Vigamox (moxifloxacin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Vigamox (moxifloxacin hydrochloride)

with a resistant child difficult to put into eye; had to put it in via the side corner and most dripped out

VIGAMOX (MOXIFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is a quinolone antibiotic used for eye infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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My doctor has now recommended Actonel, but presented it as though it was a happy little ad on TV. I told her

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Being on this medication it effects me enough that I cannot work. I have had to miss work for the past 2 days due to the side effects of cipro. Would NOT recommend this drug at all.

I tried getting off the medication but I called my doctor (a different doctor than who prescribed the medication) and she said to go back on and taper off. I didn't want to do that but I finally did because I coudn't take it anymore. I am currently on 2.5 mg twice a day and will be stopping completely this week. The insomnia is still going on. Ambien has helped. I hope to be off the ambien next week. This medication is horrible!

The side effects are understated.

Had to adjust dose several times due to headache but fine now.No side effects now! Yay!

Muscle twitches, vibrations/buzzing in pelvic area and backside, joint pain.

This is a wonderful alternative to traditional/stimulant laxatives even in the most severe cases. I had a severely obstructed bowel event prior to taking this and vowed never to repeat the process (worse than childbirth). This product has been instrumental in the recovery/maintenance of bowel function. If you seriously suffer from bowel issues, you will have no complaints about this product.

I suffered from chronic, SEVERE migraine headaches (with aura) from the time I was an infant up to my early twenties (when they tapered off and finally stopped). If I took my dose at the EARLIEST sign of a migraine, then this stuff did a pretty good job of lessening the severity/duration, but would never eliminate the migraine completely. Worked pretty well, but not great.