Advil (ibuprofen) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Advil (ibuprofen)

Severe nausea, dry heaving all night. Severe mind blowing pain in my intestines.

I stopped taking it for several years after developing severe pain in my intestines. This time I had nothing else for a headache a took 200 ml liquid gel. Several hours later I had severe nausea, dry heaving, excessive salvation that lasted all night and following day. That happens each time I take it.

slight stomach irritation but not bad

headache forgotten within an hour

Bloating, water retention, insomnia, and nervousness. Took it every 27 days.

It took just over a month of not taking Advil for those side effects to go away.

My go-to for pain relief. Ibuprofin works better for me than other nsaids; usually one dose is all I need.

My stomach bloated to the point that I had to take off pants. A crushing chest pain started as well.The medicine affected me so negatively, I will never reach for it again.

I used Advil regularly in my 20's. In my 30's was when I started to have reactions to it. Even low doses.

Facial swollen,hard to breath.. Its like something inside my nose and troat are trapping the air I am supposed to exhale. Cant sleep. Advil is good but never would take it every 4 hrs.. I realized its too much.. I hope i could get better soon. Im scared now.

Dont take it every 4 hrs. Im so stupid.. Grrrr because i did.

I have always loved Advil. Did not know it caused constipation. I never get constipated. This caused a terrible constipation with hard stool, and now I have anal fissure. So sorry I took this.

back pain and advil pm for sleep

First, I took Advil for back pain due to my gardening work. The Advil took effect almost immediately. I took two a day for about a week. Then I got Advil PM for sleep since I was running low on my marijuana brownies which is good for sleep. I now have hallucinations, no sleep, restlessness, depression, and am going to throw the bottle of Advil into the garbage which is where this medication belongs in the first place. I am going to go make a new batch of funny brownies.

The instructions for taking this poison is not readable on the bottle. The company should be fined severely by the FDA.

I used to take this for severe period pain. It worked for the first few years but after a while it stopped working. I decided not to take it for period pains anymore, and at first it felt awful having no pain killers, but now I no longer have period cramps, after 10 years of having severe cramps.So it will first, but then it just stopped having it's effectiveness. Quitting it made me no longer get pain for periods. The bad news is you have to quit for at least 8 months before the pain starts to go away but once it's gone, it's gone.I don't reccommend taking this long term as it can cause stomach pain and ulcers. It also masks the real problem. Only take it if you literally have to like if you have a fever, but try ice for pain, otherwise advil will just stop working eventually.I used to take 800mg for 2 days for my period pain, sometimes more, and that is just way too much, because it had barely any effect.

I used to take Advil all the time with no problems -- this issue began VERY suddenly and severely. Every time I take this drug now, within the hour, my nose will start POURING uncontrollably like water -- both in consistency and color, which signals to me an allergic reaction. (The immune system will do whatever it feels necessary to flush an allergen.) It was to such excess that I could feel fluid pressing against my eardrums, coming up into my eyes, causing extreme amounts of pressure inside my head in all directions to the point where I honestly questioned if my sinuses were going to burst. I went through an entire new box of tissues from this in one sitting. This would all be bad enough, but it additionally made my heart race to an insane degree...and I have heart issues to begin with. I count myself lucky that it didn't trigger a heart attack or anything. I assume my blood pressure was skyhigh as well, as I could hear my pulse in my ears. All the excess fluid draining down the bac

I hate that I can't take Advil anymore -- I used to take it as my go-to drug for pain, fevers, you name it. And it was often the ONLY thing that adequately helped.

Drowsiness, probably due to blood loss and muscle relaxation.

Advil is the only pain medicine that has ever helped fully relieve my menstrual cramps. I have gotten to the point where I have to take more than the allotted dosage, but it always works unlike anything else. Believe me when I say I have tried everything else.

Throat pain, minor stomach upset, itchiness ITCHY

I took the advil because I get bad headaches sometimes. after taking 2, I got itchy. I get itchy from other meds, so I knew this was a sensitivity/reaction/allergy. Too bad. It did help with the headache. But I don't need itchiness. I get enough of that regularly.

Immediate facial swelling. Eyes, lips and cheeks. Constructed airway with very difficult breathing. Scalp itch.

Hives on neck,head,lip swelled up, ears swelled. Itching.

I will only use once in a blue moon. As long as I don't use for more than 1 day I'm okay. This has happened before. Now I know it's definitely the Advil.

Best pain reliever on earth. Works perfectly on everything from pms to toothaches. Take with a little food or a lot of water to avoid bellyache.

This is about the film-coated Advil. They cause discomfort in the esophagus. The packages for these and good old regular (coated) Advil are not that much different (visually). But these pills cost more! So beware.

No side effects from tablets. Take with food and a full glass of water.

Stay away from liquid Advil. It's more likely to irritate your stomach.

ADVIL (IBUPROFEN): Ibuprofen is used to relieve pain from various conditions such as headache, dental pain, menstrual cramps, muscle aches, or arthritis. It is also used to reduce fever and to relieve minor aches and pain due to the common cold or flu. Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It works by blocking your body's production of certain natural substances that cause inflammation. This effect helps to decrease swelling, pain, or fever. If you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis, ask your doctor about non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to treat your pain. See also Warning section. Check the ingredients on the label even if you have used the product before. The manufacturer may have changed the ingredients. Also, products with similar names may contain different ingredients meant for different purposes. Taking the wrong product could harm you. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I was put on this drug after being diagnosed with endometriosis. During my first pack I began cramping during week 8 which continued through week 13. I began spotting and then then had a 4 week period beginning week 9. I kept taking the pill because I knew it would take some time for my body to adjust to having a period once every three months. During my first month on this drug I gained 15 pounds. The first 3 weeks of my second pack went well, but at the start of my 4th week I started cramping and spotting with no relief from otc pain relievers. I talked to my doctor and I'm switching to something stronger. It's too bad this drug didn't work for me. I feel bad rating it at a 2 because I don't think it's a bad drug, it just didn't work for me. I've tried 3 different kinds of bc and am on to my 4th, I just have to find the right fit for me.

marked paresthesias (tingling) in hands and feet

I switched to this from Imuran, which didn't seem to be doing much. Since I've been on this I haven't noticed improvement except in my anemia. Inflammation markers have gone higher. With the skin issues, my doc has told me to stop taking it to see if it improves.

Its giving me stomach cramps like a mofo. I think the last guy is right in saying the manufacturers will have us believe the side effects are minimal. The guides say 'may cause stomach upset'. First of all its not a MAY, its a WILL and secondly its not UPSET, its YOU'LL FEEL LIKE YOU SWALLOWED 30 SHARP KNIVES.

My mood swings have improved since switching to Microgestin 1/20 from Yaz. But I'm in my second month and never got my period AT ALL last month.