Solaraze (diclofenac sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Solaraze (diclofenac sodium)

Severe muscle cramps and Restless Leg Syndrome.

If this drug, in combination with a muscle relaxant like Flexeril doesn't straighten you out in a couple of weeks, you probably need back surgery.You can likely take it for a few weeks without problems, but if you get muscle cramps and or Restless Legs this is the culprit.It is a great drug for inflammation. ..just save it for when you really have a serious issue, because I think everyone has problems with it sooner or later. Take with food regardless of what it says on the bottle, and don't lay down for at least half an hour. If it's partway down it will burn your esophagus. Good luck.

Side effects were minimal, affected areas dryed up and fell off

I can hardly believe that a topically applied gel is causing this stuff, but it gets better when I quit using it and returns when I do use it....hard to breathe, lungs feel heavy, general feeling of sadness, tiredness, wanting to quit everything and give up (SOOOOOO not my personality). I was blaming my antibiotic for these side effects, but now I see that they come and go with the use of the solaraze. Scary.

LEt me be the first to say that I have extremely porous skin, so I am probably absorbing a higher dose than was thought likely, I have eczema and take other meds that exfoliate my skin, so probably a whopping dose is going in. I have found that I can use a q-tip and just put it on a few spots and then do not get the global bad effect, so I may do it this way and just treat one arm at a time, then one leg.

SOLARAZE (DICLOFENAC SODIUM): See also Warning section. This medication is used to treat a certain skin condition (actinic keratoses). Diclofenac is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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i can't believe what I'm reading! I thought it was just me. My ins. co. made me switch from brand to generic last summer and ever since I've been a tired mess. I just learned about the B12 deficiency and believe that I have all the symptoms of that. I am stopping this drug immediately! Thank you to all of you who have written already. You have really helped me!