Naprosyn (naproxen) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Naprosyn (naproxen)

Insomnia, weepiness, forgetfulness, irritability.

Worked well on neck pain. Side effects made life intolerable. Stopped.

Went to the doctor for back muscle pain that was radiating to my shoulder and front chest. Physicians Assistant laughed at me when I said I wanted an x-ray. She gave me a prescription for naproxen 250mg twice a day and also a muscle relaxer called Baclofen 10mg three times a day. I took both the first day and the pain immediately went away. I took them again that evening and I started getting an upset stomach and nausea. That night at bedtime, I was in full blown stomach cramps (felt like child labor). The cramps were combined with spasms and I had diarrhea all night. The spasms and stomach cramps didn't go away either. It's now morning and the cramping is still happening. I now have to wait until the medication gets out of my system. I am not taking either medication anymore. The pain immediately came back but I don't care. The cramping is worse than the back pain. I looked up the side effects for both medications and they are horrible. Not worth it. I do not trust the medications doc

Pain associated with torn ligament

Been using for half a year now. Very helpful as physical therapy isn't yielding any results. Hopefully will be able to use up until my surgery.

The doctor gave these with lansoprazole. Took one in the morning. By mid afternoon I was able to walk with an aid, but only to the toilet as by this time I had severe diarrhea. Took a whole box of immodium to try and stop it to no effect. Took one more dose of naproxen. Back to the loo for a few more hours! It was great being able to walk, however not much good if the only place you can walk to is the toilet. !!

Severe chest pains, headaches, lightheaded, indigestion, belching, ringing in ears, anxiety, extreme tiredness, constipation, extreme tightness in chest.

Stopped taking the drug after third day as the inflammation to my right knee had gone away. Then began to suffer with the symptoms described. Pain in chest progressively got worse over the next few days, eventually ended up in A&E with a suspected heart attack! I am now nine days on from taking them and things are still not right. Still got most of the symptoms but they have begun to ease. It was only after going to hospital that I began to wonder if Naproxen might be the cause, and after reading on the web about all the side effects I am now convinced that this is the cause. I am now waiting to see if and how long it will take for my body to recover, reading some of the comments from other users, I am very worried that some of them might be permanent.

Psycosis, depression, brain fog, pacing around, confusion, vision issies, tinnitus

I think this got me hospitalized

About 2 hours after taking this tablet I started vomiting, dry wretching still. Feeling dizzy, slightly blurred vision. Breathing is irregular and have stomach pains, this could be due to sickness. Never again!

Awful stomach pains wake me in middle of night.

The agonising pains happen everytime I try take these tablets,even they were swallowed with a meal each time. It feels like terrible gastroenteratis cramping and feeling nauseous too. I do not get stomach pains from normal ibruprofen type medicine. Will not take again as pain is worth then reason for taking the drugs.

Terrible stomach pains, heartburn and intestinal cramps. Writing this at 4 a.m. because I can't sleep. Cannot BELIEVE how awful these side effects are. Beware!

Having pain below the breast bone, slightly light headed, but helping pain esp. with my knees

I took the medicine twice a day for a week. Suddenly, I am very sick, constipated, feel like vomiting, have black stools, and so bloated, I like to die. I thought it was something I ate, but I quit talking the pills because, well I was to sick to eat. Still thought it was food until today, I felt great, ate took the morning dose, and by noon my symptoms were back. Now, I am miserable and can't wait to call the doctor tomorrow morning.

Chest pains, acid reflux, lips tingling, upset stomach

Worst medicine, didn't help me at all instead made me feel like I was dying

Pin prick headache, sickness, nausea, confusion-severe, blurred vision, forgetfulness, severe stomach cramps- very sore to touch, occasional blood in stool.But it really really helps my arthritis! So I will suffer in silence!!

It relieved inflammation but caused extreme constipation.

I no side effects it works great for me... Very pleased

Extreme tiredness, stomach pain, acid reflux, terrible constipation. Terrible dry mouth

Policemans heel/ tenderness in heel

Stomach discomfort, burning pain but suffer with gastritis off and on so no surprise there. Did help a little with pain in heel but stopped taking them due to stomach :(

For Lower Stomach/Ovarian Pain

stomach pain, really bad tirednes,couldnt function normally

It took the pain away,but didnt heal my achilles. I had to stop taking it as I couldnt function normally and when I asked in chemist how long shall I take it,she said just stop taking it and u will see if the pain comes back. Of course it came back after few days. And the doctor who prescribed it told me it definetely helps,and yes it helps but only for the time when I take the pills. And just found out that she should send me for physiotherapy,but instead they just feeding me with this painkillers. very angry...

NAPROSYN (NAPROXEN): See also Warning section. Naproxen is used to relieve pain from various conditions such as headache, muscle aches, tendonitis, dental pain, and menstrual cramps. It also reduces pain, swelling, and joint stiffness caused by arthritis, bursitis, and gout attacks. This medication is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It works by blocking your body's production of certain natural substances that cause inflammation. If you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis, ask your doctor about non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to treat your pain. Check the ingredients on the label even if you have used the product before. The manufacturer may have changed the ingredients. Also, products with similar names may contain different ingredients meant for different purposes. Taking the wrong product could harm you. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Increased heart rate, dizzy, cold skin, a bit moody. I starting taking this 4 days ago. I have noticed a cumulative effect and now I feel like I took a whole bunch of speed. I am throwing the rest of this crap away.

In first three weeks:Slight nausea, loss of appetite. Psychological adjustments needed to respond to increased lung capacity: had occasional hiccup-like spasms when taking a unaccustomed deep breath. Almost had to re-learn how to breathe. Both side-effects disappeared after three weeks.After first month:Muscle pain, back pain, leg cramps. Doctor said these were not related to the drug, but to a too-sudden increase in physical activity enabled by the drug. He recommended increasing physical activity gradually. Muscle pain disappeared after two months.After 6 months:Gradual weight loss: Down 25 pound in 6 months. Doctor says this is not caused directly by the drug, but due a low-carb diet and increase in physical exercise enabled by the drug.Improved sense of smell to both good and bad odours.Sometimes experience cramps in chest or feeling "not normal". Experience a metallic taste/smell when around aerosols or perfume. Difficulty interpreting the

I've tried all of the osteoporosis meds with poor results and bad side effects. From now on, I'll stick to the calcium and vitamin D, regular weight-bearing exercise, and search for alternative treatments.

I had hysterectomy 4 years ago and have been taking premarin oral tablets but was still getting vaginal burning and painful sex. My dr put me on vagifem aswell and they helped alot. I was taken off vagifem after 6 month and was ok for a while but problem started up again so recently gone back on them.

Been on it for approx 5 weeks now and they still haven't kicked in completely although I do sense a slight improvement.

I dont have any side effects with this medicine.

went to hospital with what i throught was heart attact. dr. could fine nothing wrong. head aches. muscels hurts, week. sick at stomach, tired all the time

Had been on Warfarin for 20 years previously without problem but switched for convenience as fewer dietary restrictions. Wished I'd not bothered and will revert to Warfarin. Wondering if it is likely that Eliquis can lead to over anti-coagulation in some cases as no regular monitoring of INR takes place?

Take off the market..thos is dangerous for people like myself who have heart problems

I din't need anti-psychotics and was prescribed and administered them illegally. I tried geodon, respirdal, and zyprexa too. The abilify was by far the worst! I was only taking 15mg., and I still had horrendous side effects! This is a terribly dangerous drug. I see no worth in any anti-psychotic or anti-depressant drugs, these drugs really mess with your mind and body. If you are having psychotic, bi-polar, depression, or whatever, and desire to take something. Only take small dosages of anything, 10mg. or less. These drugs can cause more harm than the disease!