Aleve cold and sinus (naproxen sodium; pseudoephedrine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Aleve cold and sinus (naproxen sodium; pseudoephedrine hydrochloride)

The medication helped to alleviate my sinus infection symptoms. It provided nasal congestion and pain relief so I could sleep/rest.

We been taking aleve for years and my husband and I have to side affect but he came home with the new Gel tablets instead of the blue pills and they do not relieve any pain for him or me...We noticed this after 2 times of taking aleve... I never had a problem with the blue aleve pills...Today my husband increased the dose of aleve because the first one did not help and the side of his face near the ear swelled..I called aleve and reported the problem of this new gel pill of aleve not working on the pain and the allergic reaction my husband had... I had to give the lot number and 1/2 hr of info on the phone....

within 15 minutes my hands were itching and felt like they were on fire. Then 12 hours later I took again and it was worse. I ended up taking Benadryl to relieve the pain & itch.

I had never taken aleve before this day.I took 2 pills every 12 hours for 36 hours per Doctors orders. After I took aleve the third time the Pharmasist was the one that told me it was probably aleve as he has seen this many times.

I was not sure what was causing alleric reaction. First time my lips swell up so large that my lips broke open, itching hands and hives. 2nd time was extreme swelling hands to the point of my fingers turning blue, ended up in Emergency Room. THe 3rd time was early in the morning and within 30 minutes after taking ALEVE I got extreme itchy hands and felt faint. Seconds later I was completely unable to stand and was almost completely unconscious. I couldn't move and just felt like I was going to die. MY wife had to call 911 and took the big ride in the ambulance. About 2 hrs later at the ER and with drugs put in my veins I started feeling better. I finally knew what had been causing my reactions. Since stopping ALEVE I have not had reactions and feel much better.

This drug is dangerous and should be taken under extreme care!!!

I had pounding heart, sweating and extreme weakness within an hour of taking one Aleve tablet. I did not attribute it to Aleve until I repeated the one Aleve another day. The same thing happened and I did not take it again for a few days then I took one Aleve while I was feeling good except for the pain. The side effects returned and I will not take it ever again. I take meds for high bloodpressure and also a water pill. No more Aleve.

Side Effects foraleve cold and sinus (naproxen sodium; pseudoephedrine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Horrible bloating, severe abdominal cramping ( uterine & stomache), excess gassiness, exhaustion, acne, anxiety,depression, dry vagina ( never problem before, when there is discharge, it is like glue),tender breasts, moodiness, increased appetite.

I take mid-meal to prevent stomach problems, and have to force myself not to eat candy in the middle of the night. That said, this drug changed my life from small things like fewer vaginal yeast infections and less gum swelling, to relief from severe joint pain and chronic fatigue and frequent sore throats and other opportunistic illnesses. Some quirks: no longer get red splotches on my cheeks and chest when I'm hot, cold, or nervous, and an unexplained redness and mild pain in my fingertips, gum tissue, and labia that would come and go before Nystatin has not happened since I started taking this. Honestly, it CHANGED MY LIFE and with a few diet changes to lower simple carb intake, it 'cured' what had been alternately been called chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression, or EpsteinBarre syndrome by previous doctors for over 15 years.

Don't do it!!! It may be an easier method but it can leave you damaged. I took Depo and other than weight gain and moodiness was fine. Then i decided to stop it for the unhealthy weight gain. A year later my thyroid became inflammed, keep in mind there are no family history of thyroid issues. So i got that under control. Then, a year later and to this day i am stricken with anxiety, slight depression, not able to keep weight, severe mood swings, severe fatigue and worst of all i can't stand long enough to even cook. One doctor told me that the depo could have caused alot of problems. I say it's was too strong for our bodies, u may feel fine now but coming off is where u learn what it's damaged. So take warning i've spent thousands of dollars on doctors and no explaination, i can't even work, so cherish your bodies and do the best thing for you.

Weight loss,abdominal pain, excessive sweating for 5mths, rages,mood swings recently,jaw clenching,nightmares past 2wks

My doctor wanted me to take this medication 3 times a day. I felt uneasy about taking this medication as it is prescribed for Parkinsons, so I only took 1 at bedtime. I've missed time from work due to diarrhea. I can't imagine what shape I would be in if I took 3 a day. I have a appointment with my doctor today..I am demanding that he take me off of this crap. The side effects are far worse than the RLS.

When I took my first pill, I had immediate relief from knee pain that had kept me from sleeping well for over three months. It is a very good pain medicine for me.

I cannot believe some of the comments about this. I am convinced they are made up.

I have experienced increased MOOD SWINGS as in crying for no reason, becoming more DEPRESSED than usual, and alsoSNAPPING AT PEOPLE and everything AGGITATES/AGGRAVATES me. i already have a past with emotional issues and Depo-Provera just increased and highly intensified them. I also have frequent HOT FLASHES, and more HEADACHES than usual.Other than these side effects i am very pleased. i would recommend this because its convenient(for me) and it gets the job done. stops my period and protects me from becoming pregnant. I have been with the same man for years now and we never worn a condom(kind of stressful and nerve-wracking), but with Depo i am less stressed and he has come in me before and i haven't become pregnant!:)

It has helped the tingland numbness in my hands. But I will still have it if I clap or use my hands for too long. But it has helped me more than if I wasn't taking it.

My blood pressure has been raised for no reason. It was generally controlled by medication but I noticed that the diastolic went up from about 79-82 to a high of 88-89. I stopped prevacid and it the readings went down to normal. My doctor told me to stop taking it, but if the acid reflux symptoms return, take the drug for a few days again, and then stop again.