Tobradex (dexamethasone; tobramycin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tobradex (dexamethasone; tobramycin)

Raw sore throat, post nasal drip, cough, congestion, headache, fatigue

This cleared up my eye problem, but I had to stop using it when my throat got so raw I could even sleep. It's now 3 days after stopping and I still feel like garbage and I'm losing my voice.

Caused severe tinnitus and hearing loss, hyperaccusis 6 months after using this 3-4 times

24 hours later very loud tinnitus esp left ear. Already had tinnitus now much worse. Hope titnnitus increase temporary. Already had upper range hearing loss hope this didn’t make worse.

Will not use again! Raises intraoular pressure in eyes could cause glaucoma.

Tinnitus (ringing in ear), sore ear

Skin rash on back of neck and under arms, not itchy, painful or hot.

dry throat, cough, congestion, post nasal drip, dizziness, irritability, headache, fullness in ear drums

I felt uneasy about taking this drug. It gave me a lot of unpleasant symptoms and I read that it can make you deaf. I stopped taking it after 4 days, as my stye was already in remission. I would rather take a safer antibiotic next time.

Tinnitus which persists to this day (1 year) Now have been diagnosed with hearing loss. Always had perfect hearing.

It cleared up the eye problem. I strongly suspect it caused hearing loss, but have no proof.

Nasal congestion, raw sore throat, bad cough

Worked fine on my eyes, but really irritated my nose and throat.

Mild stinging upon application

This drug is a champ. It cleared up my infection by the third day of use.

I was allergic to the brand of contact lenses I was wearing and was not allowed to wear them for a week during my treatment. I was prescribed Tobradex to get rid of the itching, redness, and swelling. My eyes feel much better now, and I have changed my brand of contact lenses.

Ringing in ears but I did not know if it was due to drug or infection. When doctor gave it to me he told me it was made for eyes but to use it in my ears? After my swelling went down in canals and I got a full dose inside it felt like it affected my lungs in some way? I couls also taste it for a few hours. Yuck! Also made my eustachian tubes burn and sting allday, everyday.

It helped clear my ears up so as far as I am concerned it is a good drug. I guess I would use it again :)

TOBRADEX (DEXAMETHASONE; TOBRAMYCIN): This medication is used to treat or prevent eye infections. This medication contains two drugs. Tobramycin belongs to a class of drugs called aminoglycoside antibiotics. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. Dexamethasone belongs to a class of drugs called corticosteroids. It works by reducing swelling. This medication treats/prevents only bacterial eye infections. It will not work for other types of eye infections. Unnecessary use or overuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This has been no cake walk. The side effects that this medication has should make the manufacturer (Lilly) blush with shame. Anyone prescribing it should be required to take it for a minimum of six months. Each capsule has many SIDE dishes that have meant, SLEEPINESS, LACKING MOTIVATION, INSOMNIA, VIVID DREAMS OF A GARISH NATURE, EXCESSIVE SWEATING, ANTISOCIAL TENDENCIES, IRRITABILITY, DRY MOUTH, MEDICINE BREATH, WEIGHT GAIN, SERIOUS MENTAL MISTAKES WHEN DRIVING, CONFUSION, and others that I don't remember at the moment.

I was originally on loestrin and had to come off of that pill because i would get severe body aches, and anxiety attacks. Once i started ortho tri cyclen low I felt fine.. about 6 months into it I became to have severe anxiety over everything. I would think so in depth about everything and literally get myself sick to my stomach. I wouldn't want to go to school, go to work, getting out of bed would take forever! I wouldn't enjoy anything because I was always worrying. I am currently seeing a therapist because of the anxiety this pill gives me. I didn't realize at first that the pill was doing this to me; I thought it was just me. I had no idea why any of this anxiety would even occur.. Now reading all of these reviews I feel the exact same way as everyone else. These pills are no good, and I am coming off of them after this pack and I CANNOT WAIT! My boyfriend has been so supportive through all of my moodswings, anxiety attacks, depression, fatigue, not wanting to do anything or go anywhere, etc. I am planning to throw a party when I'm done with these pills.. for real. I am ready to go back to the old me and enjoy life again. These pills will make you miserable and I beg you not to take them.. I wouldn't want anyone to feel the way I've been feeling. Severe anxiety is not worth taking this pill.

just sleepy, but decreased and now fine!

I have been having 2 periods a month and I have been bleeding very heavy. The Dr told me with the thicking of the uterus and the excessive bleeding she was putting me on Prometrium which should help me have only 1 period a month. I havent stopped bleeding since I have been taking it.

I was put on this higher dose of Junel because I was having continuous bleeding with 1.5/20. I've been on this 1.5/30 dose for a full month and the bleeding not only continued but has gotten heavy - EVERYDAY FOR 30 DAYS! My doc wants me to give it another 60 days :( Does anyone else have this problem? Or did you? I would love to hear other comments about the same experience!!

Headaches, dizziness, panic attack something i have never experienced, anxiety, irregular periods, chest pain

My 2 1/2 year old daughter has been taking this. She's had problems since about 9 months. Was very irregular, not having bm's up to 5 days sometimes (usually every 3 days). Then when she would finally go - DRAMA! A friend told me about how her pediatrician prescribed Miralax for her son - then 2 as well. My pediatrician gave the ok and she has been on a low dosage for almost 2 wks. It took 3 days to kick in. She went 3x that day and has been going more frequently. Not every day yet. Stool is definitely softer but no diarrhea. She's much more relaxed now. Moms.. try it!

I started on Tri-Sprintec, the generic of Ortho Tri-Cyclen, because of my hormonal imbalance during my periods; which made me super cramped, moody, dizzy, vomiting, unable to do anything for the first 1-2 days. It felt like I was dying. All I did was sleep and I couldn't even do that because the cramps were so bad it kept waking me up. I'm glad that I am on Tri-Sprintec it has made it so so soo much easier to function during my periods. I have a friend who was on Ortho Tri-cyclen and they switched her to Sprintec and it didn't work too well with her. I guess it works for some and not for others. But I am completely happy with Tri-Sprintec.

While it DID help with the hot flashes, memory loss, etc., I now have bleeding of some kind more days in the month than not, and before starting patch I went one year no period! Also I have put on about 5 lbs that just aren't my fault. I have always kept my weight under control. I KNOW when a few pounds are my bad, this is different.

severe cramping, nausea, body aches, depression/irritability