Revia (naltrexone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Revia (naltrexone hydrochloride)

Trembling, Shaking, Extreme Water Loss, Anxiety, Decreased Appetite, Insomnia

Took a couple months to actually take hold a hold and I still have rare episodes where the desire is extremely overwhelming.

nothing noticeable. Stopped my alcohol cravings immediately and has been a life saver. Will see how it goes in the long run.

I experienced alcohol cravings day 9 and 10 which were easily cured with food and water. I like this medication, and compared to constant cravings that lead my life for years I'd choose it any day.

Can't really say because I'm taking another drug as well.

Greatly decreased cravings for alcohol for first 5 months but have been having cravings for the last month; not enough to drink yet, but have been thinking of it a lot.

it gave me huge red hard welts all over

naltrexone is suppose to decrease the pleasure points in your brain. as a weightloss experiment the pill was half an anti depressant and half naltrexone. My food cravings stopped after 2 to 3 days. i no longer desired chocolates or sweets breads or pastas. i've lost 8pounds in 2 weeks. been getting severe headaches though.

if this med truly helps as an appetite supressant i'd be elated to see it pass the FDA and prescribed for obesity in the future.

Dry Mouth, felt sick, no appitite, headaches,

Horrible drug, but very effective, for the alcohol cravings to stop!

Tiredness, some loss of libido. The tirednes is really getting me

It did a great job at reducing cravings for alcohol, I have managed to abstain completely so far.

Revia did absolutely nothing for me. If anything, I feel even more depressed than I did prior. It hasn't helped my Bulimia at all. I wouldn't recommend this.

I was put on it so pain would be more intense and therefore I wouldn't hurt myself anymore. It didn't work. My psychiatrist was so stupid.

Side Effects forrevia (naltrexone hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Horrible experience with this med. But everyone is different and reacts differently to meds. With that being said: I had intense anger, depression, anxiety, paranoia, suicidal thoughts, crying spells, and even spells of wanting to hide from the world (most likely because of the sever depression this med gave me). I slept pretty much 20 hours a day. No exaggeration. 20 hours a day. I was in my second year of college. I would go to class, come back and sleep, and sleep, and sleep.....All I did for six months was cry, sleep, get angry, want to die, want to hide. Horrible experience. I am now on cymbalta and absolutely love it. I have been taking this for 3 years now. No horrible side effects, great happiness and fulfillment in my life. Only problem I have with cymbalta, lowers your sex drive (like every single freaking anti-depressant). But it's worth it, to be happy again :) Thanks Cymbalta, DIE EFFEXOR! LOL~

No negative side effects which I can attribute to this medication.

I HATE Micronor. I had to switch because of blood pressure issues and for the first three months, it wasn't too bad. But now I get a period for 2 and 1/2 weeks, followed by 3 days of nothing, only then to go BACK on my period. I feel bloated most days and I'm pretty moody. I was told it would make my periods shorter and further apart and it's done the OPPOSITE. I'm very upset about being on this birth control pill and I'm sorry I didn't research it further before agreeing to this. I think I'd rather suffer one week out of the month than be on this. I miss my combined BC pill!!!

I've only taken my first dose last night but I have used it once before when I was pregnant. The burning sensation is truly terrible and almost unbearable but it does work greatly. The symptoms get milder as the treatment progresses. What helps me get through it is that I keep thinking that the burning sensation is the medication working. Have you noticed that the women who have the most serious and scary and terrible complaints are older women, maybe this has a connection. Don't let these comments discourage you, it works greatly, most good things have a bad side effect and you have to feel bad before you feel better.

Night sweats, dryness, hair loss

Last month was the first time taking Clomid. I was put on 50 mg for 5 days and I started on day 5 of my period. I had headaches and that's about it.

50mg - none; 100mg - only on day two but started feeling slight effects after just a few hours of day one. Feeling tired and a lack of energy. Seems like a lot of people are saying that some of their side effects lifted after a week or two. I hope that's the case for me.

Pain from shot of course, helps to walk for 15 minutes after shot. No real side effects what so ever.

Loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, extreme anxiety, panic attacks. brain fog, confusion, racing thoughts. stomach cramps.