Naproxen (naproxen) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Naproxen (naproxen)

Within a few hours of taking my first tablet I experienced a horrible bout of vertigo while out and had to sit on the pavement while being sick. It wasn’t until the following day I made the correlation between the two things. 48 hours on and I’m still waiting for the nausea to wear off although improving. I think it might help with pain but I will never take again as the side effects are more than I can personally handle.

Vertebral compression/disk collapse

Severe side effects! See below.

Been taking it on and off for 3 years. Also taken it before for knee injury about 1 year, years before. Has taken the edge off but not the pain itself on my back and neck injury. Did take down the inflammation in 2 weeks-1 month in knee. Back injury couple of months back and forth. The knee, was a bit better but I got a immediate"I'm not here feelings" and anxiety and all these other side effects so I took it on and off and then just quit it. I thought then, the medication was making me sick/feeling bad and that maybe I had a bad moment in life and due to infection/inflammation that I was not fully ok. Now I know, It was not any bad moment in life..Side effects: Upset stomach,weight loss, dizziness, lightheaded, tired, lethargic, ringing ears, blurred vision, anxiety/depression/panic attacks,cognitive function not working as memory/concentration, having brain fog, feeling sudden flat and emotionless, hot flashes/overheated, heart jumping/sudden skips, electric zaps in body, short of breath, nausea, trouble sleeping..When off, all these things seems to fade away. (Off for weeks or months up to 1 ½ year) I did not know this medication could do this. I got pritty much all side effects at the same time, panic/anxiety and attacks came stronger every time I went on. I thought it was because of a tragedy in family. Then I dropped the dosage and went off for several months. All energy came back! I was normal again. No panic or anxiety or other things.

I took just one tablet - never again. 24 hours later I am still feeling dizzy. felt disorientated, had to walk round without moving my head as it was so bad. Had to sleep with light on as there were migraine like flashes in my eyes. It did work on the pain, but not worth the horrid feeling. had to sleep during the day too. Slowed my thinking.

Immediately flighty, heart rate increase dramatically and feeling intense anxiety, difficulty sleeping as I experienced increased rate of hypnagogic hallucinations, induced nightmares (I typically never dream at all.) Waking up with weakness and stress. Hypertension headaches. This drug messed with me a lot, but it was the only thing that would really help my pain. I would recommend people who take naproxen to talk to your doctor/provider about alternate drugs if you experience these symptoms. It wasn't terrible but it definitely wasn't a fantastic experience.

Does what it needs to do, but the side affects are very present.

Very dizzy fast heart rate and very high blood pressure

Will never take again, dangerous drug.

Very bad headache from back of head to top l lasted from noon till about 3 am

Not going to take it any more going back to prednisone I know it's not good for me but short time helps with leg pain

Uncontrollable emotions. Crying over everything and nothing at all. Did not even help the pain or range of motion of what it was supposed to be treating. Disrupted sleep making me feel like a complete sleep deprived, depressed zombie.

Would not recommend this drug for frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis)

Never again just stopped taking them caused ringing in ears anxiety fatigue crying

Pain in womb & sciatic pain in leg

I already have GAD & have noticed lately I have had increased anxiety which has been uncontrollable, felt lile my heart was pounding way too much. Intrusive thoughts & extreme paranoia. Waking up at 3-4am for the past week. Tiredness, dizziness & ringing in my ears.

Have been taking naproxen for years. I would not be able to walk if I didn’t take it.

Anxiety and very emotional. Depression and slight paranoia. Ruminative worry. Loss of motivation.

Severe anxiety, depression, general dread. Tinnitus. Trouble sleeping. Also had stomach pain for 5 days a couple weeks ago. Did not know these side effects were possible and I felt worse than I ever have. Just threw them all away. I thought I was losing my mind. Took one yesterday and had a horrible day. Didn't take one today and by the night I started feeling better and decided to Google naproxen causing anxiety and here we are.

Feel free to email me. I hope you feel better everyone! 

Extreme anxiety. Tinnitus very bad. It has raised my blood pressure even now 9 days after ceasing the medication I felt all of these while on the medication but only after day 5 made the connection. I have missed 5 days of work because of the light-headedness and horrible Tinnitus. I will never touch this again. I took this some years ago and had the same symptoms but it was only this time round that I made the connection between this med and my symptoms. This med has caused me trips to a and e, two nights in hospital and doctors visits. Still not right 10 days on. Can't believe I was stupid enough to take it without reading about side effects. Hope they go away soon because my life is he'll at the moment.its like a waking nightmare. My symptoms headache,light-headedness,numbness in left hand,high BP, elevated heart rate. Pounding tinnitus.

Might work for some people but I would suffer with a leg hanging off than take one more of these.

Pain still there migraine relieved slightly but depression and anxiety are uncontrollable crying over everything

Very emotional, tearful, cry easily, then general depression and brain fog.

I took it Tuesday night before bed for light back pain. On Wednesday at work I was highly emotional and cried easily which was quite unusual. Then on Thursday I took the day off as I woke up very depressed with brain fog and no energy to get out of bed. Over the course of Thursday I felt better and my spirits lifted. I was back to feeling fine. Will not take naproxen ever again. Not worth it.

So many negative side effects from this drug including intense bloating, stomach aches even with 20mg twice a day of pantoprazole, difficulty urinating with increased need to, constipation, weakness, fatigue, night sweats and vivid dreams but the worst was the low mood, increased anxiety about everything and feeling like there generally was no point to life.

Worked well for the headaches but not worth the extensive side effects.

Tingling in fingers and toes, belching and chest pains, heightened anxiety, tingling lips and constipation

It got rid of the pain in my knee but the side-effects were horrible I've stopped taking it

Frequent urination & no relief from joint pain .bowel problems

Tingling on my hands which lasted 2-3mins

I had terrible back pain below my ribs, the pain went away after taking Naproxen for two days, I felt so relieved after taking this medication Naproxen 500mg. I managed to get my life back as I was struggling with pain each day.

The first week of taking it, it made my stomach hurt so much. Although it did help my period, around week 2, it made me severely depressed and suicidal. I would cry all day and be so unmotivated to do anything.

NAPROXEN (NAPROXEN): See also Warning section. Naproxen is used to relieve pain from various conditions such as headache, muscle aches, tendonitis, dental pain, and menstrual cramps. It also reduces pain, swelling, and joint stiffness caused by arthritis, bursitis, and gout attacks. This medication is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It works by blocking your body's production of certain natural substances that cause inflammation. If you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis, ask your doctor about non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to treat your pain. Check the ingredients on the label even if you have used the product before. The manufacturer may have changed the ingredients. Also, products with similar names may contain different ingredients meant for different purposes. Taking the wrong product could harm you. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Not the strongest thing out there to knock you out. You have to lay down, relax, and it will gently rock you to sleep. I stayed asleep while taking it, while as with other drugs (ambien) I would wake up around 4am and be up. Didn't get the hang over associated with ambien in the morning either. I was on it steadily for months, I think about 4, and quit without a problem. Now I take it maybe once every 3 weeks, when anxiety hits me at night and I'm unable to sleep.

5lbs weight gain, fatigue, a headache early in the cycle.

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Update: This is now my fourth week of taking Buspar and the anxiety has been stopped dead in its tracks. I am taking 20mg Buspar with 20mg Zoloft. My anxiety was greatly reduced upon starting this med but it took four full weeks for the anxiety to stop completely....I feel great. :)

Before taking inderal, I suffered mild migraines which lasted on average 5 days at a time. Since taking inderal and giving my body 6 weeks to get used to it, I have had a hadful of migraines lasting 1-3 days and they are very mild to the extent that I can get away with just taking ibuprofen and I am fine. I also came off the pill and think any woman suffering from migraines should look at non-hormal contraception (I got the coil which while it was sore getting fitted, I feel so much better since coming off the pill and think that this was the cause of my migraines). I would definately recommond inderal to migrain sufferers but would advise taking it easy for the first 6 weeks to allow your body time to get used to it.

Peeing better but dizzy feeling is unsettling. Hoping it gets better after my body ajusts to the medicine

I believe that this website, along with websites like versed busters, are really, really bad for people with anxiety disorders, like myself. The experiences posted on these sites do NOT represent the vast majority of patient experiences with Versed. If this medication has been recommended for you, please do not be scared. It is used ALL the time, and the vast majority of people have positive experiences. I have have had a versed/fentanyl combo three times:1) Epidural blood patch: I received a small dose, and was awake, but quite "loopy" and disinhibited. I still felt things that were happening to me, but I didn't care. I had no amnesia with this dose (I believe 2mg versed and 50mcg fentanyl). My memories were somewhat dream-like, though.2) Colonoscopy: Heavier dose, but not sure what that dose was. Don't remember anything about it, except "waking up" near the end of the procedure. Mild abdominal discomfort, but no distress. Happy/warm/sleepy mood after waking. Did not feel like I had been traumatized or in pain at all. No crazy behavior. Sleepiness for the rest of the day.3) Wisdom tooth extraction: I asked for a "light" dose, much to the consternation of my oral surgeon. He went a little heavier than what I wanted, but it was ok. I remember bits and pieces of the procedure, but not all of it. Minimal pain during elevation of lower tooth. No pain at all during bone removal and suturing. Again, I was relaxed, and just did NOT care that some

fatigue. however ever since i stopped the medication, i have been experiencing Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction and other side effects including paresthesias, impotence, and extreme fatigue.