Pennsaid (diclofenac sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pennsaid (diclofenac sodium)

I don't have any side effects from this drug.

I rub Pennsaid on my right knee twice per day, and it does work for hours. I still have to take Tylenol occasionally for persistent pain. I recommend this product.

Extremely severe and painful blistering rash all over the applied area. The rash required immediate medical attention. Will never use again!

Extremely severe and painful blistering rash all over the applied area. The rash required immediate medical attention. Will never use again!

This stuff really works. After months of taking other medication, that was turning me into a zombie, I had relief in less than an hour.

This drug enables me to be much more physically active with less dependence on pain relievers. I can bike at fairly high levels of intensity for as much as 25 miles. I haven't tried longer but I'm sure I could and getting to that level was a great accomplishment. I have had 6 knee surgeries including 2 partial replacements. Use it before exercise. Reapply after shower and before bed. Highly recommended! It has not eliminated the need for oral pain meds in all situatations but has helped.

I only used it 3X but developed kidney pain each time and elevated BP. Within an hour of the last time I applied it, my heart rate jumped to 106 & my BP 145/95. I also experienced horrible anxiety. I thought I was going to have heart attack or stroke.

joint pain in wrist and shoulder

My God,this stuff is great! Used on my extremely painful shoulder and within minutes felt relief.(I thought it might be the Advil I had taken earlier kicking in) However, several days later,had a flare with joint pain in wrist. Squeezed out a few drops and rubbed it in and pain relief was almost immediate.I read that this is prescribed for knee pain but my doctor gave me a sample because the voltaren has worked ok for me and I can't take Advil a lot because of the gastro effects. Boy,I love this stuff and will ask for a script next time I see the Rheumy.

PENNSAID (DICLOFENAC SODIUM): This medication is used to treat arthritis of the knee(s). It reduces pain and swelling, and helps improve your ability to move and flex the joint. Diclofenac is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I had my Mirena for 5 years this year 2015. I never really put any mind of how? and why? i started to change until this recent few months when i got a New Mirena put in because my old one was expired. I went in on March 2015 for my PAP and to check my Mirena. My doctor asked me how i was feeling? I had told her how i became Depressed, Tired and I gain Weight. Shes been my OG since my daughter was born, so she knows me pretty well. She said "All those things could be from working F/T and going to school with two kids" I didnt think it had to do with my Birth control I just thought it was me just tired from being a single mom, working, school and having to raise two kids alone. So we proceed to schedule me to have my Mirena remove and place a new one since the one i had it expired. I got the new one put in April 2015, this new Doctor asks me "How are you feeling?" I said "the same thing i told my regular OG. This doctor proceeded and told me "its normal for

I only took this medicine for 3 days and started to have severe anxiety. I've always had mild anxiety, but I've never in my life been depressed. Lately I've been feeling super depressed, and have lost all interest in my normal hobbies. I've been off the medicine for for 5 days now and I still get super anxious and don't have any interest. I'm hoping it will get better I'm due time. Wouldn't recommend this at all.

Swollen face/tongue, diarrhea, body aches.

hot flashes, Night sweats, Loss of appetite, Major forgetfulness, Irritability, Occasional Insomnia, and Bad joint aches

My taste metallic and I'm very tired at the end of the day.It's also bizzare to say but, "my shit doesn't stink" ... literally. I suspect the Flagyl is removing ALL bacteria ...both good and bad. If you have diverticulitis you certainly want (and need) to be aware of your stools. Check for blood, etc. though I've not had that problem, the loss of odor is strange.