Tolectin ds (tolmetin sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tolectin ds (tolmetin sodium)

Tolectin Linked to Stevens Johnson Syndrome

TOLECTIN DS (TOLMETIN SODIUM): Tolmetin is used alone or with other treatments to reduce pain, swelling, and joint stiffness from rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. It is also used for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. If you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis, ask your doctor about non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to treat your pain. See also Warning section. Tolmetin is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I began taking insulin a few months after beginning Sporanox. The combination seemed to help dramatically.

Extreme lose of appetite, dizziness (not in a bad way somehow different), euphoria feeling (very nice), when on it i'm super concentrated, obsessiveness (Re-wrote my home work multiple times and erased all answers if they weren't perfect, perfectionist, sudden craving for chew constantly (Tobbaco), when I'm coming down: depression, lack of interest, world is ending feeling, suspicious (About a hour ago I called my friend to chill he said he cant i assumed he was smoking without me and this is bothering me ALOT) Constant need to learn, feeling of everyone plotting against me, sadness, stomach rumbling, cant eat, lost 4 pounds in the last month.

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Very interesting comments. I have tried other Statins too without success.

I've tried other pills and it all feels the same. I've been on the pill since 17 and I'm 26 now. I hate it. I feel trapped. I have to pee like 5 or 6 times a night. I have gained weight and hardly eat. I am sick to my stomach for the first week of the pack, feel okay mid month, and then get horrible back cramps before the period and during. My sex drive is low and it sucks because I'm with the man of my dreams. I'm tired. I'm low. What else can I do? Condoms dont work for him, he can't get an erection. I'm hanging by a thread here. I almost cried when i read that all these other women are suffering from the pill. There should and can be a pill for men. They need to share the burden.

Love it. But been and off it about 6 times in the last 8 years and I think one builds up a tolerance to it b/c it doesn't work as well as the first time.

horrendous side effects. Within 1 hour of taking the first 2 tablets i had diarrohea. then came horrific stomach cramps and constant hunger pains.Its 4;30am and i haven't been to sleep yet due to nausea.

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Loss of physical and emotional connection to anyone. Very foggy mind. Couldn't think through anything clearly. Difficulty expressing feelings. Gained 30lbs in 2 and a half years. Slept 10-12 hours every night and had to take a nap during the day. Showered only once a week and had no desire to look pretty or be hygienic. It took my life away and since stopping it I've noticed a remarkable difference for the better.

impotence/anhedonia caused by effe