Motrin (ibuprofen) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Motrin (ibuprofen)

Depression, constant urination, feeling like I have a fever only at night, drowsy

The 600mg Motrin doesn't work that well.. So then I have to take two which adds up to 1200mg and that's a lot

I love Motrin as a pain reliever but whenever I take it lately my dreams are very vivid and at times frightening

i am not sure what happend i took motrin arround 6:00 pm went to bed at about 11:00woke up jn the middle of the night feeling very hot and when I tried to stand up my legs did not respond after that my husband help me to het back to bed but i keep telling him to call 911 because i was going to die i think i was having a pannic attac? i am not sure but i would never take motrin ever again.

leg cramp,panic attack shortnes pf breath and more..

Helped with pain and relax my body overall the first 2 days.Day 3 I started feeling disassociated with my surroundings and developed nausea. That night I experienced vivid dreams that eventually turned into full blown anxiety attacks. I was so scared to sleep I stayed up trembling the entire night until it was time for work the next morning.My tooth pain has returned but I'm too afraid to experience the psychological effects again. I'm shocked because I've taken motrin before and NEVER experienced anything like this before.

Never worked at the non prescription 400mg to help with my carpal tunnel syndrome. So I started taking 800mg and it helped but not very much. After a while of taking it my stomach would get upset and I would get worse acid reflux so I desided that since it barely worked that I would only take it when my wrists hurt too bad to do things like chopping veggies and brushing my teeth.

The first time I started taking Motrin PM, under my parents consent, I started having really vivid dreams. by the third night of taking it, the dreams turned into nightmares and they were SO VIVID, I woke up with the sweats and crying. I went off of it after about a week, but I decided to take it again, not knowing that the medicine itself caused the dreams, and some say I experienced "inception." And for some reason, the drug also gave me premonitions. These premonitions, I didn't know we're premonitions until the next day. Well in my dream, I was dreaming, and I had a premonition, so I woke up inside my dream, and what I was dreaming about in my dream happened in the dream I woke up to, and that's when I realized I was dreaming, and it became a lucid dream. I probably will take it again, mainly because I like the feeling of being afraid, but if you get really worked up over nightmares, this will let you live your greatest fears, so I do NOT recommend.

joint pain from old sports injury

I've taken Motrin in the past and don't remember any problems. But this time around, I had nightmares so vivid that I forced myself awake and had a slight anxiety attack. The worst part is that the pain is now back. I won't be taking this again.

Very helpful reducing swelling in my knee and therefore reducing the pain

kidney pain from caylceal diverticulir

I take Mortrin only when pain is horrible. Works better than anything else. Love this medication.

I love Motrin and will take this whenever I have any sort of pain. Why are people rating this so poorly? It works great, no side effects, except for sleepiness because the pain was keeping me awake. I ahev alot of back problems and it helps.

Extreme Stomach cramps, bloating, constipation

Helped with pain, side effects weren't worth it :( perhaps because I took it without food.

I could not figure out why I had sudden water weight gain, to a shocking degree. I found this site here where others report the same issue. I will stop motrin today. It helped only slightly with pain management.

Extreme Fluid Retention, Wheezing, Acid Reflux, Anxiety, Depression, Nightmares and Panic attacks

Okay...allegedly this drug is supposed to aleviate pain and reduce inflammation; however, it did none of the above. In fact, I quit taking the motrin 800 and began taking the standard excedrin (I had some pre-recall excedrin left) and it worked wonders. Anywho, since ceasing motrin 800 my body has naturally began relieving itself of access fluid and my ligament pain isn't as agitated anymore since it isn't experiencing pressure from the swelling anymore....well maybe the celery and dip I've been eating has helped aleviate fluid retention since it is a natural diuretic. Best wishes to you all for a speedy recovery.

I got asma. After I stopped taking motrin it went away.

If you are allergic to motrin it can cause asma.

pain after breast augmentation

*severe* and painful constipation

I never normally have constipation. Once I worked out that the ibuprofen was causing it I immediately stopped taking it; other pain medications work just as well without this side effect.

Rheumatoid arthritis & Fibromyalgia

Water retention in my legs that was so severe that when I elevated them to alleviate the swelling...the water pooled around my heart and landed me in the ER with arrhythmia and sky high BP! This happened to me several times before I realized that the cause of my edema was NOT any of my health conditions but rather was caused by my pain medication. Thankfully I finally made the connection and have had ZERO edema since stopping the motrin. I am currently relying on hot baths, Traumeel and the occasional Tylenol to manage my pain.

While this medication is, without a doubt, one of the best I have found for pain it also comes with a large kidney insult as a price tag. I won't ever take it again.

MOTRIN (IBUPROFEN): Ibuprofen is used to relieve pain from various conditions such as headache, dental pain, menstrual cramps, muscle aches, or arthritis. It is also used to reduce fever and to relieve minor aches and pain due to the common cold or flu. Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It works by blocking your body's production of certain natural substances that cause inflammation. This effect helps to decrease swelling, pain, or fever. If you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis, ask your doctor about non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to treat your pain. See also Warning section. Check the ingredients on the label even if you have used the product before. The manufacturer may have changed the ingredients. Also, products with similar names may contain different ingredients meant for different purposes. Taking the wrong product could harm you. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I was prescribed this a few days ago as an alternative to a benzodiazepine for anxiety. The first dose of 25mg was ok-- it calmed my body down, certainly. Unfortunately, it also made me feel detached and somewhat depressed. It was manageable at first, but as I tried more doses later in the day and night (I took 4 doses overall), the brain fog, detachment, and depression worsened. Any time I tried to sleep on it, (which was twice), I woke up many times with night sweats and bizarre dreams. While napping during my last dose, I had a period of about 2 hours where I couldn't tell if I was dreaming or awake and I heard talking that wasn't there-- really freaked me out. Anyway, I think I'm done with this drug.I would recommend trying it if you want to avoid benzodiazepines, many people have very good reactions to it. I was afraid that I might not because I have had similar reactions when I have taken more than one dose of benadryl for sleep for a day or two. So, BOO, I really wanted this drug to work for me!!

Hospital vaccine clinic. IM in arm. First dose. Haven't signed up for v safe yet.

abnormal and heavy period starting two weeks into prescription and lasting one week, extreme fatigue, dizziness, weight gain (approx. 10 lbs.), difficulty getting warm and cooling down, forgetfulness

heart flutters,chest pain and pressure after restarting medication after about week.muscle spasms in legs and sometimes in shoulder area..

initial jaw clenching, teeth grinding, sexual side affects (not severe on lower doses)

i find that i do get hungry but you just have to control what you eat and how much you eat! this shot is awesome! i dont hurt anymore and there is NOTHING TO COMPLAIN about!

I am watching my self closely...for muscular issues or anything abnormal for me...possible tiredness and muscle soreness.

Abnormal cycle, heavy flow,acne

2 weeks of spotting the 2nd month, moodiness, obssesive thoughts, distracted, easily hurt by words, self-absorbed and unaware of others feelings, crying fits, severe relationship problems (sexually and emotionally)

This prescription saved me, I was in excruciating pain all the time.