Freamine iii 3% w/ electrolytes (amino acids; magnesium acetate; phosphoric acid; potassium chloride; sodium acetate; sodium chloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Freamine iii 3% w/ electrolytes (amino acids; magnesium acetate; phosphoric acid; potassium chloride; sodium acetate; sodium chloride)

Side Effects forfreamine iii 3% w/ electrolytes (amino acids; magnesium acetate; phosphoric acid; potassium chloride; sodium acetate; sodium chloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Everyone is different. Give it a go and see if it helps.

It works but side effects really sucks. Im tired all the time, started to get headaches everyday. My main side effect that I really hated was gaining weight. My appetite has been the same but I gained 50 pounds ever since I've been on it. I started to work out and became very depressed when I found out I didnt even lose a pound (I been working out for 3wks). I actually just maintained the same weight when I started. I recommend Dulera but if you have issues with your weight (like myself) then DO NOT TAKE IT. Im switching back to Advair.

I would never ever recommend this drug to anyone. It really is poison in a bottle. I seriously thought i was going crazy the first couple days until i researched the side effects and immediately quit taking it. It's been a few days since I've been off and still experiencing some side effects. Very scary medicine.

This drug had absolutely NO effect on my pain. All I got was uncomfortable side effects. Won't be taking it again.

Appalling stomach cramps, stomach bloated to twice normal size, indigestion beyond belief and not relieved by burping, nausea to the point where I cannot put anything in my mouth, horrible taste in my mouth. Pain partially relieved by taking paracetamol, but swallowing the pills is difficult without vomiting. Have not slept. It really hurts!

Fatague, dizziness and frequently feeling faint, so that I have to lie down. I Used to play 3 sets of tennis 3 times a week, and bike 20 miles once a week. No longer able to do this. Also notice sinus problems.

Wish someone had gotten me this kind of help when I was a kid! 40 mg/day has changed my life and saved my marriage. I focus on conversations. I don't zone out. It feels easy to stay organized. I haven't lost anything recently. I'm less irritable, so I don't snap at my tweenage kids or hubby. Currently dealing with a suicidal kid - major life drama that I wouldn't have been able to handle nearly as well without the Vyvanse. I miss my super-high energy. Be careful before you take a couple of Excedrine, though -- tried that & felt like I drank 8 shots of Sbux espresso

I feel I need to stop taking Vioxx, but without it I'm in a lot of pain.

I do notice that wax buildup in my ears causes ear "stuffiness" with loratadine, which is mildly annoying because I need to clean it out with an ear syringe.