Opticrom (cromolyn sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Opticrom (cromolyn sodium)

This is the only thing that has greatly helped my ocular rosacea. Hardly any watery eyes anymore.

Taken at bedtime, I experienced 4 hours of heart palpitations and resulting insomnia.

I wonder whether Opticrom is responsible for an increase in blood pressure.

Puffy eyes,redness,very stinggy,it worked the first day,but the second and third day I felt worse than I was at the beggining

don't use, it's aweful, made me cry. Try Claritin eye drops instead, soothing!!

OPTICROM (CROMOLYN SODIUM): This medication is used to treat mastocytosis, a disease that occurs when the body has too many mast cells. These normal body cells release substances (e.g., histamines) that are needed for normal body defense and healing, but when too many mast cells are present, they release too much of these substances. This can lead to symptoms such as diarrhea, stomach/abdominal pain, itching, rash, and flushing. Cromolyn belongs to a class of medications called mast cell stabilizers. It works by preventing mast cells from releasing the substances that can cause these skin and gut problems. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Severe headaches, dizziness, nausea, soooo tired, just feel out of it, icky white clumpy discharge & some cramping.

I will have to give it 2 months before I can truly say if this worked. The initial effect at 300 mg was an amazing rush of energy. I was socializing with everyone around me. No social fear. No paranoia. I am expecting this to to decrease and stabilize in 2-3 months.I hope this medication helps me become me again. I have been experiencing emotions for the first time in a long time. It's such a good feeling.Slight headache is common, but it's not painful enough that you'd want to take anything for it. Usually you're distracted and don't notice it until you're alone with your thoughts. So that's alright.

After about a week or 2 of regular singulair, my son often notices mood changes, like crying easily. He also gets painful pins-and needles in his feet. When ever we stop it, the symptoms improve. At least 3 different docs have told us he should take it regularly to help prevent his frequent sinus infections. We tried every other day for several weeks, as well as every day, but one side-effect or the other returns after it gets built up in his system.

At first yawning/ tiredness, dizzy at times, nausea, rash on hip, sweaty feet, increased thirst, increased anxiety at 20mg but felt great at 10mg

Took this pill for 10 days and 3 times a day.

Need to stop using and try and save my life!

From week one until I finished the treatment: Dry chapped lips. From about 2 months on accutane and until I finished the treatment: Feeling og being tired and exhausted most of the time. Every now and then: Dry or watery or red eyes, stiffness: ancles, hips. Chest pain

Trintellix is great as far as making me not feel depressed. Trintellix sent me into the most extreme mania I've ever experienced. It makes me feel rigid and even “high” sometimes. I experience intense nausea about ten minutes after taking this medication. More often than not I throw up shortly after taking it.

I love this antibiotic!!! I am allergic to just about everything else - penicillin, amoxicillin, sulfa drugs, cephalexin, so this is MY SAVIOUR. And it is a LOT cheaper then the fluoroquinolone family of antibiotics. Now THOSE are dangerous(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levofloxacin)

Belching, gas pain, loss of appetite, heartburn, nausea.