Ibuprofen (ibuprofen) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ibuprofen (ibuprofen)

I had bad toothache didn't know how i was going to make it for my birthday its on easter plus i'm cooking

Frequency and must be taken with food.

No side effects and HOPE it stays this way. I take it FOR SURE on food in my stomach.

I love it!!!! Its the only medication so far that helps me with my migraine!!! I have tried everything and this us the only thing that works. Its also great for nenstrual cramps !! Best invention ever

Took every other day as I knew it would cause stomach problems. After taking it maybe twice a week, I started having asthma attacks which I never had before. It's unfortunate because this med helped my inflammation and decreased my pain.

Must take with Prilosec to protect stomach

A miracle worker. I was prescribed 800mg tablets for an absolutely horrific Sciatic nerve flare-up & if it weren't for them, I don't think I could have made it through those 5 weeks. I typically use the OTC version for minor problems (headache, Aunt Flo, etc) with no side effects. However taking 800mg x 3 times a day actually did cause a few uncomfortable side effects, especially the drowsiness and heartburn. Taking the tablet with a full glass of milk helped a LOT.

pinpoint bleeding in bladder, frequent urination, bruising

after developing bladder bleeding, taking this increased inflamation of bladder and bleeding, couldn't hold urine, and obvious bruising with no known injuries

I love Ibuprofen. It seems like the only things that will work to take away my headaches and body aches.

Stomach pains, acid reflux and bleeding, plus skin rash. Already over two months have passed and these side-effects have not disappeared.

mild stomach discomfort if not taken with food

It is very helpful with no apparent side effects.

I Would like it better if it was more effective against pain, but it generally works as described. Lasts about 3 to 4 hours.

the main side effect for me is drowsiness.

ibuprofen for me is a miracle drug for menstrual cramps, does zero for migraines for me personally, however. wonderful for little aches and pains that i am getting now that i am 40. i would not recommend taking it too often as i find it loses effectiveness. always take with food. if you take this drug too often or habitually ( not that it is addictive, it isn't) you will have major stomach problems and possibly ulcers. use caution. if you are a chronic pain sufferer and take this daily for pain you need to find another doctor. nsaids are great but can have alot of risks if you take them daily.

Did give very good pain relief.Thought i'd try an ibu[rofen cream but that made me dizzy too

Generalised edema, erythema, hives and worsening of eczema.

My allergist subsequently told me that she advises all her patients to use acetaminophen for pain relief, not ibuprofen.

When I first took them I got a little tired, that stopped after a couple of days. May not have been related.

Lost effectiveness after a week or so. took 2 800 mg 2 to 3 times a day when needed for pain. (Not as written) Great hangover headache med, take 1600 mg before sleeping and no headache in the am. works good for female cramps I am told.

Unsure yet: Acid-reflux/laryngopharyngeal reflux, chronic gastritis (definitely) and/or bile gastritis. (You don't ever want these problems.)

800 mg @ 3x/day at 1st, myself reduced it to 2x after few months, then to 1x later. Also, always had a pill in morning w/o food (NOT good idea - don't do that). For this problem, I'm not sure it helped much, but I was scared NOT to take it; my buttocks had been in so much horrid pain that I could only baby-step walk, and only very gradually got better. NOTE: I have much confidence in Ibuprofen as a pain-killer; I've used it temporarily for many things and it's good (including an earlier accident hurting my neck) and would get a 5, but my problem here was so bad I don't think much could help me but time - and physical therapy (started way too late). The side-effects of long-term use are not pretty. GI problems are horrible. I've gone from 1 horrid problem to another.

Hallucinations - dizziness - nausia

Weird hallucinations - first time I've had them on Ibu... But bad enough for me to stop taking them just now...

IBUPROFEN (IBUPROFEN): Ibuprofen is used to relieve pain from various conditions such as headache, dental pain, menstrual cramps, muscle aches, or arthritis. It is also used to reduce fever and to relieve minor aches and pain due to the common cold or flu. Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It works by blocking your body's production of certain natural substances that cause inflammation. This effect helps to decrease swelling, pain, or fever. If you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis, ask your doctor about non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to treat your pain. See also Warning section. Check the ingredients on the label even if you have used the product before. The manufacturer may have changed the ingredients. Also, products with similar names may contain different ingredients meant for different purposes. Taking the wrong product could harm you. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I am being taken off this drug slowly. I will not ever take it again. The medical jury is still out but I am convinced it's the Labetalol!

Took for years without any problems. Just started taking again to help with allergies and allergic asthma and have been irritable, depressed, and overall just feeling crappy. My brother said he had the same problems and was just intolerable to people.

bad mood swings,cramps,spotting,no sex drive,bloating

bloated, lathargic, difficulty sleeping (not sure if its from this medication or not tho)

I took the last dose on Oct 21st and no period yet. But if it does help bring it back i guess it overways the side effects.

The flushing can be controlled with taking an aspirin or a motrin a half hour before taking the niaspan.

Upon reading comments here the side effects of Evista look just the same. Until I had reasearched both Actonal and Evista I had always thought I was being a hypocondriac complaining of leg cramps, head spins, hearburn, nausea, vomiting, panic attacks, high blood pressure. I had spent so much money going to physio, bowen therapy, leg doctors, as well as my GP, but I had never connected any of these symptoms to Actonal. I am now too scared to fill my script for Evista. When I told my GP my fears she said I has a simple choice - put up with maybe the side effects or dont take the tablets and breaking my hip or neck (I am in a very high risk catgeory) because of my low bone density. I feel another panic attack coming on!!!!!

sometimes feel winded, exhausted, and sort of " out of focus"

WARNING!!!! FOR THOSE WHO THINK THIS WORKS GREAT! This drug almost cured me from being sick with respitory problems my whole life that were literally life threatening. HOWEVER- long term I started getting numbing, tingling in my hands and it has always made me anxious. I am an adult. I finally figured out the cure wasnt this, it was all the food allergies i had!!! Check your blood for food allergies! A lot of the wheat soy and the rest is being manipulated and is GMO. Our bodies react to this. I got off this drug almost completely and the numbing has subsided.

Recently I have developed sever pain in my left leg. It travels from my thighs all the way down to the ankle