Naltrexone hcl (naltrexone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Naltrexone hcl (naltrexone)

NALTREXONE HCL (NALTREXONE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to prevent people who have been addicted to certain drugs (opiates) from taking them again. It is used as part of a complete treatment program for drug abuse (e.g., compliance monitoring, counseling, behavioral contract, lifestyle changes). This medication must not be used in people currently taking opiates, including methadone. Doing so can cause sudden withdrawal symptoms. Naltrexone belongs to a class of drugs known as opiate antagonists. It works in the brain to prevent opiate effects (e.g., feelings of well-being, pain relief). It also decreases the desire to take opiates. This medication is also used to treat alcohol abuse. It can help people drink less alcohol or stop drinking altogether. It also decreases the desire to drink alcohol when used with a treatment program that includes counseling, support, and lifestyle changes. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

Extreme anxiety, suicidal thoughts, hyperactivity, schizophrenia

This works. Some of what people are claimimg to be side effects are yuor body fighting a serious infection.They are not neccisarily the drug. It does have some side effects, yes. I have had in some instances very bad diareha from it and other drugs I must take. The alternative for me is death or hospitalization(which has a high percentage of fatal risk itself).This drup is great for serious infections. Especially if you must also take Prednisone regularly, although that magnifies the gastro side effects. But comfort is not what it is for.

Bulb, constipation, sometime discomfort in stomach and gas. So far no big issue happy with results H1AC is 6.0 ramped the dose from .25 to .5mg. Doctor prescribed for 1mg.So far good.

Vioxx raised my BP to dangerous levels. Am dizzy all the time & have dull headache that can flare to migraine quickly, actually just waiting for stroke to occur. Very scary, unfortuntely,because 'nothing has happened yet' I can't get an attorney to take case.

weight loss, shakey hands, SEIZURE

I started on 25 mg for one week, and then icreased to 50mg. It was a horrible experience. Although I took it at night, I felt so dizzy in the day that I was afraid to drive. I had no energy, just wanted to sit, which is totally the opposite of who I am. Never laughed, cried, no emotions. My eyes hurt, my vision was blurred. I would wake up in the night drenched in sweat. In the morning I was exhausted and would have diarrhea. My mouth was dry and I had no appetite. Just went off it yesterday. The doctor wanted me to continue with a different drug but I want NO part of it. I would think long and hard before starting this drug.

I loved Klonopin, however, it brought me to uncontrollable alcoholism. I had to go into detox for alcohol and the doctor told me that every mg of klonopin was equivalent to 2 oz of vodka! If you are not prone to addiction then you may do well with this drug. For myself it made it impossible to stop drinking. Once I got off it I could easily stop drinking. I was up to 3 mg a day toward the end. I was also taking Wellbutrin which I think brought on the panic attacks. I would recommend a non-benzo anticonsulvant such as Neurotin or Trileptal.

Dizzy, memory problems, horrendous back pain on right side upper back and rt shoulder

After having been on Stelazine & the generic version (the Brand version was no longer available in USA as of 2003), I have mixed opinions. First, I was extremely successful in my career of Computer Programming. I was able to concentrate better on the combo of this drug along with Buspar. I was eating healthy foods and vegtables. I wasn't eating too much junk foods and was able to keep up a consistant excercise routine (Jogging). The "tardif" side effect is "overblown". The drug does make you feel weird, antisocial and negative at times. Feelingsof retribution sometimes occur. Otherwise, this is a superdrug that is "seemingly superb" at better controlling anxietyand the abilitiy to concentrate. I just wish the Smith Klinedrug company would come out with something better.

The absolute worst! Do not waste your time! I was sick as a dog! Praying for this drug to leave my system...i started on the first day of my cycle to regulate it to fewer days and try to get it less heavy...first day in bed, I'm thinking maybe my cycle just has me down... severe cramps and can't do anything but lay down...headaches nausea... I still continues to take the drug still attempting to fix my cycle..second day feel like I've vomited my guts...super nervous super jittery diarrhea and lamb if appetite..mind you Whdn I started this drug I was 230 now I'm 223...lost 7 lbs... I went to the er, I could not stop stressing worrying and thinking about any and everything... er said I'm fine no fever 🤒 just have to wait it out. First day taking it Jan 14, and I did not feel better until 10 days later..I've never felt so horrible in my life... I was in such a bad mood, mean to everyone nerves bad, thinking seriously about my life as if it's the worst when it's not...sweating joints aching Lowe back pain vaginal itching, muscle twitching, toes and hands pain and twitching, could not eat only once a day if that butt is raw from the diarrhea. Do not take this poison... medoxypregesterone aka provera!