Buprenorphine hcl (buprenorphine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Buprenorphine hcl (buprenorphine hydrochloride)

Migraine's, dizziness, severe nausea, loss of appetite, gerd, and I'm allergic to ssri's and I know I can't prove it but I feel like crying all the time since I started taking it. I got botox for the migraines, and I take topamax but yikes! Blurry vision, aura, and still feels like my head is in a vise. But my my forehead looks great! Lol

There's a lawsuit against suboxin, or however you spell it. I don't buy it that medication is safer, or doesn't cause addiction. None of my other pain medications caused euphoria, except this one. I think this medication is very dangerous, and babies have died from it. I'm glad it's helped people, but they used to give morphine to people get over heroin addiction, and don't forget methadone.

Treatment resistant depression

Can cause insomnia if taken late in the day; initially caused drowsiness, but this went away after a few weeks

This drug gave me my life back. I suffered from severe depression for nearly 10 years and tried 25 meds/combos including all the traditional (and non-traditional) antidepressants and nothing worked. I was pretty much nonfunctional by the time I tried this, prescribed by my pdoc who wasn’t afraid to try off-label options. Within an hour I could function again. No waiting 6-8 weeks only to find out another med failed! I should say that this didn’t entirely cure my depression, but it got me from a 0-1 to about a 5 ona scale from 1-10. That was life changing. I will forever be grateful for this medication; I can only hope that the bureaucrats don’t take this med away from the people who desperately need it.

I have multiple chronic illnesses. Lupus, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Small Fiber Neuropathy, Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia, and POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). I was prescribed OxyContin for pain which worked well until my tolerance grew but my pain had not improved. After attending an in-patient “drug rehab” program, I realized that the narcotics were not my problem. The debilitating pain was. This drug does not make you feel “high” but is very effective in reducing pain. Also, a tolerance does not build like it does with full opioids, so it can efficaciously be used long-term to treat chronic pain. It can be difficult to obtain in many circumstances due to specific requirements prescribing physiciansare required to obtain. It’s improved the quality of my life greatly.

I love this stuff. It beats narcotics. Things I've learned about it; 1) it can come in troche form which is a lot less than suboxone (with an anti-inflamatory added which makes it for a unique use). 2) docs are limited in the number of addiction recovery patients they may have but not in the number of pain management patients. 3) unlike traditional narcotics, this works continually with no lessening of pain relief.

Terrific pain killer. The only side effect for me was insomnia. Being a partial opiate agonist and partial antagonist it is a safer medication than pure agonist opioids. Used extensively in Europe, but here in the USA any doctor wanting to prescribe this medication must take an 8 day course and give it only to addicts.

Use it in the USA for pain. It works great.

You cannot use any other opiates, from codiene to oxy to heroin for 24-48 after taking bubrenorphine. Buprenoprphine is a partial opiate, but does not make one high, but totally eliminates withdrawls.

BUPRENORPHINE HCL (BUPRENORPHINE HYDROCHLORIDE): Buprenorphine is used to treat dependence/addiction to opioids (narcotics). Buprenorphine belongs to a class of drugs called mixed opioid agonist-antagonists. It helps prevent withdrawal symptoms caused by stopping other opioids. It is used as part of a complete treatment program for drug abuse (such as compliance monitoring, counseling, behavioral contract, lifestyle changes). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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not bad at all. None yet. It lowered my Cholesterol over 200 points. Now on 20 mg. Mom, Wed, Fri to lower it more. I am Diabetic and had a quad bypass in 2009. I am fine now.

I am down 63 pounds and feel great. I walk every day, and can do up to 4km in 30 minutes on my lunch hour. I would recommend this to help anyone in need of weight loss. One thing, I do recommend, do not take any other medication while on this drug. I think that is the key to making this drug work to its fullest potential.


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I have not experienced any bad side effects It causes a lot of urnination It helped me a lot. It was better than the lasix

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