Celebrex (celecoxib) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Celebrex (celecoxib)

I was not in pain when I started the drug, my doctor just thought I might need it??? So I took it for 22 days and each day I had more and stranger pains. First my thumbs ached, then my back started hurting and I would wake up super stiff. I just kept feeling progressively worse and worse like I was aging quickly!! I decided to stop it and I felt better immediately. Sent a message to my doc and she didn't believe me. It's not on the list of side effects.... well it should be.

Rage, aggression, irritability, insomnia

Hellish nightmare of diarrhea and gas that was debilitating, I've list 9lbs in four days!! STOP MAKING this drug!!

It's poison!! Worst experience I've EVER had w a medicine. I really think I need to go to er, I literally have spent 4 days on the floor and going. Unending constant bowel cramping and diarrhea plus gas. If you are reading this please dnt even take ONE of these. It's poisen!!..THIS SHOULD BE BANNED!!

2 hours after taking 1st dose had an anaphylactic reaction at work and rushed to hospital. Gave me adrenaline immediately. I do not have any previous allergies and never had an anaphylaxis before. Never touch this again!

Inflammation in knee due to arthritis

Heartburn, extreme sweating, light headed, diarrhea, shortness of breath, extremely tired, loss of appetite, headache, fever, abdominal pain, dizziness, bloating, sore throat, nervousness, little or NO urination, dark urine. I AM NOW ON A CATHETER. this medication has caused me kidney problems. Don't know yet if permanent. PLEASE discontinue this medication. All of my symptoms are listed under side effects for celebrex


Awoke one night with entire left side of body asleep/numb. Absolutely had no feeling of entire left arm and leg. Lasted for 10-15 minutes.

blurred vision. depression. After only 4 days. Half life of celebrex is 2.5 to 3 days. I'll never take it again.

blurred vision. depression. After only 4 days. Half life of celebrex is 2.5 to 3 days. I'll never take it again.

4 spine surgeries, intractable pain

I took this medication in the past and it was always with other medications.This time tried it while not on anything other than a Statin-I lasted 4 daysSide effects were feeling like an inferno on the inside that never subsided- a constant hot flashMade my tremor worse, made my anxiety so much worseI felt jittery like I had 100 cups of coffee which I don't drinkDiarrheaDidn't decrease pain levels where I noticed- I would rather have the pain than side effects

Too many side effects- a hard NO

After 8 days, constant heartburn, which continued for another week. Stopped taking celebrex on day 8, then developed severe muscles spasms in upper extremities, hypertonia and traveling pains. This progressed to stiffness of entire body which progressed to severe lower back pain, stiffness and generalized weakness over a period of a month at which point I was barely able to dress myself due to the stiffness. Normally I am very agile and a hiker. One injection of B12 resulted in return to normal within 8 hours, except for the original shoulder pain which continues while I continue to supplement with B12.

My ankles swelled up severely after taking this medication. I have no health problems other than hypothyroidism. 4 pitting edema from ankles up to shins. Awful. I tried to take it on three occasions to see if it was a fluke but swelling happened every time.

Moderate pain relief, especially in morning, but side effect of insomnia and disturbing dreams.

High blood pressure, raised cholesterol, liver damage

bursitis of the hip/ greater traction

Itt worked great then stopped working after three weeks. I use it by rotating with other drugs now... Aleve, Tylenol. Rotating for me works best.

Burning Tingling skin ,insomnia weird dreams when I managed a few hrs sleep very tired and anxious, GI problems ,

Went on this drug as was told it would be better and safer than ibuprofen ,never again how they get away with what these drugs do to you I never know .

Arthritis and disc surgery pain

I haven't had any side effects from this at all. I've only been taking it for a week and the pain relief is better than the narcotic meds. I was given for my latest spinal surgery. I wish I could use this long term, but unfortunately over 22 years of spinal surgeries I've taken too many NSAIDs and got an ulcer from Naproxen. I have to be very careful.

The side effects from this drug where horrible after 3 weeks of taking the medication. I was hoping this would work. I had crazy dreams, stomach pains, nausea, dizziness I didn't feel like myself at all.I suffer from alot of pain all the time but the side effects were worse than the pain.

Wonderful for hand pain. But stomache pain, ringing in ears and very disturbing nightmares.

Non menstrual bleeding and leg cramps

Weird dreams. But if upset tummy but pain relief outweighed these side effects.

I was prescribed Celebrex for a excruitiatingly painful frozen shoulder. I take 200mg in the morning and it helps take edge off all day until dinner time when the pain comes back with a vengeance. I then take 100mg after dinner. No pain relief from this as by nature the frozen shoulder is most painful at night. Awake most of night in pain. When I do sleep for shorts bursts I have the weirdest dreams. They're not scary though so it's ok. I also have sore knees due to osteo arthritis and the celebrex is actually helping them quite a lot. Do. Happy overall. I dread to think what it would be like if I couldn't take it as I react badly to most pain meds.

CELEBREX (CELECOXIB): This medication is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), specifically a COX-2 inhibitor, which relieves pain and swelling (inflammation). It is used to treat arthritis, acute pain, and menstrual pain and discomfort. The pain and swelling relief provided by this medication helps you perform more of your normal daily activities. If you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis, ask your doctor about non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to treat your pain. See also Warning section. This drug works by blocking the enzyme in your body that makes prostaglandins. Decreasing prostaglandins helps to reduce pain and swelling. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Bulldozer medication for nasty infections. Really helped the pneumonia. Couldn't sleep much, but I can't attribute it to the Biaxin because the bacteria from my lungs got into my bloodstream and attacked my shoulder, causing septic arthiritis and severe pain. Am on high doses of codeine to help with the pain, so no diarrhea (codeine is a constipant). Am currently on day 6, and will stick this through because if you stop an antibiotic in the middle of the treatment, the infection can come back resistant to drugs!

My wife calls this my happy pill, I take 200 mg at 6 am and 200 more at around 1 pm. It is wonderful! Has changed my life, I used to come home from work and just go to sleep in the chair, was constantly tired and no motivatin at all. Been on it a month and not one single nap since day 1. My wife calls me everyday at lunch to be sure I take my second dose, we actually talk again instead of her having to watch me sleep and nap in the chair. I actually look for things to do again. WONDERFUL!!!

I have noticed a huge weight gain, I have worse acne than I ever did going through puberty. I also have noticed numbness in my feet and chest pain.

extreme fatigue, jittery, vivid dreams, pain in tendons, itching under the skin, depression, feeling of emptyness, headaches, dizziness

Lowered my ldl but started having shortness of breath and heart chest pain

MS-related muscle spasms & bipolar

Panic attack, heartbeat racing, dizziness, feeling high, paranoia, dread

Severe depression, anxiety, outburst, severe PMS and cramps, unexplained rash.

This drug has kept me from falling any deeper into depressions. Both times it has rescued me from hospitalizations. However, I do not like having to take two other drugs just so I can continue taking this one without the side effects. Have to take cogentin and inderal both for the jaws and limb jerks. Don't like that.

have been taking for 2 years for iih .i think the side affects of the tablets are worse than the illness itself but it seems to be helping my eyesight