Pred forte (prednisolone acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pred forte (prednisolone acetate)

Chronic fatigue, joint pain, muscle weakness, nausea, no appetite, headaches, feeling very unwell

I wanted to drive into a semi truck, irritable, most- severe depression of my life, terrible taste in mouth, stomach-ache, eye burning.

Do not take if you are bipolar. The doctor said the drops would not be absorbed systemically. He was wrong. I almost killed myself.

Anxiety, depression. Eye aches after putting in drops. Dizziness, insomnia, nausea, Wake up every hour on the hour. Tossing and turning.

I have a constant cough from drainage from the med and after being on this stuff 4 times a day for several months I have became sick at stomach and diarrhea.Dizziness.I pain in my legs and cant sleep very much.It says it cant be absorbed in the body but I think it does.I feel so bad all the time.I now found out my magnesium is out of whack and kidney function is slowing.I had the Dmek surgery which is cornea transplant and was told the med will be for life.If this continues Im not going to have a life.I wish someone could give me some info on this and guide me in the right direction.

Runny nose, flu like symptoms, depressed, no energy

I thought I had covid but its negative, I felt that sick for a month. I finally realized the drops could be an issue. They go right down my throat and then I start coughing, I'm using tissues all the time and I'm sleeping a lot. I taper down this week so I'll see what happens.

UGH. They love to say this is not absorbed systemically, but it rolls down your tear duct, and from there down your throat. Same side effects as oral steroids--felt moody, aggressive, depressed, can't sleep, agitated, joint pain.

I'm reducing the dosage, instead of 4x a day, do 3x a day, then the next week, instead of 3x a day, 2x a day, etc. Because I cannot continue on like this indefinitely.

Cushingoid symptoms, weight gain

Used this long-term at high doses, then tapered. Was told this could not be absorbed systemically. However there are a few case reports in the literature of systemic effects, and I appear to be another. Based on moon facies, Cushingoid appearance, geneticist took me off the med and advised me not to use it in the future.

Mild stinging in eye; unpleasant bitter taste drips down into back of mouth; ears ringing; probabably also related to cold/allergy symptoms (scratcy throat, congestion, post-nasal drip).

I don't know what would happen if I didn't use this after DSEK surgery - maybe nothing, or maybe the graft would have failed by now. I am also using Xibrom anti-inflammatory. I will stop the Xibrom soon but unfortunately I'm supposed to use the Pred Forte indefinitely, eventually at 1 drop per day. Both of these can cause worse problems than I have so far.

PRED FORTE (PREDNISOLONE ACETATE): This medication is used to treat certain eye conditions due to inflammation or injury. Prednisolone works by relieving symptoms such as swelling, redness, and itching. It belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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