Naprelan (naproxen sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Naprelan (naproxen sodium)

The best drug on the market to avoid stomach upset but extremely expensive here in the US. Buy it from Canada if you can at a fraction of the price and it's expected to be in generic form by the end of the year as the manufacturers patent expires this month

Works Great. Store never seems to have it in stock so refills always takes 2 trips to the drugstore. The insurance company hates it, but with the coupon it only costs $15.00 initially and $7.50 a refill. Ends up being cheaper then Aleve. Works great, no side effects and once a day is sweet.

bloating, gas, cramping, diarrhea

I've had no problems taking advil, Aleve, Tylenol, Aspirin, or even 550 mg of Anaprox (non-time release). I cannot believe how much digestive pain this is causing me! Would definitely urge caution---this formula must be different from everything else out there!

My pain was taken away for approx 1 hour, then came back strong - not good when you can only take this once every 24 hours. This was a nightmare - and very expensive. I will not refill.

NAPRELAN (NAPROXEN SODIUM): Naproxen is used to relieve pain from various conditions. It also reduces pain, swelling, and joint stiffness caused by arthritis, bursitis, and gout attacks. This medication is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It works by blocking your body's production of certain natural substances that cause inflammation. If you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis, ask your doctor about non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to treat your pain. See also Warning section. Some brands of sustained-release naproxen take longer to be absorbed and are not recommended for pain that needs quick relief (such as during a gout attack). Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you have questions about your particular brand. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

This drug was not suitable for me. Taking it resulted in severe agitation and sleeplessness. As a result of these side effects I discontinued the medication.

Do not use unless you want to feel every side effect possible.

It worked for my gerd. Happy about that. Been suffering for a while.

Side effects worth it as it's the only one that works for me

Depression, with anxious symptoms

Extreme lightheadedness in the morning after taking the drug, pain in the calf muscles and shoulder pain. It would make me so dizzy I couldn't drive.


(Generic) Vicodin is the ONLY thing to take away the excruciating neck pain that I've had for the past month as a result of a muscle spasm. I tried various NSAIDs in high doses & two different muscle relaxers to no avail. This is the ony drug that helped significantly with the pain. I don't mind the side effects at home, but at work they are a little distracting. It's worth it for the relief of chronic pain!

I just submitted a review of this drug, but forgot to add some things that I think are important. I forgot to mention that this medication made me sweat a lot, too. I did mention the memory problems in my last post right? :o) Please take this forum for what it's meant for... the only one who can decide if this medication is right for you, is you.

I feel horrible. I thought I did my homework prior to giving my 2.5 yr this crapy medicine but I didnt look far enough. Medicine cleared up the nasal drip caused by allergies but caused thirst and vomitting. People dont care about people anymore. I remember a time when doctor's were doctor's. They really cared abot their clients.