Acular (ketorolac tromethamine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Acular (ketorolac tromethamine)

Helped with the irritation, but didn't resolve the redness. Stings when applying.

ACULAR (KETOROLAC TROMETHAMINE): This medication is used to temporarily relieve itching eyes caused by seasonal allergies. It is also used to prevent and treat eye swelling due to a certain type of eye surgery (cataract removal). Ketorolac belongs to a class of drugs known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It works by blocking certain natural substances in your body to reduce pain and swelling. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I think anyone taking this drug should have their hearing tested twice a year before they have to purchase expensive high-powered hearing aid devices. Loss of hearing can sneak up on you. Definitely don't take pain medication, anti-inflamatories, or any antibiotics while using crestor.

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Extreme nervousness, lack of energy, tingling in hands, feet, arms. Heavy feeling in legs. Brain fog.

This is an additional hbp medication. HCTZ caused same symptoms plus severe itching. After going off HCTZ two weeks, I started having energy and feeling optimistic. Doctor put me on samples of Benicar 20 mg. and lethargy, depression, confusion returned. Life is not worth the struggle on this medication! I cannot live on the couch sleeping day and night!

it cleared up my congestion, but i had absolutely terrible side effects after. i had this sudden wave of anxiety and i felt dizzy. my heart was pounding, i literally thought i was having a heart attack. and despite the fact that i only took one pill (the proper dosage, and this was my first time taking it today), i was fearful i had somehow overdosed, like i wasn't "congested enough" or something. i'm at least comforted by the fact that i'm not alone in this experience. this was terrible. they need to put a warning on the box for this.

Insomnia, weight gain, bloating and gas, hair thinning, developing insulin resistance/elevated blood sugars, hypertension, loss of interest in sex