 mg a day 2018 and been on until June of 2021, when I started experiencing odd symptoms, feelings of dysphoria, not being able to breathe, heart arrhythmia, heart racing to point of loss of circulation, all at 12mg, then 8, then 4 mg. Even taking hydroxyzine didn't help. Dropped to less than 2 mg, about 1.5 and have to take with lorazepam to keep heart from beating too hard.

Buprenorphine does work, but be careful if taking for long term. It may not be something you can depend on forever if it starts causing heart issues or feelings of dysphoria or panic

Have used subs several times to get off heavy opioid addiction. It stops the withdrawals. I am able to save so much money not using and my quality of life improves completely. It does make me tired feeling even though I sleep 10-15 hours straight but for me that sure beats the insomnia and RLS I'd experience without it. I believe this is a great tool to use to get off drugs and get your life straight. The extra sleep is what your body needs as it repairs itself so don't be discouraged by that. Allow plenty of time for tapering off… even taking down to 1/4 then 1/8 for several weeks. Then every other day. Soon you will not need to take it at all. Lately people are saying this is trading one drug for another but this one is legal, safe and allows you to get back on the right track. Time varies for everyone but for me I can be on and taper off within a year. Any quicker and I go back to drugs almost immediately so allow yourself time.

Constipation, headache sometimes, dryness, low sex drive. Drowsiness.

This medicine really helped me for the first few years but I have noticed some problems with taking it (see side effects) I am asking if anyone has had joint problems, particularly in the knees? Has anyone had to have or need a knee replacement while taking this drug?

Works well for withdrawl but would not take long term. If you use this for a week or and wean of for another week when quiting opiates you can stop with mininal to no withdrawl which I jad done my first time coming off of opiates and these. I did manage to get off of it again for a while after using them for 6 years and had severe withdrawls for a month then severe depression, anxiety, lack of motivation for the following year which felt like a milder withdrawl aslo but still miserable.The withdrawl from these is worse and much much longer than that from regular opiates. Also a lot of health issues with hormones and adrenal while takong these.

I plan to write an article on when you start it and how to stop it. It should be used temporary along with online coaching/ other wellness exams to get you off of it. It caused muscle/ bone issues. Almost like tennis elbow. As soon as I tapered down. The pain went away. It caused mild reflux/ gut issues and it can be pretty harsh on the enamel of your teeth. The pros is that it will subside withdrawals immediately. It has a half life and that means the coming off can be a little different.

You can stop the meds and it is worth the stopping when you see how grateful life can be without this medicine. I wish everyone the best on their journey. As it's a hard one, but you got this and I'm proud of you for trying to stop and live a healthier life!

At first I loved it. But this past year I have gained over 100 pounds, lost my sex drive and wake up during the nightseveral times(no matter what I take for sleepiness, nothing has seemed to work yet to help me stay asleep!). I did have to go cold turkey for 30 days, I had to go to jail for 30 days for an old charge and in them 30 days I didn't go through horrible withdrawal like I thought I would. I just couldn't sleep and some body restlessness but I had heard for so many years that I would have horrible withdrawals especially being on 28mg a day and I have been on it for 2 years! But I didn't have bad withdrawals and most of all I lost 20 pounds in 30 days! I'm starting to think my HUGE 100pound weight gain has to do with Suboxone!. I wasn't smart and as soon as I got out of jail I went right back on my 28mg dose daily. I've been out for 40 days now and beginning to think I need to just stop

To come off heroin, pain pills

Constipation, hesitated if don't drink water

At first was great, gave me energy just like percocet used to then after 6 mths I cannot stay awake during day no matter how much sleep i get. Constantly exhausted cannot get basic household functions done i start falling asleep 1 hr after i wake up have to take caffeine pills to stay awake!! Plus lethargy-constant feel like life is sucked out of me!

Starting tomorrow taking half my dose to start getting completely off this crap!!!

For most of the 2 years I've been on Suboxone it worked fine. The worst side effects were headaches and constipation. Then I experienced what I can only call a panic attack. Sudden feeling of something not right to full blown heart racing which causes panic. Then it didn't happen again for a while. 2 months later and almost every time I take it now I feel like I'm about to die, heart racing, feeling like I'm going to lose control of my body. Something very wrong happens when taking this long term.

SUBOXONE (BUPRENORPHINE HYDROCHLORIDE; NALOXONE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication contains 2 medicines: buprenorphine and naloxone. It is used to treat opioid (narcotic) dependence/addiction. Buprenorphine belongs to a class of drugs called mixed opioid agonist-antagonists. Buprenorphine helps prevent withdrawal symptoms caused by stopping other opioids. Naloxone is a narcotic antagonist that blocks the effect of opioids and can cause severe opioid withdrawal when injected. Withdrawal is less likely when naloxone is taken by mouth, dissolved under the tongue, or dissolved on the inside of the cheek. It is combined with buprenorphine to prevent abuse and misuse (injection) of this medication. This combination medication is used as part of a complete treatment program for drug abuse (such as compliance monitoring, counseling, behavioral contract, lifestyle changes). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Constant nausea and dizziness. Missed more days of work while taking it than I did in the last 5 years. Symptoms are constant and harsh even after stopping. Waiting for them to go away.

Not my first time taking for prep but 1st time so sick.

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I am a nurse and with the help of my doctor, we decided this would be the best course of treatment for me. I am a single mom and there was a point in my life where I just could not even cope with anything. Waking up in the morning was the worst imaginable torture. I was miserable about everything. This went on for about a week and then I started wellbutrin. What a gift from god this pill has been. I am happy, level and energetic! I feel motivated to take on tasks in the day, to take my daughter to the park and to finish projects I've procrastinated for months. What a difference! All my life I've struggled with an obsession over food, too. This drug really helps that. It's so refreshing to go thru your day and not think about food! Total lack of interest. I still eat, healthy and adequate amounts, but I can think about other things too! I haven't weighed myself to see how much I've lost, but my clothes are forsurely looser, so maybe 5lbs? And it's really curbing my smoking. I'm at maybe

Facial and vocal tics. My daughter first used montelukast on and off for a year and then continuously everyday for a month and a half. First, we noticed blinking, then nodding. Then when she was using the meds everyday for about 45 days, she developed horrendously grotesque mouth contortions and hard eye blinking. It was disturbing and alarming to watch. We thought she had tourets syndrome. We did not make the connection until we ran out of meds and didn't refill the script for almost 2 months over the summer. Her tics went away. Most recently, our daughter's allergies flared up again and so on Monday we began giving her the montelukast again. Today, she started with the nodding and blinking tics once again. It has to be this medication.

headache, loose stools, nausea, metallic taste in mouth, panic attacks, rapid heart rate, no appetite, numbness and tingling in arms and legs, sore throat, flu-like symptoms

OMG 3 days in to my rx, I got terrible anxiety attacks, racing heart, high bp, shaky, tinnitus,thought I was dying,felt detached and ended up in ER. The infection is gone, but I will never ever EVER take this again. 6 days later after last dose, and still not feeling right. Have taken this many many times, never had these side effects. Very scary.

if not taken very early has trouble to fall asleep at night time

Itchy skin, rash, muscle aches