Arthrotec (diclofenac sodium; misoprostol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Arthrotec (diclofenac sodium; misoprostol)

Side Effects forarthrotec (diclofenac sodium; misoprostol) - User Comments


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For me Wellbutrin has been great.

Worst pain and burning sensation EVER. The yeast infection was nothing compared to the pain that monistat caused. I had to rinse the cream out and have been curled up in a ball for the past two hours and have yet to feel any substantial relief .

at first didnt have any, but after about a week or so,started to get dizzy and vision went blurred as well noticed I gained about 4 pounds, I began to get lightheaded and my hands felt numb at times ?

During the the first 2 weeks of taking drug, I had vertigo so bad I had to leave work a few times. Also felt as if I was "drunk" and/or on speed, had trouble staying alert to drive my car. After two weeks though, I felt very calm and clear-headed.

oily skin, bloating, cracked teeth, stomach upset, dizziness, and shortness of breath.

It took a while to kill the bacteria but I actually felt better the first night after taking 1 gram. I went from feeling very sick to getting my appetite back in one day.

Took this drug once or twice and it made me feel horrible. My legs went completely numb, I got up and started sweating like I was going to pass out, then had the chills two mins later. Got extremely nauseous right after I took it. I don't think I'd ever take this again, I'd rather suffer with anxiety.

After about 2 months at 5 mg. with no discernable side effects, blood pressure wasn't decreased enough, so my doctor increased dosage to 10 mg. Shortly thereafter, I had horrible diarrhea and loose stools for 3 weeks, then one recent evening after standing for 6 hours, I developed severe swelling in both legs with a warm, bright red rash. The next day, I had a bowel movement with traces of blood (which my doctor said was unrelated, but I disagree). Doctor decreased dosage back to 5 mg. and the symptoms resolved. I also lost about 4 pounds within a couple of days due to water retention. I've been feeling a bit depressed, but not sure if that's due to the medication. I'm prone to depression/anxiety. I also have to be very careful when working out (I go to gym 3x a week) because after I stop exercising, my blood pressure drops significantly, which causes dizziness. The good news is, today my BP was 126/76, which is excellent for me.

dizzeness, hairloss, legs feel so heavy they burn, scalp itches, memory loss, pain in shoulders, easy brusing, no sleep, numbness in fingertips, tired,

Side effects should be mentioned before being prescribed. This should not be given to anyone, dreadful stuff.