Diclofenac sodium (diclofenac sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Diclofenac sodium (diclofenac sodium)

DICLOFENAC SODIUM (DICLOFENAC SODIUM): This medication is used to treat arthritis of the knee(s). It reduces pain and swelling, and helps improve your ability to move and flex the joint. Diclofenac is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Very effective but with all the side effects that came with it, never again and I regret having it put in. Had it taken out after 2 and a half years and now just hoping there has been no long term damage done to my body.

Works great for the pain. This was my first "strong" steroid I've ever taken but the panic attacks and shaking side effects don't really make it worth it for me.


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Indigestion, heartburn, tiredness all the time, weak or tired legs, no energy, all of those contribute to my weight gain.

In the beginning, I was very dizzy and unsteady on my feet, but that went away in about 2 weeks. I have lost weight :) and have had a HUGE increase in sexual drive.

Stomach pains, bloating, painful gas, constantly feel the need to release bowels but unable to do so

made me a little tired the first couple of weeks