Aleve (naproxen sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Aleve (naproxen sodium)

Anxiety, muscle tension from anxiety to the point of exhausting pain, hesitant heartbeats.

On the third day in a row taking Aleve, I boarded a plane for a four hour flight, and about three hours after that pill, had a bad reaction to it at 20,000 ft and two plus hours to go in the air. Truly afraid I was going to have a heart attack or stroke. Pulse went up, skipped beats, severe muscle tension, depression/anxiety. Had to stand in galley and do some deep breathing. Took a Benadryl after landing and felt somewhat better but took about 12 hours to feel somewhat normal. I see others here have posted about cardio effects from this med. I'm sorry about it because it helped a lot with the pain. But not worth risking AFib, heart attack or stroke. I'm allergic to other nsaids, like ibuprofen, Diclofenac and Meloxicam. Running out of options.

No side effects - no effects at all.

This medicine had no noticeable effect on my pain. Actually it had to effect of any kind.

After taking Aleve I went to bed and just as I started to go to sleep I was awaken with EXCESSIVE itching in my palms and between my fingers. It moved to my soles of my feet then to the top of my feet. Then it started to feel like the pill was stuck a few inches down my throat- so I got out of bed and drank several glasses of water and it never moved. I am assuming my throat was irritated as it is when my esophagus is irritated. I put cortizone cream on my hands and feet and it eased itching somewhat but still burning and itching to try he point I cannot go back to sleep. Heartburn is also starting.

I will never take Aleve again. I thought I was going crazy until I read how many other people had the same reactions.I will say the knee joint pain went away lol. But this itching is driving me crazy and nothing seems to be taking it away (three hours after taking the pill)

I took 1 tablet, 220mg, Within an hour my hands and feet started burning and itching, badly. My heart rate is up, 119. I am now taking a Benadryl tablet and hope this helps.

I'm too worried about this reaction to even think about the backpain I had taken this for. Took a Benadryl 15 min ago and it appears to be helping. Not feeling the burning and itching as much. Heart rate is now 97. It's usually around 77. I'm in good health, only take a low dose thyroid tablet. I spent 4 hours in the yard today, raking, moving potted plants ( a ton of them) and transplanting plants. I think I overdid it. Heart rate is now down to 86. Hands and feet feel much better. I think I'm going to live--lol!

My lip had swollen about 10 minutes after taking it. My face and entire body had swollen as I had on a fat suit. My pharmacist told me to take some Benadryl. I am flushing this new bottle of aleve down the drain.

Arthritis pain in knees and feet

Sudden intense itching of my feet and palms of hands .

I have taken 1 capsule in years past without any issues. Tonight, because of my pain, I took 2 right before bed. about 5-10 minutes later, I had uncontrollable itching hit my hands and feet. I have never had any allergies throughout my this!

I took two aleves and I can't stop itching and I get to get up and go to work thanks a lot

Boi.. I took this drug and 1 hour later I thought I was going to die. I was confused, my pupils went to the size of a dot. My partner was mad worried but I survived. The next day I flushed the whole thing down the loo. Took 4 days for me to get back to normal.

I used take 1 without side effects. I took 2 this time for a knee pain. Within 5 minutes my palm started itching like crazy. Wasn't sure how it came about,since I dont have any allergies. I realized it was them 2 aleve. Tossed 1 allergy pill down the hatch and another after 30 -40 min and drank tons of water. Itching subsided to a less than P.O. level. Id take Tylenol next go round with the knee

DO NOT TAKE ALEVE. Advil at this point is a better

Started with only 1 Aleve, still had shoulder joint pain. Increased to 2 Aleve. My blood pressure increased, heart races, headache, nausea and unable to sleep. I felt awful. Stopped immediately.

Will not take again and will warn my friends and family about this.

I had a crown removed from a tooth, preparing for a new crown. The dentist did some extensive grinding on the tooth to prepare it for the new crown. All was good until about midnight that night. I woke up with excruciating tooth pain. I woke up my wife and asked her what we had for pain, because the pain was so intense I could not sleep. She had bought some Aleve from Walmart that week so I gave it a try. About a half an hour after taking the Aleve tablet, the pain completely stopped and I slept comfortably the rest of the night. Advil upsets my stomach but this did not. I felt some twinges of pain from the tooth the next morning while I was at work, so I took another Aleve and the pain subsided before it got worst. Didn't have any more tooth pain for 3 more days, but when I did I took another Aleve and it helped greatly.

My back hurts from carrying the baby all the time. I just popped 2 pills and within about 15 min my hands began to itch horribly. Another few min and my feet are just as bad! It's driving me NUTS and to top that off- my back still hurts!!!!!

I was getting ready to start work as a package delivery person and popped an aleve. After about 6 or 7 deliveries I got this ridiculously intense itch on my scalp. Then it moved to my arms. Then my chin. My shins etc. I got hives all over. Shaky. Hot. Ran to the closest grocery store for benadryl and slept for at least 24 hours. Woke up and I still feel miserable.

Just wondering if I should have gone to the emergency room. Or if I still should go.

After an hour of taking Aleve, I started itching. 6 hours later and I have broke out in hives on my neck, face and chest with the itching intensified. Never will I take this again!

5-10 mins after taking 2 tablets my palms than soles of my feet were itching non stop. small bumps starting appearing on my body. Within 20 mins entire body was itchy from top of head to bottom of feet.

Will never take again. I don't understand why this happened, I have taken alleve before with no side effects whatsoever.

I started itching under my toes and palms of my hands. That spread to my back and head. I itched like crazy for an hour. My skin turned red. I had to lay down and felt like I couldn't get up. Thankfully no breathing problems so didn't go to ER. I didn't take any Benadryl because I felt like the Aleve was knocking me out so I was afraid to.

I only took 1 pill so it cleared out quickly. I have taken Aleve before without any issues. I would be afraid to ever take it again.

About 5 years ago I would randomly get a swollen pallet, lips and tongue. The swelling would then turn into blisters which would open after about 24-48 hours and become excruciatingly painful. Tried numerous remedies and went to the doctor and was given Valtrex which didn't do anything. I noticed that the last 2 times the outbreak happened I had taken Aleve. I stayed away from it for 2 years and didn't have another breakout. I accidentally grabbed a generic brand of Aleve from the store thinking it was advil, took 3 pills for a headache. Within 20 mins my lips started tingling which was always the 1st sign of the breakout. I checked the bottle I had bought and low and behold I had accidentally grabbed the generic brand of Aleve. Fml. After numerous dr visits and painful outbreaks I was finally certain that Aleve had been causing me all this pain. I am not sure of this is a side effect of the medication or itlf it's an allergy, I am certain though that I will never take Aleve again.

I had a serious side effect. 20 minutes after taking Aleve I felt my eyes feeling strange. I was at work. I made it to medical and they called an ambulance. I was in the emergency room 3.5 hours. My body looked like it had been scalded.oxygen wasn't getting to my heart. Never again. 4 days later I have terrible anxiety.

I had crazy itching on the bottom of my feet and the palms of my hands within 5 minutes of taking aleve! It was awful. Never again.

5 minutes after taking aleve my lips started tingling, and began showing signs of allergic reaction. Skin is extremely itchy and hives appeared after a few hours. Lips swell and sores form in mouth.

This has happened twice now, and until the second time, I didn't know it was the Aleve.

ALEVE (NAPROXEN SODIUM): Naproxen is used to relieve pain from various conditions. It also reduces pain, swelling, and joint stiffness caused by arthritis, bursitis, and gout attacks. This medication is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It works by blocking your body's production of certain natural substances that cause inflammation. If you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis, ask your doctor about non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to treat your pain. See also Warning section. Some brands of sustained-release naproxen take longer to be absorbed and are not recommended for pain that needs quick relief (such as during a gout attack). Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you have questions about your particular brand. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I have been taking these pills for ten days now and it has been the worst 10 days of my life. I hate everyone, I am angry, I lash at out work and that is NOT like me at all. I am a very happy person but since I have been on these pills I have felt like a completely different person. I have headaches too. The only thing good abut them is my appetite seems to be decreasing but other than that I can't stand how I feel. I am seriously thinking about stopping them mid cycle and enduring the consequences.

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After the first dose, mild discomfort in back and upper back burned. Symptoms only lasted a few minutes. After the third dose, I felt like I was in labor and the pelvic bones were pulling apart. Walking sounds would confuse some with popping pop corn. Several large lumps above right knee that are itchy and painful, and the worse is burning in the rectum. I am due for my fourth monthly dose in two days. I see my Dr. in a week and will decide at that time if I will continue to take Actonel.

originally treated with cefzil which took away my fever and got me out of bed but didn't help my cough which was really the worst part of it all. biaxin seems to be working as the cough is getting less severe but the side effects are definately unpleasant.

Would monitor carefully if you have a young child.

Anti-anxiety & helped with nausea

I became someone else over the three days a huge, college/learning hospital gave it to me I knew I didn't care for the way it made me feel within minutes of getting it, but that was a small price to pay to stop vomitkng by day two I wasn't sleeping, very nervous, not thinking clearly all the time, etc. no one ever put it together. By the third day I had convinced myself I was loosing it. I had social anxiety symptoms, the feeling I needed to get out of the room I was in and then just keep "escaping" is the best way I can describe it. I couldn't function because I was so agitated, insisting on leaving (which I finally did by that evening)....just a bunch of different symptoms that were not easy to deal with. They finally gave me some Benadryl and then some Ativan to calm me down. I was being treated as though I was just a random crazy lady who was just f.ed up. They had psychiatry come talk to me (3 different drs at three different times) who all said there's nothing wrong with your mental status at all....the medical team just needs something to blame your symptoms on and this time this won't work for them. I left AMA that evening & went to a different hospital for the rest of my inpatiet time. Once the compozine had been flushed from my system I was back to normal. I seriously would have slept on a bench in a park in a bad neighborhood next to a crazy homeless guy than to stay there one more second. My mind was on overdrive and rational thinking was non existe

no weight gain, possible dry eyes