Restasis (cyclosporine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Restasis (cyclosporine)

RESTASIS (CYCLOSPORINE): Cyclosporine eye drops are used to treat a certain type of dry eyes. They work by increasing the amount of tears you make. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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invega sustenna with elevate everybody's prolactin ,inability to focus although i have had before my paranoid schizophrenia. this drug works really well for me. i have zero paranoid thoughts. other than the prolactin i have zero side effects

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Like the previous poster, I was placed on Neurontin for Xanax withdrawal; however. I'm not "a drinker." I don't even think he had a legit rx because he couldn't spell Ativan correctly. In my case, the Gabapentin helped ease withdrawal symptoms a bit, but when I was hospitalized again, I was already taking it plus the Xanax, so withdrawal was nast, hallucinations, etc. I was also placed on Remeron, and that assisted in the 60 lb weight gain. I want off all this stuff!