Anaprox (naproxen sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Anaprox (naproxen sodium)

Makes me more tired, somtimes get red dots when I take them. Dosn't even work.

Didn't work at all for my pain.

none, must take with food though!

I have SEVERE cramps, to the point where I would vomit because I was in so much pain. My doc prescribed me this after I told him that I was taking motrin every two hours to control the pain. I only have to take one pill and it works all day! I'm very satisfied.

diarrhea or constipation, tiny red dots all over my body-only noticeable if you look very closely

I start taking 2 pills a day a few days before my period to stop the severe cramps and then continue taking the pills until my 3rd or 4th day on my period. I learned to take the pills w/food, like halfway between a meal I will take a pill and then finish the other half of my meal. I have very tiny red dots, almost like pin pricks all over my arms due to my long-term use (10 years) of this medication. Verified w/doc that the medication is what caused this.

The absolute worse Drug I've taken. Didnt work, bad Headache and Vomiting for 2 hours on 500mg. I should have never listen to the Urgent Care Doctor. Tanks for nothing.

This Drug is Generaly givin to Females for thiere monthly cramps, not a 35yr man with back pain!!!

severe degenerative joint disease

Effective for me in reducing joint swelling in a way no other NSAID has, but I had to discontinue for several months due to stomach pain. Stomach problem was easily cured with licorice tablets.

Anaprox relieves my pain without the grogginess of narcotics, and enhances my mobility. Worth it to me, despite possible stomach upset.

This is the only medication that really helped my cramps. This and Motrin 800mg which leaves me dizzy. I start taking anaprox 2 days before my period is to start, then follow through with a dose each day. It allows me to function and live without the disabling cramps I used to have.

Try to take 6 pills of Black cohosh a day for menstrual pain. I took it for 4 months, and now have no pain. This drug doesn't cure, just hides the problem.

Didn't work at all for me even on the maximum dose

It worked great for unbearably bad menstrual cramps. Before Anaprox, I couldn't leave the house for over a week during my cycle. Unfortunately, it aggravated my colitis, and I had to get off it.

carpal tunnel syndrome & tendonitis

I have been taking 500mg of naproxen sodium for 2 weeks now and I am experiencing ear pain almost like what the begining of an ear infection feels like. The right side of my face is very tender around the ear.

severe headache and stomach pain

I took the prescription-strength naproxyn (500 mg, 2x/day) torelieve inflammation. It didn't work any better than other nsaids.

ANAPROX (NAPROXEN SODIUM): Naproxen is used to relieve pain from various conditions. It also reduces pain, swelling, and joint stiffness caused by arthritis, bursitis, and gout attacks. This medication is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It works by blocking your body's production of certain natural substances that cause inflammation. If you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis, ask your doctor about non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to treat your pain. See also Warning section. Some brands of sustained-release naproxen take longer to be absorbed and are not recommended for pain that needs quick relief (such as during a gout attack). Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you have questions about your particular brand. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Read the side effects I developed C-dif, fainted (which I have never done in my life) bloody diarah,sepsis, in the hospital for three days cannot remember any of it, almost died. DO NOT TAKE THIS POISONOUS DRUG YOU MAY DIE.

I am glad I have found this;however, I hope I do not have to take it for a long time. I want to be my old self without the help of drugs. But for now it is doing the trick.

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The Diamox eventually helped. It took a week with pain medication and medication for naseau for the diamox to start relieving the pressure behind my eyes and down my back. Being through this twice I would recommened a Spinal Tab to relieve the initial pressure then diamox to maintain the pressure.

Bad rash - hives on chest - under breast on day three. Very hard to sleep. Low grade fever 99.6 and sweating which I had before starting drug which did not go away. Took this drug twice before and it worked without notiable side effects (year and half ago & two years before that as I became allergic to penicillin at around age 40. Rash mostly going away after one week but still itchy arms & face. I am a super healthy 67 year old ski - run - swim and look 40. It seems to make you scared and hard to sleep and fever 99.6 and sweating doesn't stop. Drinking tons of water seems to help with horrible rash.

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